Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1320: Zero death

"For the time being... There are no casualties in Yunding Mountain Villa. I just saw that some of them were seeded by wood, but they immediately stood up. Even if they were injured, they should not be heavy."

"The mutant apes roughly estimate that the number of casualties is more than one-third. The people in Genting... have not seen any casualties."

"About three thousand to zero."

The news passed back to various forces, leaving the top management speechless for a long time.

Before, they knew and admired the magic crystal weapons of Genting, and they had a great desire for them. But to be honest, the more superpowers, the lower the craving for this weapon.

For example, in the resistance zone, the magic crystal weapons are good, but they can make fine floating **** and war fortresses. These weapons are also unique in the end times. In their view, the combat effectiveness of these two things is no worse than the magic crystal weapons. , Even in some ways.

For example, Ten Beast Manor, they have large beast pool equipment that can control and nurture many mutated lives. These guys have strong fighting power and unlimited possibilities for progress. What they need is feeding, not difficult technology climbing, than magic Crystal weapons are easier to upgrade.

For example, Wuhuanqian or Ogre Chain, which is mainly based on commerce and trade, they run various businesses. They can use the money they earn to buy anything they want. Evolutionary medicine can. Various high-level equipment are also available. can. Magic crystal weapons are naturally good and not bad, they have something to replace.

It wasn't until the advent of the annihilation model of the magic crystal cannon that these superpowers raised the importance of the magic crystal weapon to a new level, because this can threaten high-level evolutionary life and can be manufactured on a large scale. It is the earth. The original weapons of Shang can’t be replaced. The only thing that can be compared with the magic crystal cannon is probably the War Fortress. However, the War Fortress uses nuclear energy. It can’t be made unlimited. How much can it be built. Count', not much.

But there has never been a moment when they envy magic crystal weapons so much.

Although there are other weapons to help, for example, those two thousand handles are similar to rocket launchers, there are traps and fortresses of war, and even air-to-surface missiles.

It's just that they all know that the magic crystal weapon is the protagonist.

The magic crystal bombs in those traps, the magic crystal grenade that was thrown out, and the various types of magic crystal cannons on the hills.

It was also after hearing the war-loss ratio that they deeply realized something called technology crushing.

"Continue to monitor and report on the situation at any time."

After such an order is passed down, many big powers will also comfort themselves, thinking that this is only the beginning of the battle. After a while, those mutant apes will fight back, especially the existence of the first eight levels. More powerful monsters than humans of the same level.

Everyone was waiting, with some anticipation in their hearts, hearing news of casualties in Yunding Mountain Villa.

The victory must belong to Genting, which is beyond doubt, but if more people can die, everyone still wants to see it.

"The leader of the mutant ape has activated its rage ability, his body has skyrocketed, and his height is as high as ten floors! It, it has thrown its own kind into a boulder!"

"Other seven-level mutant apes have also gone crazy. These high-level evolutionary lives all have the same ability, which is terrible."

"Other mutant apes have also used various abilities, petrified skin, roar, fire eyes... too many."

"These mutant apes are terrible."

Hearing these news, you guys are a lot easier. Genting can win, but it is best to win badly. This is the ending they are most willing to see.

Even the relationship with Genting is good, and there are several forces in trade, and it is hoped that Genting will lose a little. This kind of psychology is not surprising in the last days.

If you are strong, it is better to be strong. As for others, even friends, don’t be too strong. It is better to be weaker than yourself.

Many experienced people have already calculated the final results silently based on the comparison of the combat power of the two sides.

It's just that after a while, there is no news, these big brothers are a bit strange, shouldn't this kind of battle be the most exciting time for these informers? I can’t wait to describe everything I see in words. Why haven’t I spoken for so long?

So the big brothers couldn't help but sent the order for inquiry.

"Ah? That..."

"Report, the battle... has ended."

"everything is over."

"Unbelievable, incredible!"

"Can like this?"


"What the **** is going on!"

The gangsters are angry. These spies are usually reliable. Why is it so today? After asking, an intelligence officer's statement was relatively calm. He said so.

"The battle is over. It's surprising that Genting's high-end combat power has not been deployed. The hands are just ordinary teams. In the face of the mutant ape's counterattack, Genting's various weapons have suppressed the effect. On the battlefield, two types of unrecorded are found. The magic crystal firearms are one of the four long-length magic crystal guns just mentioned. Their power... is very large, large enough to threaten the eighth level of life. Under the activation of the crystal cannon, the leader who became a giant ape became a live target. Don’t kill it within half a minute, and then the other seventh-level giant apes were also mercilessly hunted. There is also a standard equipment that should be At least four main station teams are all hunting equipment, the number is about 8,000 to 10,000. These magic crystal guns have a moderate range, it seems to change the damage mode of the previous range cutting, and it becomes a penetration and explosion, hit After the target, there will be a blasting and full of power. The rate of fire is very fast, this weapon is almost perfect, it must be said that the shortcomings, then according to my observation, this gun seems to consume the magic crystal very fast, five pieces of third-level magic crystal, Only three shots can be fired! These new standard firearms have completely suppressed the mutant ape's charge. The firepower network composed of these nearly ten thousand new magic crystal weapons can't be passed by any ape."

"The battle ended in three minutes, and the number of mutant apes finally fixed at about 10,000. When more than half of the casualties began to collapse, they began to run away, but those evolved from the secret realm and the forces of the British city were early. We have completed the encirclement of them, 100,000 pairs are less than 5,000, or 5,000 mutant apes that collapsed and escaped. As a result, there is no suspense. Although the battle has continued, it is completely one-sided slaughter, war damage... There will be, but Genting Headquarters... It should be that only a few evolvers have been injured and died... zero."


After this situation was learned by many forces, these leaders remained silent for a long time.

Genting's fighting style has once again refreshed their understanding of technology. Originally, in the world of roulette, they already believed that their own power is the most fundamental. Other things can only be used as auxiliary functions.

But who can imagine that when a new weapon that subverts the earth's technology is born and developed, they can burst out such power at a certain moment!

Crushed, completely crushed over 10,000 powerful mutant apes, crushed with zero death!

Can your team do it?

Deacon Shui, Deacon Tong, Wen Zhong, Ji Ruiguang, Zhang Hetai and others all asked themselves in their hearts, and the answers they got made them unwilling to continue thinking.


Their team can't die zero!

Faced with a mutant ape with an eight-level existence, how many warriors can they win after fully prepared? Two thousand, or three thousand? even more?

Genting, zero casualties!

This is a number that they dare not face.

How could they never die alone and create such a brilliant victory!

Everyone was shocked but felt a crisis.

The meaning of these four words in Yunding Mountain Villa has exceeded people's imagination!

Also from this moment, many people began to regard the forces developed after this end time as true friends...or opponents.


Above the battlefield, there was **** gas, and some sounds of battle came, and the floating ball would occasionally skim through the sky.

After the victory, of course it is time to reap.

Genting warriors are clearing the battlefield, digging out magic crystals, cutting materials, and dividing blood and flesh. Warriors with war beasts are allowed to eat at will. As for the mutated ape bodies of the seventh and eighth levels, they naturally belong to Dihuang Wan and Yangos Wait.

"It's a good harvest. The average grade of these mutant apes is really as high as the news said. Most of them are the fourth and fifth level magic crystals, there are also many sixth level magic crystals, and there are more than a dozen seventh level magic crystals and one piece. Eighth-level magic crystal."

Xia Lei stayed behind, and Mo Ye temporarily took her place, co-ordinating the entire Genting main team with Guangyao.

"More importantly, the new type of magic crystal weapon has been verified in actual combat, and the effect is excellent."

Even if he is a supporter of his own evolutionism, Mo Ye has to admit that now, the magic crystal weapon can completely compete with the high-level evolutionary, and must form a scale, and anyone must retreat.

"Gene warriors are not useful, but save a lot."

Ye Zhongming couldn't help but smile when she saw Mo Ye, a heroic woman, revealing a rare little woman who took the advantage.

"How are the casualties over there?"

Ye Zhongming refers to the Temple of Dawn of the Dead Man and the forces of the British City.

"No casualties, more than three years in the last days, everyone knows how to deal with this situation, the specific number is not counted, but I just read the video records on the fine floating ball, the number of deaths should be all 500 No, after all, we basically killed more than six mutant apes.

"Yeah." Ye Zhongming nodded, then said: "Tell them that magic crystals of level 5 and above must be turned in, others can be left, and materials can be left behind, but the corpse should be left to us, let every The family sent some people to carry the bodies of the wounded and the mutant ape back to Genting."

Mo Ye nodded and went to set the task.

Seeing that Ye Zhongming was not busy from afar, Fei Mu Xin, who had been following the team, came over and looked at Ye Zhongming with a complex look: "Can you tell us what the new magic crystal firearms are?"

Ye Zhongming was silent for a while, "In fact, the model is of little significance to you, you only need to know that it is our latest product, we will not sell it for the time being."

"The four long magic crystal sniper rifles, can't sell me one, the price you say."

Mu Xinfei knew that Ye Zhongming would not agree to this request, but she couldn't help but ask. This kind of weapon, which can have a powerful damage effect on the eighth-level life, is too tempting.

Except that the rate of fire is a little slow and consumes a lot of energy, it is completely the same as a big killer.

Ye Zhongming laughed and shook his head: "Beauty, aren't you looking for rejection?"

"I can't trade Bai Shishi for you?"

Ye Zhongming was stunned for a while, and then she smiled bitterly and nodded Mu Xinfei.

This is naturally a joke.

"Then you can always tell me your next goal!"

Ye Zhongming thought about it for a while, and now it's like this, indeed it can be said.


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