Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1380: bet

Many people felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't say anything in the face of Mr. Wen.

When Guan Chengcun stood up, many people exclaimed because they saw that this person did not only have two legs but four.

He took a few steps forward and stood in front of the foreigner.

This representative of Alamos looked at Guan Chengcun, and naturally saw his four legs, with obvious disgust in his eyes.

"Do you want to compare the results with our laboratory?"

Guan Chengcun smiled, "Yes, but everything in our laboratory is terrible, you have to think about it."

"In the last days, what's not to be killed?" The foreigner's representative was also very stubborn and agreed directly.

Since both sides do not give in to each other, a match is naturally inevitable, and no one else has expressed any objection, even the host of this time, Li Daqian.

Perhaps, each other wants to see what good things you haven't seen.

Since there are competitions, there must be rules, but it is obviously not feasible to just show the results of the experiment.

Then the only way to convince each other is to see which laboratory products can produce a bigger and better effect under the same conditions.

It’s really not easy to put it in other places, but here is the Wanshou Manor, which breeds a variety of mutant creatures.

At the command of Li Daqian, someone immediately brought six grade four mutant chimpanzees in a cage. The huge figure gave the visual impact of the perfect score. The title of life closest to humans can also guarantee the results of the laboratory. It also works in humans.

The foreigner in the Alamos laboratory is called David. He went back to his desk and discussed with his colleagues. Then he walked back and said to Mr. Li Daqian and Mr. Wen, "If this is the only test, it is really It’s too boring, and we hope to add some fun.”

"Oh? What's the fun?" Mr. Wen asked with a smile.

This made Deacon Shui and others surprised.

At this time, Li Daqian, who should be the master of Yu Qingyu, should speak and even make a decision, not a foreign humanist.

"Just add a little bet, I don't know how this... Mr. Guan feels?"

Looking back at Guan Chengcun, David provoked his hands.

"What bet?"

Guan Chengcun is not a newcomer to the end of the world, he will not lose his mind because of a provocation, he asked cautiously.

"It's nothing..." David's voice grew longer, and the less standard Chinese sounded even more uncomfortable.

"That's... we have two wins in three innings, and the winning side in each game gets the recipe or manufacturing method of the technology used by the losing side!"

At this point, the evolutionary sitting on the scene was in an uproar.

Is this still a bit of a bet? This is a big bet! This is already the rhythm of making people go bankrupt.

What is most important to the laboratory? That is naturally its own technology and achievements, each of which may cost countless human and material resources, and the cost may be too high to be unimaginable. Even for the success of the experiment, there are many things that the magic crystal cannot measure.

Just look at how many laboratories there are in the end times to know how difficult it is to do scientific research in such an environment.

To take a step back, it is not easy to establish and support a laboratory even from a peace time, let alone the end of the world.

It can be said that all the laboratories that can survive in the end of the last four years have a certain background, and they all have certain scientific and technological achievements.

These are their lifebloods.

Now, David's bet is undoubtedly extremely vicious, and the losing party may sink or even die.

Imagine if Genting's life genetic technology and magic crystal weapon technology were all plundered, what would be the situation...

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became tense, and some people felt that Li Daqian should come out to stop this time. After all, it was very bad to have such a near-death situation at such a feast. The purpose of this invitation was originally In order to cooperate, this kind of battle without any room does not fit the theme.

Li Daqian did have this idea, but Mr. Wen spoke again before he even spoke.

"Daqian, you see these mutant chimpanzees have arrived. It's not good to stop here. What's more, we still have to ask Director Guan's opinion. If he agrees, we have no reason to stop it. What do you say?"

Faced with his friend's remarks, Li Daqian hesitated and looked at Guan Chengcun, the person in charge of the dark laboratory he invited.

Obviously, I want to ask his opinion.

Guan Chengcun changed his face, and finally said: "Okay, I promise."

The people at the scene gave a lot of sighs, but then thought about it, if you are in the position of Guancheng Village, will you agree? As a result...Most people feel that they will agree with Guan Chengcun.

Because this bet seems to be absolute, but it has high returns under high risks.

There is no comparison right now, and I don’t know whether to win or lose, so it is fair to both parties, and this bet proposed by David, in fact, there are ‘short holes’ to drill.

David said that two wins in three innings, each winning side, the recipe or manufacturing method of the technology used by the losing side.

That is to say, the worst case is to lose all three games and lose to the three techniques used by others. In addition, even if only one game is won, it is all the gains, and it will also get the other party's technology. The result, if you can win two games, it is definitely a big profit.

When you are very confident in yourself, it is unreasonable not to accept this bet.

Wanting to come, Guan Chengcun is also very confident in his dark laboratory technology, and feels that this kind of battle and bet are fair to each other, so he will only agree.

Seeing that the parties had agreed, Li Daqian was really not good enough to force it to stop, but he glanced at his friend with the harshest eyes after the banquet started. The warning in it was very strong, but in return, Mr. Wen Yun A light breeze smiled.

"Let's get started." Li Daqian waved casually to prepare the two sides for each other. This is not a battle between evolutionaries, and it takes time to prepare.

Both parties immediately led a cage back home.

Everyone around me looked at it curiously, not knowing how the uncommon competition will start.

At the Alamos laboratory, several people have opened their cages. The fourth-level mutant life is nothing to them, and Dawei seems to be not the main character. An elderly foreigner who is some age is commanding Everyone worked, and he saw a few men patting the mutant chimpanzee for a while, then he took a bottle of reagent from his pocket, drew it into the needle, and injected it into the body of the mutant chimpanzee.

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