"What's going on? The system mission says that the parasitic mother body is on the first floor, so how can it be a fake shell?"

Chen Jun's face was full of confusion, not because he doubted Lin Qing, but because they were all on the first floor now, and they hadn't even seen the shadow of the parasitic mother.

Although Lin Qing's current position has been exposed to other players, it is not.

But there are so many dormitory rooms on the first floor, and the dormitory they are currently in is relatively safe for the time being. Moreover, there are various parasitic monsters wandering in various pipes in the corridors, as well as dormitory administrators.

Presumably, even if they use various means, it will still take a while.

Now the question is, where is the parasitic mother?

Lin Qing looked at the dormitory room on the first floor. It seemed to be a collective student dormitory, with almost the same layout as the rooms upstairs.

Even the wiring ducts are similar.

A trace of a clue flashed in her mind.

At this moment, Lin Qing heard the sound of the prompt system again,

"Ding, after the system's detection, the parasitic mother is close to the horizon, far in front of you, and near the host. However, the completion of task two is more difficult. It is recommended that the host focus on safety, and the player's room can protect the host's safety."

Lin Qing was stunned for a moment, a little shocked by what the prompt system said.

Unexpectedly, even the prompt system advised her to focus on safety. It seemed that task two was not as easy to complete as in the previous world.

So where is the parasitic mother?

In this case, should she give up the task and go back to the room directly.

Lin Qing hesitated.

At this moment, Chen Jun suddenly called her: "Lin Qing, I heard the sound of fighting outside. Are other players already here?"


Lin Qing regained consciousness, listened carefully for a while, and indeed heard the sound of gun fighting.

She nodded, "It should be them."

Chen Jun looked solemn, "Then when we go out now, we will confront them. But since they are here for the reward of the hidden mission, they must be just to explore the truth and will not attack us."

However, this time Lin Qing stared blankly at the wall and did not answer her.

"Lin Qing?"

Chen Jun called her again, took a step back, and looked at her back cautiously with his weapon in hand.

Although Lin Qing has complete protection, it would be bad if he is infected by a parasite.

But this time, Lin Qing replied to her and said slowly: "Chen Jun, tell me, what is in front of us now?"

After hearing Lin Qing speak normally, Chen Jun breathed a sigh of relief and put down his weapon.

However, Lin Qing seemed distracted now. She replied casually: "Isn't what we have in front of us just a wall of the dormitory? No, there is a sink and bathroom next to it."

"Wait, you mean?"

Chen Jun noticed something and opened his mouth slightly to look at her. He felt that Lin Qing's idea was too bold and scary.

Lin Qing turned around and told her about "Teacher Ye", "The parasitic mother claimed to be Teacher Ye, and claimed to be a member of the life clan. She regarded the two male and female dormitory buildings as a nest for raising monsters. Those who lived in the pipes during the day, The monsters she hunts at night are her children.”

"So, why is the original body of the mother body not this dormitory building?"

Chen Jun was a little in disbelief.

On the contrary, Lin Qing became much calmer.

She took out her AK, faced the wall, and emptied the magazine.

A huge pit suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

Seeing the scene inside, Chen Jun's expression changed instantly.

Dense, spider-like black threads, soft tentacles and leech-like squirming creatures, spiraling around the wall, pulsing slowly like blood vessels.

Because of Lin Qing's shooting, many black threads inside were damaged, but they quickly squirmed and returned to their original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, a voice that originally belonged to "Teacher Ye" seemed to come from the wall, "Haha, I didn't expect that the two students' inference abilities are indeed strong, but there is no prize for guessing correctly!"

"Then from now on, you can't stop running."

"Ah hahahaha, the teacher will definitely catch you!"

Before he finished speaking, the things inside wanted to crawl out of the wall.

Upon seeing this, Lin Qing took out his freezing gun and fired three bullets into the big hole.

The ability of the freezing gun is indeed powerful, and it quickly freezes the big hole into a blue ice wall.

Chen Jun originally looked alert, but now he showed a hint of weirdness.

Lin Qing took a deep breath and shouted, "Go back to the dormitory quickly!"

She ignored the parasitic monsters outside and the dormitory administrator in the corridor, and ran out.

Chen Jun also followed immediately.

The second the two people left the place, the originally intact wall suddenly exploded. The wall of flesh entangled by the monster suddenly bulged and squeezed toward the inside, breaking into rubble all over the ground.

Hearing the sound of collapse behind them, the two of them ran outside without thinking.

Facing the swarm of black silk monsters coming like a tide, Lin Qing didn't care about leaving any backup options. He used the speed to fly low and glide forward, and threw the bombs in his space backpack directly forward.

Use the freezing gun and the flame gun indirectly alternately to maintain the stability of the walls on both sides, and to deal with possible traps above your head and under your feet.

Chen Jun followed closely with his weird movement skills. Two long black knives ignited golden red flames, and while Lin Qing switched props, she wiped out the monsters in front of her.

Although in a difficult situation, Lin Qing had to admit that she had chosen a very awesome teammate.

"Be careful!"

At this moment, the two had already arrived at the dormitory hall and the dormitory administrator's duty room.

Unexpectedly, the dormitory administrator seemed to have predicted it and jumped out from the nearby open space.

Its two giant hands were in an attacking state, and it stood in front of it fearlessly.

This time, Lin Qing did not hesitate and biu~biu~ twice at it, firing two freezing shells.

Soon, the ice quickly condensed on it and soon froze it into an ice sculpture.

Lin Qing kicked it, and the ice fell heavily to the ground, breaking many monsters behind it and revealing the passage leading to the stairwell behind it--

She saw two familiar faces, Zhong Chi and Liao Han were also surrounded by monsters.

Zhong Chi's bomb bubbles spit out from his mouth, clearing the area above, and Liao Han swung his huge hammer and smashed it to the ground with gravity, and soon the parasitic monsters were read into a pool of meat paste.

This force is indeed powerful.

But the monsters seem to be endless, not to mention that the walls of the entire dormitory building are shaking. Even if the two are brave, it is extremely difficult to escape.

Seeing Lin Qing and Chen Jun, Zhong Chi could no longer remain calm and asked anxiously: "What are you two doing? Why did so many parasitic monsters suddenly appear?"

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