Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1383: Alamos lies

We are no strangers to these mutant giant bears with beast saddles and muzzles. When they came, they sat with these guys. Who were interested in who came here.

There were some answers vaguely in my heart. When the distance was close, everyone could see clearly, knowing that Yunding Villa and Ye Zhongming had really come.

However, few people put their eyes on Ye Zhongming, because the team behind him is too eye-catching.

The leader is an ordinary black dress, but the whole body exudes a rich, dark, like summer Xia Bai, followed by hundreds of female uniform evolvers with uniform and extremely high-level equipment.

Even if you don’t know Ye Zhongming, you will know this Red Makeup Guard. They are really famous.

So far, no one has heard of anyone who can own such a team.


This is the voice of many present.

Li Daqian became the master and immediately stood up to meet the past. Although he had never seen Ye Zhongming, he could be accompanied by his own son. There would be no one other than the king of Genting.

Among the invited teams, Genting definitely ranks in the top three in his mind.

After greeting each other for a while, some people familiar with Ye Zhongming also greeted them in the past, such as Deacon Shui, Ruan Xiao, etc. After that, Li Daqian asked his son to take the Red Makeup Guard to a special place to rest, and invited Ye Zhongming and Xia Six escorts with white took their seats.

Ye Zhongming is late, and many people secretly think that this person is playing a big name, but no one said that in person, and showed a very enthusiastic, some strong people who met for the first time, such as Mr. Dawen Wen of the Palace of Ping, Qin You who remade Huashan The end of the solo traveler Jiulong, the head of the Mingcheng Guards Corps Che Dongzhi and others all welcomed Ye Zhongming's arrival.

Those sitting on the right, some with thick skins, and those who are able to have some relationship with Genting, also took the initiative to greet each other, and Ye Zhongming didn't have a shelf, and talked to everyone with a smile.

In an instant, the focus of the field became Ye Zhongming instead of David, who was just holding Ru Zhaoluo proudly.

This made the foreigner very angry.

"In the past, people in your country did not understand politeness, and they behaved badly all over the world, whether in scenic spots or airports. Now, you are even more so. A person who is late is not condemned, but welcomed. It’s your code of conduct? I’m sorry, I don’t understand your way of thinking, and I am disappointed and shocked by the manners and qualities that you have never improved but have been regressing!”

This series of accusations by David made the people in the country heard a little bit inexplicably, and then some people began to sneer at each other. The scene was very confused.

Li Daqian's anger was obvious, but he couldn't smash his own field, so he suppressed everyone's anger and made everyone go back to their seats.

Ye Zhongming was also sitting down for him, and Xiao Min, who was standing on the side, suddenly said, "Where is this fool?"

The spear pointed directly at David.

Ye Zhongming is the boss, and his identity is there, and he is inferior to this foreigner. Xia Bai prefers to cut off this guy's head with a sickle rather than a gun.

Then someone has to come out and say something, otherwise I really think that Genting is the kind of being ridiculed?

Thanks to the development of the national area before the end of the world, not only the economic and cultural influence on the world is heavier, but also some slang and even national curse has also gone global.

As it happens, David really understands the meaning of this word.

"Bi Chi!" International gestures raised to Xiao Min, David was not at all polite, and immediately responded to the past.

"This person is representing Alamos Lab, and the Guancheng Village Lab on the national side has a competition. The bet... is the golden equipment he holds in his hand, such as Mu Zhaolu, and each other's formula."

Mr. Wen of Pingong immediately answered with a very fast explanation. Xiao Min and five female soldiers who had taken a step stopped there and looked at Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming waved his hands and asked Xiao Min to return.

At this time, he didn't bother with this David, his face was quiet, but his heart was a little excited.

In the previous life, Ye Zhongming had heard of these two forces and this equipment.

Li Daqian whispered something to Ye Zhongming next to him, making Ye Zhongming more certain that they were the ones he had heard of in his previous life.

The Alamos laboratory is not European, but American, and very famous in previous life, their headquarters is in Alaska.

Because there is only one Bering Strait apart from Asia, you can fly over by flying life or flying equipment, and even heard that the Bering Strait Bridge is only broken for a while, and powerful evolutionrs can jump from here to this with simple tools. there.

Ye Zhongming has never been to the specifics. It is not very clear.

In the past life, the reason why the Alamos laboratory is famous in the country is because they have two things that are loud and very popular. The same is a medicine-competition.

That's a potion that allows the evolutionist to improve his skills in a certain period of time. There are no side effects. The amount of improvement depends on the level of the competition. Two types, the bad one can be increased by 20%. One can increase by about 30%.

Needless to say, the benefit of this thing is that the high-level evolutionaries of the previous life are almost a must.

In addition to the agent that they researched, there is also an application agent called Kai skin, which can be applied to the entire body at each evolutionary level to increase the skin's defense ability and regeneration ability.

At that time, the two pharmacies occupied a place in the entire country. Ye Zhongming even used Kaikai once, just to fight for the edge, and Kaifu, the price was not cheap. It wasn't just that the ordinary evolutionary Ye Zhongming could afford it.

Also, like Mu Chaolu, Ye Zhongming also knows that it’s just different from this Alamos member David, this piece of equipment is golden, but its real name is called Micro World Crystal Ball, which is produced inside. The liquid is called Rumu Chaolu!

Yes, Mu Chaolu is not the only one in this sphere, but can be regenerated, but the regeneration time is longer.

Others do not know this, but Ye Zhongming knows that the situation is very obvious now, Alamos and this David are lying!

They are not European forces, why are they European organizations from Central Asia? What do you do to hide your origin? If Mu Chaolu is not the name of the equipment itself, but a consumable, why should it be described as golden equipment?

The most important point is also the confusion that Ye Zhongming just came here to see people with different skin tones.

What are these foreigners doing here?

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