Realizing this possibility, Lin Qing's face instantly turned ugly.

This means that the danger level of the dormitory building has been upgraded, and the danger of exploring dormitory rooms has also been greatly increased.

For players, this is really not good.

She was indeed right.

Before walking to the stairwell, Lin Qing encountered three waves of parasitic monster attacks.

The speed of this batch was much faster than before. Fortunately, she had quick eyesight and quick hands. When these monsters rushed towards them, the AK in her hand swept over them and shattered to pieces.

About half a minute later, Lin Qing met Chen Jun, who was fully armed in the stairwell.

She covered the lower half of her face with a piece of black cloth, covering her mouth and nose, with sharp eyebrows.

At this time, he was leaning against the window, wiping the blood that had not dried on the blade of the knife.

There are also protective gears on vulnerable parts such as her arms and neck. It seems that after yesterday's experience, she has also upgraded her defense.

After all, one more layer of protection is equivalent to one more layer of security.

Therefore, in addition to wearing yesterday's tactical clothing and equipment, Lin Qing also put on an extra protective vest.

Sensing Lin Qing's arrival, Chen Jun put away the black knife in his hand and nodded to her.

Neither of them likes to talk nonsense. After understanding what they meant, they immediately set off to go downstairs to investigate.

Since the survival system has released a mission, it means that the ultimate boss is on the first floor, and the environment on the first floor is even more unpredictable.

So when Lin Qing went downstairs, she habitually used the color-changing scales and entered the stealth mode.

Chen Jun also used a similar ability and lurked into the shadows.

What appeared in front of them now was an iron gate on the stairway.

The handle of the fence door was locked with a circle of iron chains. The lock cylinder was so small that I didn't know how the dormitory administrator opened it.

At this time, Chen Jun got a thin wire from nowhere, got into the keyhole and rattled it for a while.

With a crisp click, the chain lock was opened.

This series of smooth and smooth movements can't help but impress people.

Lin Qing is quite satisfied with this partner.

"Okay, let's keep going."

Chen Jun untied all the chains wrapped around the door, put it into his space backpack, and then gave Lin Qing a sign to continue moving forward.

Lin Qing nodded and followed her actions.

To their surprise, the first floor was not as they thought. Like other floors, the view was dim and there were various traces of fighting monsters.

The walls on the first floor are very smooth and smooth, and the floor is covered with white tiles. It looks like someone is cleaning it all the time.

However, there is still a foggy scene outside the window, and the outside scene cannot be seen.

Neither of them spoke, but they could see the confusion in each other's eyes.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and continued to turn the corner and walk toward the exit of the lobby on the first floor.

This time, Lin Qing saw the boss who appeared at night in the dormitory administrator's duty room.

At this time, it was lying on the bed, lying on its back and sleeping soundly, making bursts of snoring.

However, Lin Qing did not see the player who was taken away by it.

The man has never come back since he was dragged away by it. It is very likely that he was killed.

Just when Lin Qing wanted to take a closer look, he suddenly received a signal from Chen Jun.

Chen Jun sneaked into the cleaning room opposite the corridor, which usually had some debris piled up.

Lin Qing also followed and saw Chen Jun standing at the door.

Chen Jun shook his head at her and pointed to a corner of the debris pile.

Lin Qing's eyelids twitched when she saw the man in the corner.

Lying there was suddenly the player who was dragged away by the dormitory administrator last night.

At this time, he looked like he was asleep, curled up in the corner, with the corners of his mouth moving slightly as he took long breaths from his trachea.

Lin Qing remembered that this person had been grayed out and could not still be alive.

That's the only other possibility.

The parasitic monster has taken over him.

"This person has a problem, retreat first."

Just as Lin Qing was about to remind Chen Jun, she didn't expect that the boy who had his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, revealing eyes as black as grapes.

He stood up gently, ignoring the surprised looks on their faces, and ran to the balcony outside, disappearing into the gray mist.

A cold wind carried thick gray mist and drifted into the room from the balcony.

If the two of them were not covered by masks, they would smell a strong and fishy smell, which would make people sick.

The strangeness on the first floor was beyond their expectations.

However, the two walked around the first floor and saw no trace of the parasitic mother.

Is it possible that the first floor does not refer to their building?

Just when Lin Qing was a little suspicious, he suddenly heard a gentle braking sound outside.

Immediately, there was a brisk sound of high heels hitting the ground, and with a crash, the chain door of the dormitory building opened.

Hearing the sound, the dormitory administrator who was sleeping on the bed immediately flew up and sat up. His huge body made the flesh on his body and the nearby wall tremble anxiously.

"Who, who is it? Who dares to break into the dormitory!"

Its face was filled with anger, and it looked like it had been awake and had a dream that was disturbed.

However, as the mist outside the door dissipated, a pair of seemingly thin and slender hands pushed open the two heavy glass doors.

A bright and dazzling woman wearing a pair of golden glasses stood at the door in the mist, the mist pouring like flowing water brushing her hair.

The woman's bright red lips slowly curled up, and after taking off her gold-rimmed glasses, she rubbed her brows with her thumb and index finger.

"Xiao Hong, don't you even recognize me?"

When she saw this face, the dormitory manager, who was originally in a irritable state, immediately changed his face, full of flattery, and wanted to drag his fat body to hug, "Hey, hey, it turns out to be Teacher Ye, you are back from the meeting, did you have any special instructions this time?"

"The superiors praised you for completing the task well. As for the details, I will tell you later, so I won't talk about it now."

"After all, I have been on a business trip for such a long time, I have to rest."

The woman said with a smile, and stretched her hands dragging the suitcase.

"Okay, Teacher Ye, you rest first, I will definitely keep an eye on the gate of this building for you."

The dormitory manager said with a smile, and sent Teacher Ye away with a smile.

Everything seemed to be just an ordinary conversation.

But in the eyes of Lin Qing and Chen Jun, this was obviously a problem.

The dormitory administrator looked inhuman. Normal people would have been frightened by him long ago. How could they chat with him in a friendly manner?

There were only these two people on the first floor. They were most likely the target of the mission.

At this time, Lin Qing and Chen Jun were standing outside the dormitory of Mr. Ye. They had checked here just now and found nothing wrong.

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