Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1332: Backing

This vision between heaven and earth immediately attracted a lot of attention. Although the current evolvers are very powerful, most people can't do this except for a few.

At least everyone in Yunding knows that it is possible to change the world, only Ye Zhongming used to.

Now, the dragon of Yangos is going to be added.

Among these thick clouds, the fiery red things showed the whole picture, which were burning meteorites, dragging black smoke and falling from the sky.

Below the thick cloud, the air became hot, and some pungent smell filled the airspace.

Flash Eagle was not stupid. Seeing Yangos made a big move, the body that had just stabilized rushed towards the outside.

It has strong attack power, but the defense is not so good. Just a moment ago, Yangos has already injured it.

But just ten meters away, Flash Eagle noticed a flame rising in front.

Or, the fire wall.

The wall of fire enough to surround it and Yangos is still in all directions.

Flash Eagle was a little panicked.

As for the flame, its feathered life is always full of fear.

There were flames all around, and fire meteorite began to fall in the sky. In front of the dragon was staring at him, Flash Eagle felt a trace of despair.

Mutant lives, especially those with extremely high levels of evolution, have considerable wisdom and a clear judgment of the situation.

Seeing the current situation, Flash Eagle immediately came up with one, which may be the only way.

Kill Yangos!

Only by killing the evil dragon can we get rid of the current situation.

The flashing eagle who wanted to escape immediately stabilized his body, and in those little eyes, a sparkling spark appeared.

Yangos cracked his mouth, revealing an extremely anthropomorphic smile.

It is actually uncomfortable now.

Flame Rain Sparks!

This is its most powerful ability at present, and it has never been used after it has evolved to level 8.

Used now, it was Yanggos who found that there was no other way than this talent.

Fighting with Flash Eagle? No one else is fast, and not being able to keep up means that they can only be passively beaten. After seeing the horrifying attack power of Flash Eagle, it gave up this idea.

Find someone to help? This hurts my self-esteem. In Genting, I might not be able to lift my head. The meagre people are not countless guys, and the pet dog who always has a high spirits will laugh at it.

So if you want to win, or win alone, this is the only way...Although this method consumes a lot of mental power, although this method takes a long time to cool down, although this method has not bad side effects on the body ...

With the bad personality of Yangos, if it can move easily now, it would have been rushed to be unreasonable, where would it stay.

The flames, rain and sparks are powerful enough, but they no longer need to do anything.

The surrounding walls of flames made the entire space seem to be burning. Such a temperature is nothing to the life of the fire system of Yangos, but it is deadly enough for other existences.

Even more terrifying is the fire meteorite.

Each one is full of extremely high temperature and heavy down force.

As if all really fell from the universe.

It's hard to imagine the extent to which this power that approximates nature will be great.

Flash Eagle was also found naturally, so it has to be desperate.

This guy who is the king in Xingzhou has almost all the feathers upright. There is a small lightning connected between each feather. The whole body trembles slightly, and the body starts from the inside out. Flashing, every time flashing, the lightning between the feathers will be brighter.

At a certain moment, the flashing eagle's mouth was screaming loudly, and his body was divided into two parts, which became two flashing eagles.

This made Yangos stunned, not knowing how this guy did it.

But the things that shocked the dragon are far more than that.

Flash Eagle's doppelganger behavior did not stop, but continued continuously. In just a short period of time, more than sixty clones have been divided.

These avatars will shrink a little, and will not move very much. Some of them have been hit by the fallen fire meteorite and burned directly to annihilation.

The number of fire meteorite falling is increasing, the density is increasing, and this airspace will soon be baptized.

But before this, there are still many places that have not been attacked.

These eagle avatars are suspended in these places.

Suddenly, a clone moved, and the lightning between the feathers of Flash Eagle was all concentrated forward and gathered on its beak. Then the Flash Eagle rushed directly to Yangos.

The speed is so fast that only an afterimage can be seen.

Yangos only had time to flap his wings. Although he was hit, there was huge pain coming from its wings.

There, it has become confused.

Yangos groaned and opened his mouth with a breath of dragon, because there were already other Flash Eagle avatars continuing to attack.

These avatars were like an arrow with a broken string. They were continuously fired, some were hit by fire meteorites in the sky, some were ignited and exploded by the dragon breath of Yangos, but some still hit the dragon.

Yangos twisted his body constantly in pain, because to control the flames and rain, the body could not move too fast, which made it almost a living target.

It can only spit out the dragon's breath constantly, trying to intercept some Flash Eagle avatars, but this makes it consume more and more physical energy, and the movement becomes slower, making it easier for the remaining avatars to hit it.

So Yangos in the air fell into a weird cycle.

Spit a dragon breath, howl, then spit again, and then whine...

The picture is a bit funny, but it is really a moment of life and death.

There are less than ten avatars of Flash Eagle, and Yangos has become scorched and weakened. The fire meteorites in the sky turned into rain, and the surrounding fire walls had shrunk to a certain extent. The air seemed to be ignited.

Both Flash Eagle and Yangos know that the moment of victory and defeat is coming, whoever can't hold it first, who will die first, victory, naturally belongs to the latter.

The avatar became scarce, and when there was only one at the end, that is, the body of the flash eagle also rushed past, Yanggos was already scorched by these avatar lightning strikes, he was extremely injured, but just insisted with strong willpower, Let the flame and rain spark burst to the greatest extent.

Flash Eagle crashed into Yangos, and several Fire Meteorites also hit Flash Eagle.

This is a situation where...

The flame disappeared, Hou Yun also completed the mission and gradually dispersed, some people looked at the sky, looking for'result'.

"Haha, Lao Tzu knew you were going to die first, tell you, Grandpa Dragon I have a backer!"

The evil dragon echoed in the air with a weak but extremely excited voice, proclaiming who was the final winner of this short but desperate battle.

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