Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1375: First impression of Wanshou Manor

When Ye Zhongming left the temporary camp, Xia Lei and Honey Bud were still sleeping.

Although A Dao's clan team did not come out to perform the mission this time, Xia Lei still brought honey shoots, which is also a small means of appeasement.

When they wake up, they will go back to Genting. Ye Zhongming will leave the matter here.

This time Ye Zhongming disappeared because of the large-scale movement of mutant life at that time, and later searching for Ye Zhongming to go deep into many dangerous places, so the Red Makeup Guard and the retired action team both suffered losses. The former will be better, after all, in the rainforest After searching around for a day, I came out to find out the bases in the periphery. The retreat action team took over the investigation of the most dangerous places. Their loss will be more serious, and even Zhao Xiangxue has suffered some injuries.

But no one felt anything, because this is the end. Death is always so within reach.

When Ye Zhongming arrived at Wanshou Manor, it was still a little late, but in his current status, as long as the meeting was not completed, it would basically not be rejected. At most, he played a big name in his heart.

Ye Zhongming's arrival was warmly welcomed, not only because his strength is second to none in the entire country, but also because Genting has two top laboratories and has the strongest strength in research in terms of scientific research.

And a large part of the forces invited this time are all organizations with scientific research strength.

Receiving Ye Zhongming was Li Zhizhong, the son of the old owner of Wanshou Manor.

Ye Zhongming feels that the names of the father and son are good. His father's name is Li Daqian and his son's name is Li Zhizhong.

"Mr. Ye, I'm so sorry. My father and I have already gone to the animal park. There is a distance away from here. I can't come to meet you personally. I apologize for you on his behalf."

Li Zhizhong folded his hands to give Ye Zhongming a gift.

Don’t look at Ye Zhongming’s young age, but in the end of the world, they are eight-star evolvers and the boss of the powerful Yunding Mountain Villa. Even if Li Zhizhong’s actual age, Ye Zhongming, was a teenager, he still performed. Like the junior.

This is the gap in human status caused by strength and power.

Ye Zhongming is the same level as Li Zhizhong’s father. At the eight-star level, even if Li Zhizhong will definitely be trained by Wanshou Manor, he may become an eight-star evolver in the near future, but at least for now, he is still Just a seven star.

Compared with Ye Zhongming's breeze, Li Zhizhong's heart is really shocking.

He knew Yunding was strong before, and Ye Zhongming was strong, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

Ye Zhongming didn't say anything by himself. If someone has something good, they won't put it on the bright side for you to see. Just look at the team behind him...

Green is the lowest level, and there are even a few pieces of blue equipment on some obviously captain-level characters.

As the young master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Manor, Li Zhizhong naturally has many good equipments, and even good things to keep the life under the pressure. It's just that the level of equipment on his body does not necessarily have to be higher than those of the Red Makeup Guard.

This team is now famous for its red makeup guards in the attention of various forces. Although the number is not large, the luxury of this equipment is really staggering.

Arming such a team may cost all forces a bone pain. Probably only Ye Zhongming, who is an excellent craftsman himself, can support it.

In addition, the long-haired woman who looks quiet but exudes dark energy, wearing only ordinary clothes, can walk beside Ye Zhongming and in front of the entire Red Makeup Guard, she... Is Xia Bai known as Ye Zhongming's most loyal servant? It's just that Xia Bai should be wearing a purple four-elements mask, right? Is it her?

If it is, Li Zhi's heart is slightly acceptable, because the woman's energy fluctuation tells him that this is an eight-star powerhouse. If not, then he really wants to invest in the five bodies of Genting's strength, which means that Genting is quietly resting. In addition to Xia Bai, there is another top strongman!

Wanshou Manor is very strong, but only Li Daqian is the eight star, and there are three pets with eight heads, but it can be said that there are many eight pets in Yunding Mountain Villa.

Anything is afraid of comparison. Li Zhizhong's eyes swept around Ye Zhongming's team, and there was a preliminary measurement in his mind. I have to admit that Genting is really strong.

So, Li Zhizhong respected Ye Zhongming more and more.

Wanshou Manor covers a wide area and the location is very well selected. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. After Ye Zhongming and others came in, they all felt a sudden and cheerful feeling. .

Each camp has its own characteristics. Genting is now looking like a hedgehog outside. After entering, it becomes a secluded villa area...although it is a villa area that kills every step of the way.

But Wanshou Mountain Villa is different. Behind the mountain gate is a huge square with flat black rocks on the ground. Some places have been polished a little brightly. Obviously there are often life or other things trampled on it.

At the moment, the square is a bit empty, but in the distance, you can see more than a dozen people training their war beasts. The war beasts are different. Even if they only looked at it, Ye Zhongming knows that they are very rare breeds. , And the level is not low.

This is not what surprised Ye Zhongming the most. What really caught his eye was the hundred-headed monster sitting quietly there in the middle of the square!

These giant beasts are more than three meters high and five meters long. They sit there like polar bears magnified several times. The whole body is silver-white, with a saddle like a saddle for five people on the back, and a head cover Covering her mouth with a bronze hood.

On the forehead, there is a black magic crystal, which means that these mutated lives are three levels.


This is Ye Zhongming's first thought. The level of these guys is naturally not taken by him. What he likes most is the visual effect caused by the same variety and the same shape.

Sure enough, it is an organization known for keeping beasts. Just a hundred mutant silver bears are enough to shock people.

"This is a silver bear raised in our manor. There is nothing very good about it. That is, it has great strength and endurance. It has thick skin and thick meat. It is not high in grade and so it is not used for combat. Use them as mounts. please!"

Li Zhizhong smiled slightly, and the most famous specialty of Wanshou Manor, he was also with Yourong.

After he finished speaking, he jumped on the back of a mutated silver bear and made a demonstration. Ye Zhongming and others at Genting also sat up. Afterwards, these silver bears, which were not controlled by anyone at all, stood up almost at the same time, toward Run at a similar speed in one direction.

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