After a while, the two chatted for a while, and Lin Qing suddenly asked: "I heard that there is a small black building in the Lin Mansion. What is it used for?"

The slanted-eyed old man looked around and saw that there was no one around, then he whispered: "Hush, Taoist Lin, please take it easy, this is not allowed. My young lady is weak, and that is the place where my master built a blessing for her to ask for the blessings of the gods and Buddhas in the heavens."

Lin Qing frowned, "Oh? I would like to see this. It is also my specialty, and it is just right to ask for a blessing for the young lady."

The slanted-eyed old man said: "Then Taoist Lin is thoughtful. Since that's the case, I will take you to have a look. But it's agreed that the master only allows us to enter the first floor on weekdays. The stairs are sealed above, and we are not allowed to go in."

Lin Qing was happy: "Of course."


Following him, Lin Qing soon came to the deepest part of the Lin Mansion.

The fog here became thicker. If it weren't for the red lantern in the slanted-eyed old man's hand, she might really not be able to find this place.

Even Qi Sheng might not remember the way.

"Hey, Master Lin, this is it."

The old man with slanted eyes finally stopped and pointed to the completely dark door in front of him and said, "This is it. There are enough incense here. Master Lin sent three incense sticks, which is thoughtful."

Lin Qing nodded: "Okay."

As soon as she entered the door, the cold air was even more intense and gloomy.

She took three incense sticks from the table, lit them, and inserted them into the incense burner after praying.

She saw a portrait of a woman hanging on the wall.

The person's clothes and appearance were exactly the same as the clay sculpture of Miss Lin that she saw on the second floor today.

"There are no gods and Buddhas, only a human figure. What kind of logic is this."

Lin Qing muttered in her heart.

At this time, the old man with slanted eyes began to urge her: "Master Lin, hurry up. If you are seen by others later, you can't explain it."

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Lin Qing glanced around and saw the stairs hidden in the corner, and she felt relieved.

Soon, after going out, Lin Qing used an excuse to separate from the old man with slanted eyes.

She used the scales of a chameleon to sneak back.

The three incense sticks were still burning, but the temperature on the ground floor was still very low.

Lin Qing held the peach wood sword tightly and walked towards the stairs in the corner.

Although her steps were very slow, the wooden stairs still made a creaking sound.

Fortunately, there was no one else now, otherwise even if she hid her figure, she would be easily caught.

Going up to the second floor, there was indeed nothing here, only the corner stairs in the corner.

This was similar to what Qi Sheng said.

Lin Qing turned around and found that there was indeed no secret door or secret room, so she started to go up to the third floor.

The third floor was still empty like the fourth floor.

"It's strange, how could there be nothing here?"

Lin Qing wondered in his heart.

The fourth floor seemed to be the top floor, and there was no staircase going up.

Even the monster mentioned by the system did not appear.

Lin Qing thought about the process of coming in carefully, and finally thought that the painting on the first floor was a little strange.

He came to the first floor again and lifted the painting on the offering table.

This time, Lin Qing finally found the mechanism.

A square hole was made in the back, and a black Buddha was placed.

Lin Qing reached out to take it, but she couldn't take it. She turned it again, and there were signs of movement.

This time, she twisted the Buddha to a position where it couldn't turn, and she heard a rumbling sound from the roof.

"There is a mechanism."

Lin Qing thought about it and went back to the fourth floor again.

This time, she saw a black iron door at the end of the fourth floor.

Lin Qing tried to pull the black ring of the iron door and opened the door easily.

As soon as she stepped in here, Lin Qing instantly felt that the ground here was no longer a wooden board, but a hard rock.

"Could it be that the purpose of building the fourth floor is to connect to the nearby mountain? But there are no mountains near the Lin Mansion."

Lin Qing was a little confused, but it didn't stop her from moving forward.

In the darkness, with the help of vision, the walking speed was very slow.

After walking in the dark for about 10 minutes, Lin Qing saw a glimmer of light.

This time, she saw a naturally formed cave in the mountain, which was spacious and open.

Torches were burning on the rock wall, and there were thousands of candles.

These light sources, with the help of the bronze mirror on the top of the cave, illuminated everything in the cave.

But what shocked Lin Qing even more was that she saw two huge pools and a huge coffin in the middle of the pool.

It was painted with gold and black lacquer, and the yin energy was heavy. It was a great evil at first glance.

It posed a heavier threat to her than the water ghost at the bottom of the well.

At this moment, the two black pools next to the coffin suddenly moved.

The sound of water was gurgling, and something at the bottom of the water felt the arrival of the outsider, roared, waved its black hair claws, and stood up from the bottom of the water.

Those were two black-haired zongzi. I don’t know if they have been fed for a long time, and they carry a strong evil spirit.

If you are bitten, you will definitely die.

I don’t know if zombies and zombies are the same group. If she is bitten, can the serum save her?

It feels very uncertain.

The two Zongzi smelled the human breath and came to the door of the passage.

However, because Lin Qing was wearing a water ghost coat, they seemed to be unable to detect her breath, but followed the way she came and continued to walk towards the small building.


Lin Qing's heart almost rose to her throat. After seeing them leave, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the two Zongzi are just watchdogs. They are not conscious and should not come back for the time being.

At this time, Lin Qing finally turned his eyes to the golden nanmu coffin.

It is at least three meters long and two meters wide. I don't know what is inside. It looks very heavy.

It seems that the key props for the clearance task mentioned by the system are inside.

Lin Qing took a deep breath. It was the first time to do such a thing. She was still a little nervous.

Fortunately, this coffin was not as heavy as she imagined, or in other words, in order to easily open the coffin, the people here set up a special mechanism.

Lin Qing easily pushed half of it open.

The things inside, in addition to two bronze treasure chests soaked in water, there is also a corpse in a crystal coffin.

However, this corpse should not be called a corpse, but a body part.

"He" was like a piece of parts of some people. Eyes, ears, hair, neck, hands and feet, all parts of the body were displayed in the coffin in the well, and then sewn up with thin red thread.

Seeing this, Lin Qing swallowed subconsciously.

She thought, she probably understood where the missing player was taken.

This weird Lin Mansion seemed to have an explanation.

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