Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 13: trustworthy (2)

   Chapter 13 Trustworthy (2)

   The shopkeeper waved his hand impatiently: "Go go! I didn't take you to see the official! You still dare to ask for something! Go!"

  The man habitually touched his left waist, but found that he was wearing a normal clothes today, without a sword, and said, "Give me the pen back! I'll give you the money tomorrow!"

   "Everyone who comes here to eat rice says so! Who knows if you won't be here tomorrow? Go away! My lord, I still have to do business! What an eyesore you are here!"

   The shopkeeper kicked him away with one foot, then pointed at the guys beside him and said, "Why are you standing there? Why don't you drive him away? Or go to see the officials!"

   Hearing this, the man looked stiff and said, "I'll use the money to redeem things tomorrow! Don't let me lose it!"

   When Chu Qianqian and Bizhu arrived at the door, the man had already left.

  Bizhu scratched his head, always feeling that the man was a little familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

  Chu Qianqian glanced at the sign above his head and asked, "Is this the way Juxianlou does business?"

   When the shopkeeper heard the other party's bad tone, he immediately turned cold: "Where is the little girl? Play wherever you like! Go away! Don't interfere with my business!"

   "You!" Bizhu was anxious, stepped forward, and scolded, "Will you be able to do business? Is there any reason to rob someone or something? You can't say it? You told us to go away? Call your shopkeeper out!"

   The shopkeeper akimbo shouted: "I am the shopkeeper of Juxianlou! What do you think?"

   This arrogance is exactly the same as that of Mama Lin and Ouyang Jin.

  Chu Qianqian walked slowly to the shopkeeper, and said word by word: "In the clear sky and daytime, openly robbing things is no different from a gangster. Those who are a gangster can be punished."

", you..." The shopkeeper's face changed, "Which eye did you see that I robbed something? Obviously he didn't pay for food! I took him a broken pen to pay off the debt! Don't give it to me again. Make trouble! Let's go! Go and play elsewhere!"

  Broken pen? It was clearly a golden pen, but he wouldn't say it, and he wasn't willing to be exposed, so he wanted to drive away the master and servant pair.

  Unexpectedly, instead of leaving, the other party walked into the store and chose a table by the window to sit down.

   "Bring up all your signature dishes," she said, throwing a money bag on the table.

   The shopkeeper was startled.

   The guy ran over and asked in a low voice, "The shopkeeper, look..."

   The shopkeeper took a deep look at the pair of master and servant, hooked his lips and smiled: "If you have business, don't do it for nothing, you go and give me the most expensive dish!"

   Kill you!

  Chu Qianqian didn't wait too long, because there were only two guests in Juxian Building, she and Bizhu.

  Buddha jumps over the wall, wine-flavored lamb tripe, double-cooked beef, steamed preserved meat, garlic small bones, pine nuts corn, Luohanzhai, tofu balls, and a bowl of ginseng old duck soup.

  Chu Qianqian took off the curtain fence.

   The shopkeeper took a deep breath, this girl is younger and more beautiful than he imagined! It's just a pity that such a beautiful face is matched with a pair of eyes that are as barren as a desert, and it looks horrifying.

  Chu Qianqian picked up the chopsticks and tasted each dish.

   After tasting it, he wiped his mouth with a veil, and said, "I thought that your business was not good because you were too bad in the world. Now, it seems that even if you can be human again, it will be in vain."

   The shopkeeper glared: "Huangkou child! What do you mean?"

  Chu Qianqian put down her chopsticks and looked at the shopkeeper innocently: "I don't understand what it means to be hard to swallow? Oh, there is a problem with my brain, no wonder."

   The shopkeeper jumped up in anger, if it wasn't for a good man who didn't fight with a woman, he would have slapped his ear and fanned it!

   "Huh! Don't you think you're going to repay your debts! I'll tell you! There's no way!"

  Chu Qianqian curled the corners of her lips, not at all frightened by his aura. Instead, she watched the shopkeeper jump up and down as if watching a monkey show: "Bizhu, go fry two side dishes and make a fish soup."

  Bizhu was blessed with a blessed body: "Yes."

   In these days, she has not learned other skills, but her cooking skills have improved a lot, especially the braised elbows and tofu and crucian carp soup.

   The shopkeeper is naturally not happy.

  Chu Qianqian asked with a smile: "What? Afraid of being compared by my maid?"

  Bah Bah Bah! A maid, can she compare the chef of a restaurant?

   The shopkeeper snorted coldly and asked the man to take Bi Zhu to the kitchen.

   Not long after, Bizhu came up with two dishes: "The soup is still a quarter of an hour away, so let's eat the vegetables first."

   The dishes and the fragrance are all good, but... so what? Cooking really pays attention to taste, otherwise, no matter how beautiful it is, it will be in vain.

   With a strong disdain, the shopkeeper took a bite of the braised elbow.

   One bite, just one bite!

   The shopkeeper was dumbfounded.

  Fat but not greasy, salty with sweetness, melted between lips and teeth like silk rain—

   The chef who came over saw that the shopkeeper was so rude, and couldn't help but take a bite.


   Is this done by humans?

  The guys who have been watching the movement here are all shocked when they see their faces, and they can't hold it anymore. Some people have the courage to pick up chopsticks and bamboo shoots, and some people take advantage of the chaos to scoop up a large piece of mushrooms...

   Brush brush brush!

   The two large dishes were swept away in the blink of an eye.

  The atmosphere in the restaurant has changed a bit, and the eyes of everyone looking at the master and servant are not very different, and they even dare not neglect.

   The shopkeeper slapped his mouth still, and asked vigilantly, "Excuse me, if the girl came to our store, what's your job?" To dismantle?

  Chu Qianqian took out a token from his wide sleeve and put it on the table: "Bring the account book to see."

   The shopkeeper took the token and his expression changed: " are?"

  Chu Qianqian nodded slightly: "The Chu family's daughter."

   Chu's eldest daughter... eldest daughter?

   That little disaster star who killed the old man?

   Wasn't she kicked out of the Chu family? Why are you back? Got the old lady's token?

   The shop has always been left to the county owner to take care of it. The old lady went over the county owner to ask her questions. Is she worried about the county owner?

   (end of this chapter)

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