Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1337: One strike will kill, or be killed

Compared with the zombie tiger and the flash eagle, the ghost wolf is the smallest.

But it is the soul of this combination.

It may not be as fast as the Flash Eagle, or the weird ability of the Zombie, but it is quite cunning.

Even in terms of overall strength, it is slightly weaker than the other two.

But Ye Zhongming chose it as his opponent.

Because of the ability of the ghost wolf, it is very scary.

It is also called the ghost wolf because of this ability.

During the battle, the wolf will move quickly. During the movement, its body can emit a colorless and odorless gas.

So fighting with the wolf seems to be at a disadvantage at the beginning, giving people an illusion, an illusion of victory in sight.

It's just that when the entire battlefield is surrounded by this gas, the wolf will make a fatal blow.

Its skin will change color due to this gas and become extremely transparent, as if it is invisible, so that people can't capture it, and then it will take advantage of its unpredictable attack and use its very sharp claws and teeth to kill opponents. .

This kind of behavior is unpredictable, and it does not distinguish between day and night. Even as the evolutionary level of the spooky wolf increases, this gas can also change with the environment, just like the protective color.

This makes the Wolf the best attacker and covert killer.

It's just such a strong attack, not so many skills, and not so good defense, but has become the center of the powerful combination.

Of course, no matter how weak the wolf is, it is finally an eighth-level life. Some talent skills are also weird. With the previous ability, it can be said that people are more defenseless.

For example, the Nether Claw is an ability that enables the Wolf's main attack weapon claw to instantly energize and extend a distance, which allows it to attack the target in a shorter time when launching a raid.

For example, the sound of Nether is a magic sound that can disturb the mind of the target, causing the target to temporarily lose focus, or even a short period of vertigo, in order to assist the ghost wolf to complete the kill more efficiently and easily.

Another example is a talent skill called Ability Absorption, which can absorb some special energy from other life to store in its own body and use it when needed.

For example, after spending a long time with a zombie, the wolf absorbs its poisonous gas and makes its attacks carry deadly toxins. Although the evolution level is improved, this ability is enhanced, and the special energy that can be absorbed can be more than one. Species.

In short, the wolf's ability is very special, and its use is also very good, which makes it not strong in its overall strength, but it really fights, but it is dry.

The combat effectiveness of Dihuang Maru is unquestionable, but letting it deal with the fellow Wolf, Ye Zhongming is afraid that his pet will be careless.

A pair of eyes of Ye Lang looked at Ye Zhongming, which was full of cunning light. It was like human beings, pacing slightly, as if looking for Ye Zhongming's flaws.

But Ye Zhongming knew that this guy was already secretly releasing that gas.

Ye Zhongming didn't move, but looked at it. From time to time, he would also pay attention to the battle between Yangos in the sky and Dihuang Wan next to him.

You Wolf is not in a hurry, it takes time to release gas, this opponent's calmness or dare not go forward, just gave it this opportunity.

But, gradually, You Lang was anxious.

Because both the battle of the Flash Eagle in the sky and the battle of the zombie on the ground are moving towards a situation that is not conducive to one's own side.

You Lang do not know where these humans came from, and why they dared to attack the city occupied by mutant life in Xingzhou, but there is no doubt that these humans are very powerful.

Let it deal with a life of the same level, You Lang feels no problem, it is confident in its own strength.

But let it deal with three, it will not work.

If both the Flash Eagle and the Zombie lose, or even get killed, then they must not be able to live alone.

So the wolf moved, and now it can't wait for the gas to be completely released. It wants to try to solve the opponent in front of it in the fastest time.

It started running in one direction, running around Ye Zhongming.

Obviously, this kind of gas is being released in large quantities, but it seems to be looking for opportunities.

Ye Zhongming didn't move, no matter how the wolf ran, he just turned his body, and his speed fully kept up with the speed of the wolf.

This feeling makes the wolf very uncomfortable.

Among humans, few evolutionaries can compare with a four-legged mutant life in terms of speed.

The wolf also has doubts. This opponent seems to be the head of a human being. According to the theory, the strength must be very strong, but why not shoot?

In the sky, a flame and thick cloud appeared, and the flashing eagle croaked, apparently desperately.

On the other side, the undead centaur has appeared, which is the trick of the zombie.

Both companions have been forced into the Jedi, and they must do something to change this situation.

The wolf feels that the gas has almost been released, and it decides to attack, and as much as possible, it will kill!

Its body suddenly disappeared and disappeared around. Only a strong breath remained, reminding Ye Zhongming that the enemy had not gone far.

Ye Zhongming, who has long known that Youlang has this ability, does not panic, but just quietly feels the surroundings, his body no longer moves, and even his eyes squint slightly.

After seeing Ye Zhongming look like this, the wolf, who has already disappeared, always feels awkward. He always feels that something is not right, but now that time is not allowed, it must solve this opponent.

It increased its speed to a new stage, and then at a certain moment, it shot.

The claws of Nether stretched out to Ye Zhongming's throat almost instantly!

At this moment, the wolf has completely let go of his heart, because this scene has experienced countless times. The next moment, its energetic claws will tear the human throat and win another victory.

It was just that the wolf felt the body suddenly became very heavy at the next moment, and the ground seemed to have a huge attraction, making it almost impossible to continue to fly forward.

The force of its jumping forward and the sudden increase of gravity on the ground gave the wolf's body a pause in the air caused by a brief hold, and then began to fall.

Before the wolf figured out what was going on, he saw that the human man didn’t know when he had turned to it, holding a strange but extremely dangerous bone in his hand, with some very beautiful and strange lines on it, At this moment it is lit up one after another.

The next second, a thick beam of light emanated from this bone staff, instantly enveloping the wolf in it.

After the light passes, the battle is over.

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