Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1342: Pharmaceutical dumping

"Two and a half chapters~~"

Is the improved evolution potion good?

it is good!

This is undoubtedly, some of the Genting warriors were bred by them from Yixingpu. These warriors used all of the improved potions until the current six-star evolution.

These people are obviously more powerful than others in terms of basic strength. Each evolution is a little bit more powerful. After six evolutions, the powerful ones are not a little bit.

These people are basically captains and deputy captains, and the outstanding ones have even become deputies of the core members.

The effect of the improved medicament is so great.

However, to continue to study and improve the seven-star evolutionary pharmacy, it is necessary to provide a certain number of seven-star evolutionary pharmacy as a test product, but what is missing from Yunding is precisely this level of evolutionary pharmacy.

No way, this is the reality, you want to invest in something better.

If at ordinary times, Ye Zhongming was hesitant at most, he would promise Liu Zhenghong, and he would not ask for progress, as long as he gave the research team a few bottles of seven-star pharmacy from time to time, they already had rich experience and would not waste these good things .

However, the period is special. All the six-star and above potions have been used up, and they have become six-star warriors. Ye Zhongming can't really take out these potions now.

But if he was asked to give up, he was a little unwilling.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhongming said: "Sister Hong, if you study in the previous way, how long will it take to see results?"

Liu Zhenghong frowned, "Small leaves, scientific experiments are not so casually predicted, maybe good luck, ten days or less, bad luck, it will be several years, you ask me, I can't answer."

Ye Zhongming touched his nose, and then changed the saying, "If everything goes well, the test reagents are sufficient, and you personally conduct the research and development, and you have all the staff, then how soon can you see the results?"


Liu Zhenghong looked at the ceiling for a while and thought, "Although you can't change the soup with your previous method, but if I don't give you an exact number, it is estimated that it is difficult for you to decide."

Sister Hong grumbled, and made Ye Zhongming laugh on the side.

"Three months, normal luck, you should see results in three months, and you should be able to mature in half a year. If you have better luck, you will be able to get the seven-star plan to improve the formula at night in four to five months."

Ye Zhongming shook his head immediately.

In the case of his unrestricted supply of Seven Star Evolution Elixir, Liu Zhenghong also has the ability to mobilize himself, and he must also personally preside over the research and development. It will take another three or four months, and good luck! This is unacceptable to Ye Zhongming.

This thing is naturally very good, but it is not something imminent.

"No, the research and development is suspended." Ye Zhongming finished, and suddenly he had an idea in his mind. He looked at Liu Zhenghong and said: "Sister Hong, you said, if other people have improved remedies, how likely are they that they can crack the formula?"

Liu Zhenghong snorted and narrowed his eyes: "Your kid won't want to sell improved potions."

"I'm short of money." Ye Zhongming replied with his hands spread out.

Surprisingly, Liu Zhenghong didn't make a thorough investigation, which saved Ye Zhongming from explaining too much.

After being silent for a while, it should be Liu Zhenghong's ability to weigh the complexity of the improved formula in research and development of other forces.

"As far as I know now, there are no more than five forces with research and development capabilities in this area in the country, and it is possible to crack our formula. It is estimated that there are only three. In terms of time, I am not sure, but at least a few months Yes, of course, starting from the five-star evolution potion, we developed it entirely. With the addition of six stars, the thinking is somewhat different from the first four levels. If you want to crack all six levels... it is estimated that it will take one to two years. "

Liu Zhenghong gave her estimate that improved pharmacy is not unresearched, on the contrary, it is the most research direction after the end of the eschatology, but the research environment in the eschatology is really harsh, from inside to outside, from instruments to researchers. There are five who are capable of completing this kind of research. For other scientific research projects in Genting, there may be one or two forces with related issues in the country, and many of them are the only ones in the country.

Ye Zhongming listened carefully, thought about it, and finally said slowly: "Or sell it, sell the first four stars. Before, we also had some one-star and two-star improved evolutionary pharmacy. In this case, then simply, put the first four All levels are released, first to the people in Yingcheng, to the posthumous people who can take it, and to the Temple of Dawn. When their needs are saturated, they will give them to Mu Xinfei, and finally, the five ring money and cannibalism. Magic Chain is doing business."

He will not forget that the first four levels of improved pharmacy formulas were originally researched. With the deepening of the last days, maybe the organization that made the improved formulas in the previous life will complete breakthroughs at any time, and the technology will spread. Worthless.

"Well, yes, if the time comes, sell the formula to Wuhuanqian and ogre chains." Ye Zhongming touched his chin, thinking about the two big forces in his heart.

After ordering the sale of improved potions, Genting immediately released the news, and those low-level magic crystals were also replaced by Ye Zhongming in large quantities as evolution potions, which were handed over to the laboratory for improvement.

Unlike the very rare volume before, this time is almost unlimited, and the surrounding forces are a little crazy.

No way, although the one-star and two-star evolutionary pharmacy is almost uninterested, from the beginning of Samsung's improved pharmacy, the demand suddenly increased, and to the four-star, it is completely in short supply.

No way, the average evolutionary level is now four stars, and a large number of people are still working towards this level. Now that such a good thing is in place, it is naturally the first choice.

Don’t forget that Genting has always been in the business of evolutionary pharmacy, that is, to sell evolutionary pharmacy in exchange for the corresponding magic crystal, and use Ye Zhongming’s top exclusion to earn the difference.

This was a violent business. Although the supply was unstable, after all, Ye Zhongming was not always at Genting, nor did he always have time to turn the roulette, but this behavior continued all the time. Now, the normal evolutionary medicine To be replaced by the improved type, all that is needed is to pay about 10% more magic crystals, which is undoubtedly a very cost-effective and easily accepted price.

Everyone is willing to pay more for a little bit of strength forever.

Another point is that the improved pharmacy was known before, and now it is taken out, there is no so-called true and false worry, and it is also a reason for the direct out of stock as soon as the pharmacy is listed.

The best-selling of the improved pharmacy was expected. Ye Zhongming's thoughts changed quickly, and soon he sent people to inform these organizations close to Genting. In his hand, there are also improved five-star and six-star pharmacy. Come directly to Genting to buy, but it must be the boss and soul of each force. According to the number of potions needed by the team, a certain percentage of purchases are limited.

Compared with the first four levels of potions, the price of the five-star and six-star improved evolution potions is naturally much higher, but this kind of potion that can make evolution more powerful than normal, the higher price is also suitable. Zhong Ming's asking price is not outrageous.

But there is a conditional restriction, that is, these medicines do not allow them to take out Genting. If you want to buy it, then you pay to evolve directly in Genting, and Genting is responsible for security.

This is naturally to prevent the spread of the five-star and six-star improved evolution potions. The leaders of these forces expressed their understanding.

So many powerful bosses were happy to take the price difference earned from the sale of Genting's "credit" materials, and found that there were good things again. These "price differences", before they were hot, they fell into Genting's pocket. in.

It can still not stop the enthusiasm of these bosses, and the order for improving the pharmacy has been scheduled for two months.

It is impossible to improve the potions without attracting the attention of other forces that have been paying attention to Genting. I think these forces have already obtained some of the first four levels of improved potions through various channels.

This also involves some secret activities, that is, the evolution of the British city, selling the improved potions purchased from Genting to others.

Does Genting know? Naturally know, but Genting did not say anything, let this situation develop.

For this reason, Xiaohu Yunshao Copper Pot and others who had found the problem all came to Ye Zhongming and asked if they didn’t mind other forces buying the potion, why not let those purchases directly and let Genting make the money.

Ye Zhongming just smiled and did not answer.

His seemingly silly behavior is purposeful.

These teams in the British city are definitely the closest to Genting Mountain Villa, let alone die for Genting, but at critical moments, they will not stand idly by.

They know what the source of everything is.

Without Genting, there would be no them.

In all battles, including this trip to Xingzhou, these people have contributed.

In addition, Genting's previous expansions have basically selected people from them.

In this way, Ye Zhongming knew that after reselling the improved medicine, they not only did not stop, but also secretly adopted a laissez-faire attitude.

why? It's not difficult to understand.

These people in the British city resell the improved evolutionary potions and earn the difference. What will they use for the money?

Naturally it is a strong self, or continue to buy improved potions to earn more money.

But no matter which kind, they want to strengthen themselves, basically have to go to Genting to buy things.

Medicines, scrolls, equipment...

Because Genting is close, it is not only beautiful but also cheap to them.

The money actually fell into Genting's pocket.

The final essence of this matter is that Genting sold more improved potions, sold a large number of other potions and equipment, and obtained a large number of magic crystals. But the people who bought and sold in the British city are rapidly strengthening themselves. Many people have evolved two consecutive or even three evolutionary feats in a short period of time.

Those outside have got the first four levels of improved evolution potions, and paid a lot of magic crystals.

If these forces in Yingcheng are regarded as the shells of Genting, then now, Ye Zhongming is making the shell thicker through a simple act of selling improved medicine.

The shell is thick. Is there any harm to Genting? No, not at all, all are benefits.

In the future, Genting will go out again. These teams will no longer simply cooperate with the troops. In some cases, they can also be used as the main force. When the cloud top is threatened by outsiders, they are the most solid barriers that can block some wind and rain for the cloud top.

Perhaps one day in the future, these people will become part of Genting.

For his own people, Ye Zhongming is never stingy.

Of course, this behavior of buying and selling is not without limits. Ye Zhongming has adopted a very eccentric behavior in terms of the supply of Samsung and Four Star improved pharmacy.

Those who have contributed more to Genting and have become diehards have more supplies of improved potions, while those with poorer relationships have fewer supplies.

This can't be done blatantly, but it can be done easily with some small means.

Many people in Genting, and even the core members, have become the greedy people who can "take money to do things" in their minds under the order of Ye Zhongming.

The popularity of this transaction has also driven the Puxing Town trading market. The tasks and rewards in it have been constantly refreshed. The shops are coming and going, the mercenary union bodyguards are busy, and the threshold of the Genting equipment store is broken. ...

After the battle in Xingzhou, Genting seemed to become a business center, not a base for the end times.

With money, Ye Zhongming kept turning out the potions, some of which were used to continue selling, and some were distributed to everyone to continue to evolve.

The same is true of people in Yingcheng.

In just over a month, the evolutionaries of Genting and Yingcheng were evolving at a flying speed.

The other superpowers are not stupid, and soon noticed this situation, but they were helpless. After all, they did not sell any improved potions.

Genting's madness at this stage gave these great forces great stimulation. After a period of preparation, several major events occurred throughout the country.

The Yaoshi Army gathered more than five troops, and started a large-scale atypical hunting in a mountainous area in the southwest. The reason for this is that their hunting is a battle against a large number of mutant plants. It is said that during a ten-day battle, a wildfire kept running for a long time.

Not much people know about the outcome of the battle, the place is really inaccessible, and Yao Shijun has not revealed too many hands-on signs before. But it is said that the hunting was successful, but the loss seems to be great.

The second news came from the resistance area. They also fought a large-scale battle, and the form was even similar to Genting. Using the firepower of the fine floating ball and the war fortress, they overturned the mutant lives of several small cities one after another. Invited numerous corpses before evacuating.

This time the hunting in the resistance zone was obviously more successful than the Yao Shijun. They did not get much, but the casualties were much smaller, and the cost performance was undoubtedly higher.

Due to the perennial status of the rebellion zone, after the cooperation, except for Mu Xinfei, who had never been with it, other war departments have successively heard news. It seems that this time the big movement of the rebel zone is enough to build two new war departments. .

There is also a shrine that has always disappeared, and this time it has also appeared. They appeared in the northwest region, and put an unknown reason into a huge inland lake. As for what is put on, no one knows. It was only later that when someone got there, they found that all the life in the lake had disappeared, and it turned into a ghost field.

No one really knows what the Shentang did, but obviously, what technology or equipment they have mastered can kill, or let a lot of water sounds mutate and die.

Many people have moved their minds.

Just did not wait for these actions, after the shrine started from the end of the world, the first time to actively publish a message to the outside world.

They have mastered a technology that can make a medicinal powder that can quickly make the mutated life in the water paralyzed and lose combat power. If you want to buy medicinal powder, please make a public statement and the shrine will contact them on their own initiative.

This news not only shocked the country, Genting also paid close attention to it.

After all, the shrine is an opponent, and any behavior that allows them to gain benefits is worthy of Genting's vigilance.

What is the purpose of the first public release of such information by Shinto? Is it for Genting? Ye Zhongming issued an order, and it was necessary to make it clear that the entire Genting intelligence agency followed. At the same time, Genting is also loosening and tightening inside to prevent any accidents that may occur.

These news are shocking enough, but the most shocking is still tens of thousands of manor.

They also shot, the object is one... nine levels of life.

This is also the first time that it has been confirmed that humans formally challenged the ninth life on earth.

When knowing the news, Ye Zhongming was puzzled.

Without facing the ninth level of life, you will never know how terrible that level is. There are many eighth level helpers in Genting. The ninth level fathers who are not in complete state are beaten like grandsons. What gives Wanshou Manor confidence, let them dare to play the nine-level life attention of the complete state on earth?

Do they really have any good ways?

Facts have proved that they really do.

It is said that this battle lasted more than fifty hours, and finally... that nineth level life was hunted.

This news not only shakes Genting from top to bottom, but the entire country is crazy about it.

Can humans finally hunt nine levels of life? Has humanity finally started to move towards the level of the nine-star evolution?

All of a sudden, Wanshou Manor surpassed the traditional giants in the resistance area Yaoshi Army, surpassed the mysterious master to make the shrine, surpassed the new rules of Yunding Mountain Villa, and became the well-deserved first in the minds of the nation's evolutionaries.

The current list of national powers issued by Wuhuanqian also ranked Wanshou Manor in the first place, and the old man of the village also occupied the first place in the personal power list!

Ye Zhongming only considered for an hour and decided to go to Wanshou Manor. Other than that, he did not go, and a paper invitation from Wanshou Manor also arrived, inviting Ye Zhongming to attend a conference.

But at this time, the second task of the Taros Red Dwarf arrived.

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