Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1328: Three to three

There are a lot of nine levels in the previous life.

The earth is not a space on the verge of collapse, and there will not be a situation where the energy is closed and unable to cyclically regenerate like the Bruce's secret.

Therefore, a large number of nine-level life is allowed on the earth.

Of course, there are many levels of life, and life and death will also appear. There are two ninth levels on the side of the Blue Secret Realm, one on each side, guarding each other, and having a large number of men, and fearing that the space will collapse, it will naturally maintain the state of being'old and undead for a long time.

But the earth is different. Humans have evolved to nine stars, they need to destroy nine levels of life, the number is not enough, how to accumulate enough magic crystals to turn the wheel?

Therefore, on the earth, no matter whether it is the nine-level mutant life or the nine-star strong, there has been a certain number.

Some disappeared quickly, which basically means death. Some prestige has existed for a long time, and their records will come from time to time. These have lived for a long time.

But no matter which one, as long as it is born, exists, and is discovered, it will leave a heavy trace.

Some of them, even if they disappeared and died, will be mentioned from time to time.

Because they are so unique, no one can forget them.

The three names zombie tiger, ghost wolf and flash eagle belong to this category.

Most senior lives have their own territory, there are many men, and there are few lone rangers.

But there are also some special ones. The kind of Jinxia is a type of completely lonely wanderer. There is also a kind of zombie tiger, wolf flashing eagle, which are very strong each other, but live together and go together.

When Ye Zhongming had heard of these three names in his previous life, it was a major event among human evolutionrs, and a powerful nine-star evolutionr fell.

The death of this top-end high-end combat power did not happen even in the end of the least valuable life, so it was very sensational.

The three guys who killed the nine-star evolver were the zombie, the wolf, and the flashing eagle.

All of them are nine ranks, but they are inseparable, and they are better than countless.

Faced with them, humans have a headache, but there is no way.

Humans can work together to kill the individual nine-level life like the iron lock prisoner, but would they not be willing to face the three nine-level existence together, which often means that the success rate of hunting will be greatly reduced, which means that the danger will be large increase.

Nine-star powerhouses are top characters, enjoying the greatest rights in the last days, who would take such a threat.

As for the eight-star evolvers who want to obtain the ninth-level magic crystal, let's not say whether they have strength, even if they have, they also go back and hunt a ninth-level life instead of brain damage to challenge three.

So until Ye Zhongming was reborn, the three guys still got good news, but there was not much news. The last time I heard them appeared to be at the beach, then no one found them again for more than a year. Everyone thinks they are like , Was killed by those strong marine life in the ocean.

In this life, who could have imagined that they saw only eight of them.

The level is low, but Ye Zhongming has no slight contempt. The forces of these three guys are very strong, and they have their own characteristics, forming a complement. However, he, Yangos and Dihuang Wan have not really joined forces. I don't know if I can cope.

"The big bird was handed over to me, and I want to let it know how great Grandpa Dragon is!" Yangos looked down at Flash Eagle and started roaring in the air.

"Note that the characteristics of the Flash Eagle are fast speed, strong attack power, and the attributes of the lightning system. Some restrain your fire system. Be careful when fighting. Do not take it lightly. In the air, your dragon family is a royal family, but it is not invincible."

Ye Zhongming urged Yangos.

After the battle begins, he also has to face his opponents, and may have no time to worry about Yangos. He does not want this overconfident guy to be killed by others.

Finally, there was a dragon ride, Ye Zhongming didn't have enough ride yet.

Although the evil dragon is proud and even arrogant, Ye Zhongming's words can still be heard. Even the master who can't beat him said that it is powerful, it must be powerful.

Looking at the Flash Eagle's eyes, in addition to the increasingly vigorous battle meaning, a lot of caution.

"Rhubarb, the tiger is given to you, is there any problem?"

Patting the head of Dihuang Wan, Ye Zhongming asked softly.

Rhubarb gave his master a glance, looked down upon me?

Ye Zhongming laughed, straightened his body from Yangos, and pulled out the wind and thunder twins, adjusting his momentum.

"The life of a zombie is very special. It should belong to a kind of zombie animal. It is similar to the loss of human beings. Without the fresh vitality, it has become a more strange and powerful force of death. Its defensive ability is very good. Strong, good at using poison, good at summoning, you will have to be careful about rhubarb, this guy has the ability to call it-body control star poison, which can affect or even control the life body injured by its toxin to a certain extent."

Talking to the materials known in the past life and Dihuang Wan, Rhubarb rubbed gently on Ye Zhongming's shoulder to show that he knew.

"Okay, we are one by one, and see who kills the opponent first."

After talking, Ye Zhongming jumped from Yangos and fell straight to the ground.

Rhubarb saw that his master had jumped, and was not willing to go back. He barked all over. The beasts on his body moved, and a pair of mechanical wings spread out. After jumping from the dragon, he followed Ye Zhongming.

The zigzag ghost wolf flash eagle saw his opponent, did not evade, just stood there quietly, waiting for their arrival.

No matter who they deal with, they have great confidence!

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