Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1352: Insect honey

"Will be refreshed"

When he noticed such a thing, Ye Zhongming first saw people, many people.

These people sat on the side of the street near a magnificent shop and meditated with their eyes closed. Although the number is not enough, it is enough to cause a certain amount of congestion here.

It seems that these people are practicing, but Ye Zhongming doesn't understand. Shouldn't cultivation be in a quiet place even if it's not secret? What is going on in this downtown? Is this also the custom of free bourbon?

Yeah, Ye Zhongming walked all the way, only saw this kind of scene here, nowhere else.

Ye Zhongming approached a little curiously, and wanted to ask someone, but the people next to him seemed to be accustomed to this, and no one stopped to watch, but the people who walked here occasionally met with intoxication, which made him very strange. .

After observing for a while, he slowly walked up the street. When he entered the closed-eye meditator range, Ye Zhongming immediately smelled a strange smell.

Out of prudence, he stepped back and felt it carefully. He found that there was no abnormal reaction in the body. At the same time, someone walked by safely from here, and Ye Zhongming continued to walk forward with confidence.

This strange fragrance haunts the nose, Ye Zhongming only feels refreshed and refreshing, and there is a sense of comfort that can't be expressed.

At the same time, the strength of the body seems to start to become unsteady, a little tempting.

A slight surprise appeared on Ye Zhongming's face. He really didn't understand. How could this taste make him feel this way?

He stood on the spot and felt it carefully. He wanted to find the reason. His eyes fell on the magnificent shop. The taste should come from there.

Looking at it, I saw two people coming out of the shop and headed straight to Ye Zhongming.

"Don't know the rules?" One of them approached Ye Zhongming and asked seriously.

Ye Zhongming was startled, the rules? What rules?

The man's eyes fell on Ye Zhongming's ears, and there was a sudden, better attitude.

"Aliens? Then you shouldn't know the rules here." This person pointed to these people around him: "Cultivating around our'Jiapindian' is to pay us a certain amount of compensation. After all, we are in great numbers. It took a lot of hard work to capture the insect emperor."

Ye Zhongming was confused. He felt that this person said that the insect king should be the king of Hey Ma. He heard Indi said that this is very valuable, and it can even be said to be valuable. This store called Jiapindian can Catch Emperor Bug, the strength should be very strong.

But what does this have to do with him being charged here?

Seeing Ye Zhongming's ignorant face, this man suspiciously said, "You don't even know that the smell of insect emperor honey can help you practice?"

Ye Zhongming took a moment to realize that this smell came from the insect emperor honey, which can help people cultivate, no wonder so many people are sitting here to practice.

"how much is it?"

Selling the taste, Ye Zhongming was curious about this way.

"Five coins with one needle, fourteen coins with three needles, and forty-five coins with ten needles. If you pay one diamond at a time, you can stay as long as you want, but you have to get up and leave or eat and drink Even if the water is over."

The needle pendulum is a way of calculating time here. Ye Zhongming compared it with Indy. A needle pendulum is roughly equivalent to half an hour on earth. The square currency is the currency that is popular here. There is a smaller face value called a round coin below, and a larger face value called a diamond coin above each other, which is a decimal.

Sitting here to smell the smell, it takes five square coins in half an hour? Ye Zhongming thought about it for a while, as if to say that the price of red towel fruit without a complete round is five diamond coins, right? In other words, if you use the 24 hours on the earth as a day to count, and stay here for less than three days, it is equivalent to buying a red towel? Although you can sit for as long as you want to pay a diamond coin together, can anyone survive for three days? Still not moving for four days?

Ye Zhongming didn't know if the taste of the insect emperor honey would be very long-lasting. If it had always existed, this business without cost would really be too good to do.

"Can I ask, how can the Emperor Bug sell?"

Rather than smelling the smell here, you have to pay for it, it is better to buy the insect emperor directly, smell it at home, and use it as an air freshener.

The guy wanted to laugh but didn't laugh, looked up and down, Ye Zhongming, the low-end leather armor of the alien, he didn't have any weapons in his hand, and there was no strong man's breath in his body, and no followers behind him.

From any point of view, it doesn't look like someone who can afford the Emperor.

Of course, even in Scarby City, and even the entire Bourbon Freedom, there are only a few people who can afford the Emperor.

"This friend, I'm not looking down on you. The price of the insect emperor is so high that most people can't bear it. You know, there is no use except to make you feel desperate. After a while, there will be Big buyers have come to Rip Bicheng, and when our insect emperor is sold, you will naturally know the price."

Having said that, this man looked like Ye Zhongming did not seem to want to pay for it, and kindly asked him to leave.

Ye Zhongming can't afford it now because he has no money.

After leaving the scope of the Jiapin store, Ye Zhongming looked back and looked closely at the people who practiced here. Because they are not evolvers, they can only estimate their strength. There should be no people of too high rank.

Ye Zhongming experienced it personally. The scent is useful for himself, and it will also be useful to the strong people here, but they are not here.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhongming guessed, either, these people might be in the store, where the aroma is more intense, and it is still cost-effective to spend more money to get more efficient cultivation; or, these high-level people have their own The way or way is as good as the cultivation method of smelling insect emperor honey.

After a long day of shopping in the downtown area, he opened his eyes and Ye Zhongming returned to the appointed hotel.

In fact, if Ye Zhongming is willing, he can sell or exchange some things on the earth, but after thinking about it, he still hasn’t done so. After all, the things on the earth are too special. Once they attract people’s attention and trouble Will come to the door.

If you don’t understand the situation here, you should be careful. If there is a 9th level monster here and staring at yourself, it is too dangerous.

When I arrived at the hotel, I didn't return to the room. I saw an anxious rolling piano in the lobby. When I saw Ye Zhongming, I was overjoyed, and hurried over to grab him.

"Come on, come with me, Indy and they are fighting!"


Arriving at a place called Shijiu shop, Ye Zhongming saw a lot of people around the door from a distance, and there was a lot of swearing in it.

Along the way, rolling the piano talked about things with Ye Zhongming.

It turned out that this Shijiu shop was where Indi was preparing to sell red towels. Although he didn't come here often, after all, this shop did ‘big business’. But he and his boss knew each other well, knowing that the word of mouth here is very good, and fifty red towels are not a small number, so I can rest assured that I will sell it here.

Facts also prove that Shijiu shops did give a very fair price. For fifty red towels, the boss gave the price of 1,700 diamond coins.

Indy, who knows the market well and knows it, is a very honest price.

Just when the two parties planned to trade, they met an unexpected person.

Gou Hai!

The man who sold it to the Indi squad can spray corrosive liquid metal cylinders.

In Bourbon Freedom, the place of the craft writer is quite high, second only to the nobility. Even some well-known work roles, even the nobles do not pay attention.

There is no way, others have craftsmanship, except for the members of the city committee or the few senior members of the Adventure Alliance, they can not look at any face.

Although Gou Hai is not in this rank, but in Scarby City, it is considered to be a little famous. Several items he made are still very popular, especially the'rot water spray cylinder', which is also found on many occasions. Great use, such as when dealing with Heima.

At the bottom of Heima Valley, you can create a technological role to deal with this life, and the status will be higher.

Originally, Gou Hai saw the people of the Indi squad when he entered the shop, and he turned away. I sold them a group of inferior spoilers that nobody wanted, and I was afraid to see them.

Gou Hai was very surprised. He took the decayed sprinkler with a very short spray time to hunt red towels. How could he come back alive? There seems to be at least one more person.

But before waiting to turn around, he saw the counter, and the boss of Shijiu shop was handing a bag of diamond coins to Indi, and Indi pushed the red towel fruit that had just been inspected on the table to the boss. In front of you.

The two parties apparently completed a transaction!

Gou Hai was surprised, and his body stopped, thinking what was the situation? Isn't the Indian team not only not wiped out by the whole army, but also successfully hunted a large number of red towels? !

In an instant, greed occupied his body.

As some famous craft writers in Scarby City, Gou Hai is a wealthy person, not comparable to those rich people, but can own a big house in this city, with a dozen servants and five guards Person is enough to prove his financial strength.

However, in his experience, he just glanced at the red towel on the table, and he knew that there were at least four or fifty pieces, some of which were of very good quality, maybe five rounds or more. These things, even if they are all sold to Shijiu shops, the price is discounted, then you can definitely get more than 1,500 diamond coins, and even more are possible.

Gou Hai is a rich man, but this money is also a huge asset for him!

He just thought about it, and quickly walked to the counter, grabbed Indy, who was in excitement, and awakened his explorer from the dream that he could obtain more than 300 diamond coins.

Gou Hai started scolding with a sharp voice, with a bad attitude and shaking all over!

Such scolding froze the Indians and others, and also disturbed other customers in the shop.

After listening to two sentences, everyone knew that the famous Gou Hai was angry because the person named Indi Squad did not follow the agreement and gave Gou Hai a chance!

In Skabi City, there is the entire Bourbon Freedom. The craftsman and the explorer have a mutually reinforcing relationship. The craftsman makes various equipment to enhance the strength of the explorer, while the explorer takes risks and uses these equipment to go. Explore and gain.

In the transaction between the two parties, two methods are usually adopted. The first is cash on hand, which means that the craftsman has produced the finished product and sold it directly to the explorer. The second type is that the craft writer gives the equipment to the explorer without charging or only a part of the fee. Afterwards, he agrees with the explorer that after they return, the income will be given to the craft writer in proportion.

The first way is naturally not to say, it is normal, most transactions are in this way. The second method takes very few people, because this requires a certain degree of trust, which refers to the craft author trusting the explorer. Because things are made, the first method is more secure. If it is the second, although the final result may be more than the first method, it also takes a lot of risk and also prevents explorers from being as good as Say the harvest.

Therefore, most of those who can adopt the second method are craft writers and explorers who have worked with each other for a long time.

The method adopted by Gou Hai and Indi team was originally the first one, but at this time Gou Hai said that they adopted the second one, and even the ratio was very high, reaching the level of half. That is, he provided equipment completely free of charge, and agreed to get half of the final harvest.

Gou Hai started scolding with a sharp voice, with a bad attitude and shaking all over!

Such scolding froze the Indians and others, and also disturbed other customers in the shop.

After listening to two sentences, everyone knew that the famous Gou Hai was angry because the person named Indi Squad did not follow the agreement and gave Gou Hai a chance!

In Skabi City, there is the entire Bourbon Freedom. The craftsman and the explorer have a mutually reinforcing relationship. The craftsman makes various equipment to enhance the strength of the explorer, while the explorer takes risks and uses these equipment to go. Explore and gain.

In the transaction between the two parties, two methods are usually adopted. The first is cash on hand, which means that the craftsman has produced the finished product and sold it directly to the explorer. The second type is that the craft writer gives the equipment to the explorer without charging or only a part of the fee. Afterwards, he agrees with the explorer that after they return, the income will be given to the craft writer in proportion.

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