Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1312: Library

"It's not an airdrop, it's not a teleport, no one is sneaking in, it's such a mysterious appearance here."

Before a pile of items, Xia Lei and Ye Zhongming talked about the origin of these things, frowning tightly, obviously not very happy.

No matter who sent these things, it proves that the defense system of Yunding Mountain Villa has no effect. This is undoubtedly a blow to Xia Lei, who has always been proud of the construction of the mountain villa.

Ye Zhongming patted her woman's shoulder, a little comfort.

After asking the time carefully, he basically determined that it was the reward of the Tarot Red Dwarf.

On the way back, the pride that they were alive captured also disappeared, and with it disappeared, there was the broken and unrecognizable Devil Scorpion Crystal Armor.

The disappearance time is basically the same as the appearance time of these equipments.

Like Xia Lei, he was deeply afraid of the means of these universes, but Ye Zhongming did not show it. He knows that temporarily due to the influence of some rules, these heavenly lives can only do these things that pretend to be ghosts. .

It is only a pity that he had planned to take back the Devil Scorpion Crystal Armor for Le Dayuan to study. Now it seems that this wish cannot be fulfilled.

It's a pile of things. In fact, there are only two boxes, one big and one small. The big one is like a computer desk and the small one is like a shoe box.

Ye Zhongming first opened the small one, inside it was a scroll, equipped with upgrade scrolls, blue level.

After looking at him, he put it down. Although this thing is rare, Ye Zhongming has seen it.

What he was interested in was another unexpected box filled with ore.

Cohen Ore, one unit.

Looking at a round piece of weird metal in the box, Ye Zhongming's previous puzzle was back.

Why is there such a clearly non-earth metal in the reward? Is there something deep in it.

"Boss, weighed, one hundred kilograms, no more, no less." A researcher at the Magic Crystal Weapon Laboratory reported the results of the weighing.

It seems that one unit is one hundred kilograms.

Ye Zhongming took a green dagger and tried to cut it, but he was unsuccessful. He was stunned and replaced by the wind and thunder twins, which split this spherical metal into two.

One piece taught Le Dayuan to study, and one piece left his own research.

The piece of Le Dayuan required various instruments for analysis, laboratory tests, etc., but it took a while, but Ye Zhongming did not use this piece. He cut this Cohen ore into many small pieces and began to forge with a craftsman profession.

But the result disappointed him, this thing can not be integrated with the equipment, not to mention any attribute improvement or the like.

Ye Zhongming tried to make these Cohen ore nuggets homogeneous and strengthen each other, but it was still useless. These metal bumps were completely uncooperative.

At this point, Ye Zhongming himself had no way to deal with these metals. He could only wait for the laboratory to see if he could research something out.

There is no progress in the exploration of Cohen Ore. Ye Zhongming is not disappointed. After Ghost Gold can be ‘planted’, his desire for this additive is not strong. Ghost Gold is good enough.

He raised his wrist. There was a light blue watch. It was not a piece of equipment, but a change of the connector that Taros Red Dwarf had given him.

Ye Zhongming was surprised by this killing, but he is more interested in the operation of this watch now.

After a few clicks, a virtual screen appeared in front of him.

Ye Zhongming took a closer look and felt that the content above was more like a ‘library’.

The meaning of the library is very broad, at least with the permission of Ye Zhongming, he can see so few parts.

One is similar to the problem set.

This aspect is very simple, somewhat similar to search, but the content retrieved will not get an answer every time.

It is estimated that this is set for the agent to better understand his identity.

Ye Zhongming tried it. Every search requires ten contribution degrees, but there is no guarantee that the answer will appear. Once the answer appears, it still needs to spend a contribution degree to watch.

Ye Zhongming retrieved five questions in succession, but only one got the answer, and it took fifty contributions to watch.

In other words, the first forty contributions are wasted.

The question that gets the answer is how the reward is given after the agent completes the character. The answer is space transmission.

It's very simple, not particularly clear, but the general meaning of Ye Zhongming still understands.

It is also a mature and advanced technology that at least the earth can't master yet.

Ye Zhongming is quite satisfied with this ability of the library. Although there are some gambling properties, not every question will be answered, but after all, there is one more way to understand many things, compared with other people, there is one more information source.

The only worry is that Ye Zhongming is not sure whether this library is made by Tan Ross Red Dwarf. If it is, then the ability of this race is really too powerful.

Ye Zhongming wanted to see and ask some questions on Earth. After all, he was fixed by the thinking mode of'This thing is extraterrestrial, ask some extraterrestrial questions', but after looking at this mission, he only gave After giving his 500 contributions, he decided to give up.

The second ability of this library, which Ye Zhongming is most excited about, is the store function.

This seems a bit weird. After all, apart from the roulette system, only the combat system is a store-like system, and you can exchange things unlimitedly, as long as you have money.

If you think about it, it is not difficult to understand.

This thing can be seen as made by the Taros Red Dwarves, or made by other cosmic races. They don’t know how many years they have lived in the universe, and technology doesn’t know what level of development they have developed, so they created such a terminal-like Things are definitely simple things, there is no real thing on them, just a'list' with pictures, selected, and paid, these universe peoples can send things to the earth through space transmission just got the answer, it is entirely possible Did it.

In this case, all the conditions of the selling behavior are met by this store system.

Ye Zhongming kept turning, and found that with his first-level agency authority, he could buy not much relative to the total number of store merchandise. Among as many as two hundred pages, ten products per page, he temporarily You can only see the first two pages, a total of 20 products.

But these twenty things are enough to make him feel excited.

For example, Ye Zhongming saw three recipes, one for craftsmen, one for alchemists, and one for pharmacists.

These recipes are obviously belonging to the roulette system, but the recipe is no longer on the roulette, but should be in the Tanros Red Dwarf's warehouse.

For another example, Ye Zhongming saw the equipment, which is also the largest of the 20 kinds of things, more than ten are all kinds of equipment, including roulette items, because there are colors representing the level above, the number is large In most cases, the lowest level is blue and the highest level is gold.

The rest of the equipment should be from the Tarot Red Dwarf, or strictly speaking, from the non-roulette system.

The focus of Ye Zhongming's observation was also on the equipment of these non-roulette systems.

One is a vehicle, which is similar to the concept car in a science fiction movie. The maglev type is completely different from the earth’s vehicle and aircraft. However, it is very beautiful. After clicking on the introduction, the name of this vehicle is called "Xun The NK1 type has almost no attack power but good defensive power. It is characterized by fast speed, silent travel, comfortable ride, and the ability to leap over obstacles below 30 meters in a short period of time.

The second piece is a suit, two pieces, not worn on the body, but utensils. Ye Zhongming thought for a while and felt that this thing is somewhat similar to that of Chinese medicine. In fact, the function of this thing is indeed material processing. Plant materials are put into it and can be smashed without losing any medicine. Next, distinguish whether there are many properties such as toxicity, degree of efficacy, compatibility, etc., and once you grasp the shape of the drug, you can also use the relevant attribute energy on the drug hammer during the process of processing to improve the drug properties.

Needless to say, this is an exclusive equipment suitable for pharmacists, alchemists or other professionals who can refine plant medicines.

This thing is bought, it is also a candy thing.

The third kind made Ye Zhongming surprised, it was a seed.

According to the introduction, this is a kind of seed called ‘Unforgettable Berry’. After planting, it is cultivated and grown. After the fruit is ripe, eating will restore mental energy, maintain energy, improve physical strength and many other functions.

It is the growth cycle that sings some, from planting seeds to germinating and growing to maturity, it can only be harvested once every five years.

Ye Zhongming thought about it for a while and wondered if his gardener occupation could be used on the seeds of ‘Unforgettable Berries’. If he could, then he could undoubtedly get Genting to get a universal potion with comprehensive supplementary abilities!

In addition to the recipes and equipment, the rest are all raw materials, or some Ye Zhongming did not know, after reading the introduction is also a mess of alien items, I do not know what is the use in the store.

After reading something, Ye Zhongming is most concerned about the price.

But it is a pity that even if he is extremely rich, after seeing the price of everything, there is a feeling that he is a beggar.

Take the recipe used by the craftsman, for example, the selling price of this thing is... ten thousand contribution value.

How much is Ye Zhongming now? ...... Four hundred contributions.

If every mission gave him 500 contributions, he would have to make 20 missions to buy this recipe.

And, what makes people feel that the eggs are broken is that this is just the selling price. If you want to get something, you have to pay extra contribution value for space transmission.

Taking this recipe as an example, the cost of space transmission is... a thousand contributions!

Twenty-two missions to get this recipe!

Not yet free shipping, it is too outdated!

Ye Zhongming's heart slandered.

However, after looking at the prices of all the things he could buy, Ye Zhongming found that'Forget the berries' is the most expensive, requiring a contribution of 43,000 points, and the blue equipment produced by the roulette is the cheapest, only Two hundred contribution value.

In addition, Ye Zhongming also found that individual commodities can choose to use magic crystals instead of contribution value to pay.

It's just that the number of magic crystals needed makes Ye Zhongming feel more as a beggar.

Those two pieces of costume equipment for alchemists and other occupations are one of the pieces that can be purchased with magic crystals. The price is ...... 1,000 pieces, 7th-level magic crystals!

When Ye Zhongming saw the price, did he think that these cosmic races were crazy!

A thousand seven-level magic crystals, in his hand, how many seven-star evolutionaries are that? Unless he has a broken brain, he will use it to buy such an auxiliary tool that can't see the effect for a short time.

Of course, instead of the seventh-level magic crystal, a higher-level magic crystal can also be used instead, and the price Ye Zhongming feels that it is declining.

For example, if you use the father of the eighth-level magic crystal, you only need fifty pieces. If you use the father of the nine-level magic crystal, you only need two pieces.

But... Ye Zhongming did not intend to use Magic Crystal to pay before the core members of Genting were upgraded to the nine-star evolution.

Closed the store system, Ye Zhongming opened the third and final function of the library.

Mission system.

Yes, this is a system similar to Genting’s mercenary union.

A lot of tasks have been posted on this, with Ye Zhongming's current permissions, not many can see the content, the rest is a mist.

In the task of being able to see the content, he quickly browsed and found that the difficulty was not low.

There are no rules in this task, .................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ..............................................................................

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