In addition to these three items, there is also a C-level armor item, which will be damaged if attacked, and is far inferior to the protective vest in Lin Qing's hand.

A snowfall wand that is said to be enchanted in the introduction, but the level is only D-level, which can only make snowfall within a certain range, which is a bit useless.

But on second thought, it can be used as a cosplay item, which is quite good for fooling people.

Maybe it can produce a good effect with the freezing gun.

However, in this world, the supply energy block of the freezing gun has been completely consumed.

Lin Qing felt regretful.

Fortunately, she opened a new supply energy block for the freezing gun and the energy block of the flaming silver gun in the copper treasure chest.

This is really great news.

After all, Lin Qing used these two weapons quite well, and such unconventional items are not easy to open.

Her luck seems to be really good.

The items in the copper treasure chest are basically B-level and A-level, and even the number of items has been significantly improved compared to the black stone treasure chest.

These items look extremely attractive.

She couldn't help but sigh: "It's really worthy of being a copper treasure chest. It would be nice if there were more."

Unfortunately, the level of her current room is too low, and the items captured by the treasure chest catcher can only be estimated to be maintained at 60%-70%, and it seems that some have been lost.

But now there are not a few, she is very satisfied.

Some of these items can also replace the current items in her hand.

For example, this one is called the Space Cube, which is an A-level item and can be used for escape. It can temporarily replace the pitfall teleportation badge.

[Name: Space Cube]

[Level: A-level]

[Number of uses: three times]

[Function: Space Cube, when the player is in danger, the cube can be rotated and the player will be teleported to any safe location. 】

【Note: The Space Cube is a posthumous work of a mysterious master. Due to damage, it has temporarily fallen from S-level to A-level. The lack of space energy has resulted in a slightly limited number of uses. 】

Although the number of uses is limited, it is at least safe.

It is many times better than the unreliable teleportation position of the teleportation badge.

However, the number of uses of the teleportation badge is unlimited, and the space replacement has limited uses after all. Lin Qing is still quite regretful.

However, this item was once S-level, which was beyond Lin Qing's expectations.

After all, she has not seen many S-level items so far. This kind of item generally has a very powerful effect, just like a treasure chest catcher, which is only a task reward and has not yet been opened from the treasure chest.

This is enough to illustrate the preciousness of S-level items.

Another item is a speed-enhancing item. Compared with the speed of flying with the help of a longboard, it is just a small and exquisite silver patterned ring, which looks very inconspicuous.

[Name: Wind Breath Silver Ring]

[Level: A-level]

[Use times: unlimited]

[Function: Wearing the Wind Breath Silver Ring can improve the user's reaction speed. ]

[Note: The silver ring is attached with the magic of wind breath, which can make the user like a gust of wind. But please note that when the wearer's physical fitness is too low, wearing this item will have a negative impact on the user. ]

Lin Qing knows a little about this.

If the speed and physical fitness do not match, it is like a child driving a motorcycle stepping on the accelerator, the engine is running behind, but the direction cannot be well controlled.

As for the result, it is hard to say.

At the least, the arm and leg will be broken, and if it is serious, the life may be lost, which is not worth the loss.

Before her physical fitness reaches a certain level, she should pay attention to this item, so as not to dig a hole for herself.

There is another item that Lin Qing is more interested in, which can change her appearance, which is a white mask.

[Name: Actor's Mask]

[Level: B-level]

[Use times: three times]

[Function: Wearing the Actor's Mask, you will be able to imitate any person or creature you have seen. ]

[Note: The Actor's Mask has a certain ability to seduce. Please be careful not to become addicted to the role and do not wear it for more than 1 day, otherwise you will completely become the person you imitate. ]

The advantage of this disguise prop is that it can conceal the identity, especially for some infiltration tasks, and it can complete the role-playing very well.

For players with a performing personality, it is definitely a great blessing.

However, the disadvantages are also obvious. It is a bit like the chainsaw of a murderer. There is a certain time limit for the user, otherwise he will be affected by the negative results and lose his mind.

But if used in key places, it is definitely a very useful prop.

The last prop is a bunch of silver-white silk threads.

[Name: Puppet Strings]

[Level: A-level]

[Number of uses: three times]

[Function: Use puppet strings to control a designated person or creature and make him work for you]

[Note: Puppet strings are the essence of the puppeteer. With superb technical ability, they can manipulate puppets to perform a perfect stage play for you. But be careful not to be hurt by the puppets.]

This item is obviously a control item.

If it can be used well, it can supplement her lack of firepower and personnel in times of danger.

Lin Qing also put this item away and planned to use it in a suitable world.

After these five worlds, she also understood some tips for survival games.

Although the world outside the door is unpredictable and full of dangers, the props are also strange and look diverse.

However, different types of props are needed in different worlds.

For example, in the ghost world, some conventional attack weapons and props cannot be used.

Because the types of monsters are different, ghosts are a special kind of creatures that cannot be broken by conventional forces.

Then the existence of talisman props and the evil-repelling peach wood sword she has is the courage to deal with ghosts.

In addition, in the toy house world, due to the limitations of the special world, not only the player's body has changed, but the power of the props seems to be subject to certain restrictions.

She also got enough props to offset the danger because of the existence of the prompt system.

If she can choose, she must try to avoid choosing this type of world.

So these props seem to be quite a lot, but if you really want to deal with the world outside the door, you need to consider it more and deal with it carefully.

Even if she has a prompt system, she can't take it lightly.

After almost sorting out the supplies in the treasure chest, Lin Qing yawned.

Suddenly remembered that there was one thing that was not finished.

That was the person who tipped her off that Brother Wang was the Black Mamba.

In addition, she had one thing she hadn't figured out, and she was going to ask the player named Killer Heart again.

If she guessed correctly, Black Mamba had an item that could tell the world the player was in, but this item might be somewhat inaccurate, so he asked Brother Wang and his group of players to get her information.

The update time is a bit uncertain recently, I will try to adjust it. If it is not posted around 12 am, it may be posted later, and you can wait until the morning to see it.

In addition, I will adjust some plot and setting bugs at any time. If there is something wrong, it may have been adjusted.

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