Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1357: Just some people?

Seeing the situation on the third floor, most of these people's faces changed greatly, or they became gloomy like water, or became angry, and only a middle-aged man with purple hair was smiling and spared. Looking at Ye Zhongming with interest.

Above the third floor, it really makes people look less pleasant.

Several maids shrank and shivered in one corner, and the insect emperor honey in the middle of the hall disappeared. The old man who guarded the shop leaned on the wall with a decadent face and his head was covered with blood...

It’s a very bad situation. The only thing that is fortunate is that no one is dead on the second or third floor.

"Did you disobey discipline and hurt the city guard on Zisu Street?"

The man who spoke was a tall, thin man, not very young, but it gave people a sense of vicissitudes. He was wearing the same leather armor as the previous city guards. Obviously they belong to the same system, just look at the logo on the chest. Higher level.

Ye Zhongming looked at the situation and nodded.

"The courage is not small." The thin man finished and clapped his hands. Ye Zhongming heard the sound of some organs ringing around the small shops.

He didn't need to look at it to know that it should have been surrounded by heavy soldiers. It was no accident that he was a city guard. The sound of those organs was probably something like a spitting water spray in his hand.

"Slow, slow, huh."

The tension was eased by a person's interruption, and it was the person with the smile.

The slender man of the City Guard heard a little hesitation, and finally did not give an attack order.

The smiling man took two steps forward, and did not immediately communicate with Ye Zhongming, but looked at the three-legged old man.

"Uncle Long, are you okay?"

The old man was ashamed, "It's okay, I'm just sorry for the owner, I didn't protect the insect emperor honey."

After talking, I glanced at Ye Zhongming, the meaning was obvious, the thing was in the hands of this person.

The person known as the Dong family sighed, and turned to Ye Zhongming, this time revealing a surprised look, apparently thinking about where such a big piece of insect emperor honey had gone, and soon he realized what he saw, and his eyes were revealed.

Space equipment is extremely precious in any place.

"Don't stop talking to him, let's come."

The three men who had stood behind the owner had occupied several directions on the third floor at this time. They stared at Ye Zhongming, apparently wanting to start.

Ye Zhongming glanced and found that all three were masters, and there was something in his body that would make Ye Zhongming not look down upon.

This owner, in a word, can stop the tall and thin men of the City Guard who are obviously in a high position. They can have three-legged old men and the three masters in front of them. Obviously, their status and strength are not ordinary.

Think about it, how can you get such a good thing as insect emperor honey, how can it be without strength.

The East family waved their hands, not only did Ye Zhongming face each other, but also paid a courtesy.

"Want to come, this friend did it on purpose."

The sentence that Ye Zhongming shouted before going upstairs was not something a normal robber would do.

"Then I'm here now, can you tell me your purpose?"

Ye Zhongming suddenly admired the owner.

Being able to say these words so straightforwardly, without asking where your treasure is, is not something ordinary people can do.

"Dongjia's products are all-encompassing, so may I ask, most of them are collected by you, or are you hunting down with your hands?"

Ye Zhongming raised this question, but it made the owner a little surprised. He did not expect such a strong robber to ask such a question.

The Dong family smiled and said: "Most of them were collected. My men usually only work in Heigu Valley."

Ye Zhongming nodded and thought for a while: "Then your caravan, where is the furthest away? Have you been to the border?"

This problem has once again puzzled people here.

"The farthest...very far, as for your border, I don't know which side of the border you are referring to. If it's from Heyma, it shouldn't take long to ride the floating carpet beast from here."

Ye Zhongming's eyes lit up. Sure enough, the shop owner knew much more than the Indians and knew more.

Indy didn't know that there was a border on Heigu Valley.

"Are you looking for a way out?"

The three-legged old man suddenly asked, perhaps because of the same outsider, so he was very sensitive to Ye Zhongming's purpose and immediately guessed.

Ye Zhongming didn't hide, he just wanted to find his way out.

The owner squeezed his chin and thought about it: "Excuse me, as far as I know, outsiders come here, I have never heard of anyone going out, here is a closed world, you come, the most So be prepared to live here."

"This one……"

After the Dong family finished speaking, the man of the city guard suddenly hesitated and made everyone look at him.

"Actually, it's not impossible. Although I don't know clearly, our chief commander knows something about this."

The head of the tall and thin city guard glanced at Dongjia, and then said: "Also, do you remember, Commissioner Wuliu is very researched in this respect, and your outsider has also been called to ask questions."

Dongjia's eyes were somewhat different, and nodded.

"Yes, but I don't know if there is any progress."

The man for the City Guard turned to Ye Zhongming and said: "Well, you go with me to the headquarters, our chief commander is there, and then we will invite Wuliu Commissioner to see if it has been so long, Have you found a way to get you back."

"What do you say?" He asked the Dong Family on the side after he finished. The Dong family nodded and said, "Yes, I will go together too. I am very interested in the way outsiders come here."

After obtaining Ye Zhongming's consent, a group of people left the magnificent shop and rushed to the headquarters of the City Guard.

There are several buildings that are the most magnificent in Scarby City. In addition to the ceremonial bell tower in the center of the city, there is also a palace of a nobleman, the headquarters of the craftsman and the headquarters of the city guard.

Ye Zhongming was also an eye-opener when this group of people arrived here.

This is a completely different style from the earth. It is majestic and not rugged.

After walking into a black building, the tall and thin person asked everyone to wait, and he went to inform the commander in chief.

The owner took the opportunity to chat with Ye Zhongming and kept asking where Ye Zhongming came from and so on. It seemed very curious.

After a while, the tall and thin person in charge came back. Next to him, there were three people in similar uniforms, but they were much more beautiful than him. There was a white hair in the middle, a white pupil, and the whole body was the most imposing. Cool, it should be what he called the commander-in-chief

Behind several people, followed by a guard of about 20 people.

Ye Zhongming narrowed his eyes and suddenly smiled.

"Don't you deceive me here, are you here?"

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