Unexpectedly, Chen Jun actually spoke for her, which surprised Lin Qing.

However, it seems that Lan Ting has become a complete enemy.

Lin Qing has a vague premonition that according to this person's behavior, it is not impossible to be related to Black Mamba in the future.

After all, some people just have the same taste.

As the number one in the regional list, she is too powerful, and it is normal for some people with bad intentions to target her.

Lin Qing has a good mentality.

After all, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight, which can also be regarded as a negative trouble.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing sent a message to Chen Jun: "Thanks, sister, for speaking up for me in the channel."

Chen Jun quickly replied to her: "It's okay, it's just a small favor. We can't let such people spoil the atmosphere in the channel. It's unacceptable for anyone to accuse others at will."

"But this Lan Ting is not a good person. I don't know if he has any relationship with Black Mamba. I'd better be careful of this person in the future."

Lin Qing nodded, "We think the same thing. I think according to Black Mamba's vicious nature, he might contact Lan Ting. After all, this person has met me, and he may make some small moves in the future."

Chen Jun: "Yes, be vigilant in the future."

After cooperating with Chen Jun for such a game, Lin Qing has a good impression of her and they feel a sense of mutual appreciation.

After all, when dealing with the parasite mother, this person is very reliable as a teammate and did not choose to abandon her or backstab her.

Even in the face of danger, she looks very calm.

After all, they have experienced it together, and Lin Qing will not let her suffer.

"How many upgrade materials do you need to upgrade your room to level 4?"

Although Chen Jun was a little confused, he still said a number.

"OK, I'll set up a personal mall for you. You can trade any item. Remember to take pictures as soon as possible."

When he saw the reply, Chen Jun's eyes flashed with surprise.

I didn't expect that he would be so generous after becoming rich overnight.

Although the two explored the first floor together, it was Lin Qing who actually completed Task 2 and the hidden task.

Chen Jun thought that luck is also part of strength.

No matter what, it was Lin Qing who killed the insect mother and unlocked the truth of the parasitic dormitory. She was the most capable of getting the task reward.

Chen Jun only admired him in his heart.

However, from what Lin Qing said, these upgrade materials should be her reward.

Chen Jun thought about it and accepted Lin Qing's kindness.

After all, for players, the next world is always unpredictable.

It would be beneficial for her to upgrade the room as soon as possible.

"Okay, thank you."

Although it sounded very polite, Chen Jun still expressed his gratitude.

Seeing Chen Jun accept it was within Lin Qing's expectations.

After all, it is difficult for players to refuse upgrade materials.

She looked at the personal panel and found that the current materials were more than enough to upgrade the level 6 room.

That's why she chose to help Chen Jun.

"By the way, I also have a healing pill here, and I'll give it to you. But there will be side effects after taking it. It takes 12 hours to heal the wound. A new world will probably be refreshed tomorrow. It's not a good choice to explore with injuries."

This is also a material opened from the treasure chest. The effect is similar to the healing medicine box, but the side effect is some healing pain.

She originally wanted to sell it in the personal mall, but now it's obviously not bad to be a favor.

Seeing this, Chen Jun's heart moved, "Thank you. Let's work together again when we meet in the world in the future."

I didn't expect Lin Qing to be so careful. She was indeed injured when she dealt with the dormitory manager last night.

It's not healed yet.

This is obviously Lin Qing's good intention. If she refuses, it would be too hypocritical.

We are all adults. We may meet in the world outside the gate someday. There will be plenty of opportunities for cooperation in the future.


In the regional chat, with Chen Jun's clarification, the discussion of the players has calmed down a lot.

Looking at the chat records, it can be seen that many people are stirring up trouble.

Although Black Mamba did not take action, it is obvious that his men did not stop.

However, in addition to a mouthful of food and a mouthful of water, Lin Qing also saw a person named "Yang Ji Chi Yu" who also clarified for her.

Seeing that the ID looked familiar, Lin Qing guessed that it might be Zhong Chi.

Unexpectedly, this player who looked arrogant was so kind-hearted, which was quite surprising.

As for a mouthful of food and a mouthful of water, this player would see his traces in the channel from time to time.

Originally, he was a very unlucky player. It was not easy to survive until now. It seems that he still has some skills.

At this time, Lin Qing's eyes fell on the number of people in the channel in the upper left corner, showing that there were less than 200 people.

After experiencing five worlds, the number of regional channels that originally had 1,000 people has been reduced by four-fifths.

That is to say, there is only a 20% survival rate now.

If the number of players continues to decrease in the next world, what will happen next?

Lin Qing's heart sank, "It seems that I have to prepare well."

She was busy opening the box just now and almost forgot an important thing.

That is, the system reward for Task 2 gave her 8 points of physique, which can be used to allocate personal speed, strength and agility values.

Lin Qing immediately opened the personal panel and checked the personal values:

[Speed: 8/10]

[Strength: 7/10]

[Agility: 7/10]

[Sanity: 97/100]

[Life: 100/100]

[Satiation: 56/100]

[Wisdom: 100/100]

At present, her speed, strength and agility values ​​are relatively balanced.

After all, if there is a shortcoming in any value in danger, it will affect the player's own safety.

Therefore, Lin Qing plans to distribute these 8 points evenly, speed +2, strength +3, agility +3.

Now the values ​​have become:

[Speed: 10/10]

[Strength: 10/10]

[Agility: 10/10]

[Sanity: 97/100]

[Life: 100/100]

[Satiation: 56/100]

[Wisdom: 100/100]

[Note: This player's physique is excellent among humans, and his survival ability is extremely strong]

Seeing the note, Lin Qing raised her eyebrows.

She still remembered that the note for the player was quite strict.

When she first came, her evaluation note was still that her survival ability was extremely weak.

Unexpectedly, she has now reached the evaluation of excellent physique and extremely strong survival ability.

It seems that she feels quite accomplished.

Now her physique is all 10, and according to the physique point system she obtained, she can get extra points if she exercises every day, and it seems that she can continue to rise.

She also has a physical training method in her hand. If she can practice it, she can get an extra 20 points.

The combination of the two is still quite good.

Lin Qing immediately learned the method and completed today's exercise to see what the effect is.

According to the guidance of the physical training method, she posed a few decent body movements and began to practice diligently. 20 minutes passed quickly.

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