Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1369: Break the wall

The wind and thunder twins landed on the border wall with whistling.

Ye Zhongming was very uncomfortable at this time. He couldn't stop the suction from the boundary stone wall. Because of the close proximity, he was also greatly affected. The energy in the body was rapidly lost. Every time I moved, I felt that the body needed Torn in general.

But he must clenched his teeth and insisted, Ye Zhongming wanted to see if this opportunity was an opportunity for him to go out!

A familiar feeling came from Feng Lei's Jianfeng. Ye Zhongming was delighted. This was the feeling of breaking through the target. Sure enough, the boundary wall that had become somewhat soft was broken by his sword!

Ye Zhongming then began to cut there like crazy, he knew that every second, his strength will be reduced by one, and it will become more and more difficult to cut the boundary wall. Now, it is the most powerful Good times.

The weapon from Feng Lei's twins landed exactly in the same place every time. The gap there was deeper and deeper.

Ye Zhongming chose the middle of the two trumpets, he felt it was softer.

Things didn't go well. After only a few minutes, Ye Zhongming felt weak, and the depth with which each sword could be cut was also reduced. You know, although the boundary wall has softened, it is relative, and its hardness is still very high. In fact, Ye Zhongming’s first sword with the greatest strength, actually only cut a dozen centimeters into it.

Anxious, gradually made Ye Zhongming's eyes red.

The duration of the swing season is not long, there are only a few needle pendulums, let’s not talk about how much energy Ye Zhongming will be absorbed during this time. If you can’t use this time to break the boundary wall, maybe you can’t walk out in this life. Too.

However, the continued weakness of the body made Ye Zhongming's hope of breaking the border wall more and more faint. Could it be that the end of the rebirth of life?

Ye Zhongming suddenly threw out a few seeds from the space, followed by a pile of black soil.

At this time, there is no other way, only dead horses can be used as live horse doctors!

The seeds thrown in are Luoshenshan, and the soil is black fertile soil.

Ye Zhongming wanted to use the power of life to try to open the gap of less than one meter deep that he cut out!

This is the only way he can think of now.

He threw in all the black fertile soil accumulated in his hands during this time.

In the eyes he looked forward to, Luo Shenshan's seeds began to germinate, and then grew wildly.

Ye Zhongming felt the hope of going out for the first time in these days.

With the nourishment of the fertile soil, these few seeds quickly spread out. This kind of mutant plant that can create the king tree has strong vitality. They live up to the expectations and began to open up the ‘wound’ caused by Ye Zhongming.

Although, because of the insufficient depth of the mouth, some branches have reached beyond the border wall near Ye Zhongming, but the trunk is still thickening. Although it is difficult, it is still expanding the wound.

Seeing this, Ye Zhongming quickly let the ice bird fly over the wound and sprayed ice mist towards the boundary wall to make it more fragile. This method really worked, and the growth rate of Luoshenshan increased a bit.

The power contained in the national special product such as Wo Ming Tu cannot be underestimated. Even in this mysterious space with many restrictions, it still exerts shocking energy.

Under its nourishment, even if Ye Zhongming was already weak, he could only stand on the side with the sword, Koro Shenshan was still growing.

In fact, Ye Zhongming has realized the mistakes he made. Obviously, in this case, it is best to throw a seed, then the energy of the fertile soil will be concentrated, the momentum of this tree will be more fierce, and there are more seeds. The surface will disperse the energy.

But at this time, I couldn't control so much, Ye Zhongming stared at the growing wound, looking forward to...

Suddenly, Ye Zhongming felt that the whole space moved a bit, and then the boundary wall of the original wallpaper was fully advanced a few degrees. It felt like the sky was about to collapse.

That kind of suction also stopped at this moment.

Ye Zhongming was anxious. Now the time is not enough. The full power of Fertile Earth has not yet been exerted. Luo Shenshan has not grown to a large enough size. The border wall has not yet broken.

He took out all kinds of potions with him from the space, as long as it had an effect on the body, he drank it with a brain, and then took a virtual step, hacked with the wind and thunder twins and began to re-harden the boundary wall .

Even if compared with Luo Shenshan's area, it's a lot of money.

The boundary wall is getting harder and harder, the growth of Luoshenshan is getting slower and slower, and the depth of Ye Zhongming is invisible, but the height of the'wound' is already dozens of meters, but this is obviously not compared with the boundary wall without end. what.

Ye Zhongming's heart sank to the bottom, it seems that this attempt failed again.

Confused, he regained his consciousness.

But, suddenly, Ye Zhongming moved, and he raised his hand in disbelief and looked...

He felt something back in his body!

Is power!

It is not that physical strength that has always been sucked away. Now he is still very weak. What he returned is occupation, blood, and equipment.

Ye Zhongming no longer hesitated, pressed his hand directly on Luo Shenshan, the gardener started professionally, and the cultivated power began to pour into the tree with the support of the same spiritual force as the sea.

The small seedlings, even the huge stone slabs, were opened, and the tough king tree also opened the boundary wall.

Ye Zhongming's hand never left Luo Shenshan, and at this time he would never begrudge his mental strength, even if he ran out of it.

Because this is the right way, this is the way to leave!

The whole space began to vibrate at a distance. Ye Zhongming had already felt the place not far behind him. Those Heimas who were supposed to be underground all flooded the ground and ran wildly around. In the distance, they should be very high-level insect emperors. He also left the insect emperor honey that he had never let go, and screamed with all his strength when he went to the place. The kind of momentum that seemed to burn the whole life made Ye Zhongming palpitate.

At least now, he is far away from the strength of this insect emperor.

After a while, all of these came towards Ye Zhongming!

They discovered that the force that caused the entire space to collapse came from here!

Ye Zhongming gritted his teeth tightly, and now it's time for Fighting Wave luck.

If you can break this space before the terrifying insect emperor and the overwhelming Hei Ma that come into existence at the 9th level, you will be able to live, otherwise you will die!

What Ye Zhongming didn't know is that in the Heyma Valley, the entire Bourbon Freedom, all non-humanoid life is mad, they kill each other, attack humans, attack cities, like moths fighting fire.

Human cities also began to be destroyed in violent shaking, and countless humanoid lives died.

Behind him, the insect emperor showed signs, and ordinary Hey leaped on Ye Zhongming's body, madly eating the equipment that Ye Zhongming had put on, and the Luo Shenshan still growing longer and stronger.

Ye Zhongming's figure came out of his mouth, and the insect worm behind him screamed with exhaustion.

A huge shadow pounced, and the sharp insect teeth that could break everything punctured Ye Zhongming's back...

Death has been so advanced.

At this time, the most violent vibration came from the entire space, just like the countless times of the strongest earthquake. Then, the boundary wall began to collapse, and some light came from the other side, which was very dazzling.

Ye Zhongming closed his eyes subconsciously. Then, as soon as the consciousness fainted, he fell into darkness.

The moment before the coma, he seemed to hear crying.

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