Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 173: Yao Xifu (final) (4)

   Chapter 173 Yao Xifu (End) (4)

Zhuge Ye spread his hands: "This household registration form is the original one. If adults don't believe it, I still have witnesses, as well as physical evidence that Yao County magistrate has tampered with Yao Xi's birthdate." After speaking, he took out a small cloth bag and threw it away. In the arms of Dali Siqing.

   Dali Si Qing took out the accusation letter drawn by many witnesses, and was so shocked that he could not close his mouth.

After   , Zhuge Ye "invited" an old housekeeper from Yao Mansion again.

  Things have progressed here, and there is no suspense and doubt.

   The crime of deceiving the king, plus the crime of hurting the fourth prince, was enough for Yao Xi to die a hundred times.

   And Yao county magistrate, who forged her identity, was not spared either.

  In the end, all the members of the Yao family were sentenced to prison, and they will be escorted to Dali Temple in the capital from now on, and then undergo a rigorous trial. As for Yao Xi herself, her crime has been fully confirmed, and the public anger cannot be quelled without the death penalty.

   Dali Siqing slapped the gavel and shouted, "Come on! Take Yao Xi down! Ten days later, he will be beheaded!"


   Yao Xi was stunned, his mind flashed like a thunderbolt, and there was chaos, and there was no reason at all.

   "I'm not Yao Xi! I'm not!"

   "I'm not pretending to be a pure yin girl! That has nothing to do with me!"

   "No, no, no! I...I am the real daughter of pure yin! She is not! She is not Chu Qianqian! She is not! I am! I am the daughter of pure yin!"

   She roared like crazy.

  Ke's roar was so hysterical, those words in the ears of the officials became "she's not, she's not, Chu Qianqian, she's not! I am! I am the daughter of pure yin!"

  The officials shook their heads in contempt, and they wanted to make excuses even when they were about to die.

   Only the blood on Chu Qianqian's cheeks faded away, and she looked at Yao Xi in disbelief!

Yao Xi grabbed Chu Qianqian's clothes and said with eyes like torches, "Are you very proud? You stole everything from me, and you still enjoy it so much! Frame me with peace of mind! You will have retribution! I curse you. You, you will definitely have retribution!"

  Chu Qianqian's body swayed and Yao Xi was pushed away!

   Then he staggered back a few steps and bumped into Zhuge Ye who was behind him.

  This time, instead of standing indifferently like before, she turned around and plunged into Zhuge Ye's arms, shivering.

  Zhuge Ye had never seen her look so frightened before, so frightened that she embraced him in public, shaking so much.

   He hugged her distressedly, wrapped her whole body in his arms with a cloak, and then swept away coldly, so that all the people watching the fun withdrew their gazes.

He looked at Yao Xi coldly again, not knowing what she said to Qianqian to frighten Qianqian into this, but he must not let her talk nonsense again: "Are all the yamen dead? Don't drag this world down quickly!"

   He gave an order, and Dali Siqing was so frightened that the tree fell down, and he hurriedly made a gesture to the yamen.

  Two yamen officers stepped forward, covered Yao Xi's mouth with a cloth, then set up Yao Xi and dragged him down toward the door.

   "Uh...uh..." Yao Xi shook his head and cried as he looked at Zhuge Ye who was holding Chu Qianqian in his arms, Shizi, she is not Chu Qianqian, she is not a pure yin daughter! I am... I am the prince! I am Da Zhou's only pure yin daughter, and your fiancee, Zhuge Ye!




   Yao Xi was dragged down.

  The sunny day turned into a cloudy sky.

Suddenly, a group of beggars rushed out from nowhere and surrounded the yamen and Yao Xi. I don't know what the beggars suddenly went crazy, they jumped on the yamen and took Yao Xi away when the yamen was unprepared. !

   The yamen was horrified: "Bold! Someone robs prisoners! Quick!"

   Hearing the call, the yamen in the hall ran over.

   At this moment, a beggar who was five big and three thick had already carried Yao Xi on his back and used his light power to fly into the back alley.

   "Damn! She actually let her run away!"

   "Quickly chase—chasing Yao Xi back—"

   Strict shouts and scolding continued from behind him. Yao Xi couldn't feel his legs, so he had to wrap his hands around the opponent's neck.

   "Who sent you here?" She asked in a hoarse voice after removing the veil from her mouth.

  The man didn't answer, but went up and down and entered an unremarkable courtyard.

   Ju Qing, who had changed into men's clothes, greeted her: "Miss! Miss, are you alright?"

   It turned out that it was Juqing who was worried that the lawsuit would lose, so he bought the killer in advance to take precautions.

   "I'm fine!" He said tremblingly, while allowing Juqing to change her into men's clothes and smear a little yellow powder on her face, so even Zhuge Yan might not be able to recognize her.

  Juqing said again: "I bought the ticket, it is a merchant ship of the Great Food Nation, as long as I get on the ship, the government can't do anything to us!"

   Yao Xi grabbed Ju Qing's hand and said, "You are good, I remember it! In the future, I will definitely not treat you badly!"

  Juqing held up her little heart, pricked her ears, listened to the movement outside, and asked the killer, "Are you sure you want to get rid of them?"

The    killer nodded: "Just some useless catches, what's the point? Hurry up and get on the bus, I'll take you to the dock!"

  The killer carried Yao Xi on his back and got into an unremarkable carriage with the plot. Then he acted as the driver and started to drive the carriage.

   Yamen, the moment Yao Xi was kidnapped, he issued an order to block the city gate, but the carriage was extremely fast, and he took a shortcut and ran out before the order reached the city gate.

   "Master Chu, Master Chu! You're here to inspect again!" Beside a cargo ship, a fat-headed boss stuffed Master Chu with a box of gold, "Be careful, Lord Shangshu, please accept it with a smile."

   "Ouch." Master Chu smiled embarrassedly, "It's not a joke! Lord Shangshu is trying cases in Dali Temple, I am still the servant!"

  The case of Yao Xi and Chu Qianqian has caused the whole capital to know about it, but he doesn't have enough official position to listen in, and he doesn't want to sit in the department and let his colleagues ridicule him, so he asked to go out to investigate the port.

   (end of this chapter)

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