Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 22: door to door

   Chapter 22 Homecoming

   Arrogant! Too arrogant!

   But what can they refute? It's been a morning, and they haven't lost once!

   "I will compare with you."

   A beautiful voice sounded behind the crowd.

  The boy looked up and saw the petals scattered among the petals, a girl in white, just like a fairy, walking towards him step by step.

  The boy was stunned for a second, and then a lightning flashed through his mind—

Oh shit! I have met someone who is prettier than me!

  Chu Qianqian stood in front of the table, bowed slightly, then sat down and asked, "Dare to ask how much your son has won?"

   The teenager squinted and smiled: "Not much, only fifty thousand taels."

  50,000 taels only? ! Isn't your kid too arrogant!

  Everyone's eyes widened, but Chu Qianqian's expression remained the same, she just nodded and said, "Well, my lucky head is 100,000."

   Everyone gasped suddenly, what kind of idiot is this? Didn't she know that the little monster in front of her had won all morning? She doesn't know how to throw a coin or two to try the depth first? This is not for the competition, but to rush to send money!

The    boy was also a little surprised: "Are you sure? One hundred thousand is not a small sum."

  Chu Qianqian nodded: "200,000 is also not a small sum."

  The boy was stunned for a moment, then laughed, well, he met someone more arrogant than him! She is still a Central Plains woman, which is really interesting!

  The boy leaned back on the back of the chair, raised his feet, and placed them on the table.

  This action, which should have been rude, was done by him, but it only made people feel charming.

  YouQi's inadvertently, slightly narrowed eyes, almost smashed the hearts of a group of girls and sucked them out.

   "Are you going to test me in the Four Books and Five Classics, or in arithmetic, or in the calendar? I advise you, how many difficulties will you have?"

  Chu Qianqian shook her head: "I have little knowledge, so I don't dare to show it to shame, just ask two simple questions."

   It's a mystery, and people in the Central Plains love to do this. To put it simply, it is actually a tricky problem that he racked his brains to think about, but he is not afraid of being tricky.

  Chu Qianqian looked at him and said, "The first question, will you let me win?"


  The boy laughed, what kind of idiot question is this?

   "Don't rush to answer, I have a second question. Is the answer to this question the same as the answer to the first question?"

  The confident boy froze suddenly...

  On the glazed stage, the princess was drinking tea with several noble ladies.

   It was a fat servant girl from Xiaomeiyuan who made tea for them. She witnessed the whole process of Chu Qianqian's tea making, and she had the cheek to ask for some precautions. No, the princess promoted her to serve in front of her! She really never dreamed that such a day would come! She is probably not the only one who thinks this way, that Miss Yao family entered Damei Garden because of Miss Chu!

   "Princess, the milk tea is ready." She poured the milk tea into the pot, and her maid stepped forward to try it, and then presented it to the princess and distributed it to others.

  The princess held up the cup and was about to drink, but suddenly a red figure rushed over, grabbed her cup, drank it all, and finally, with a wave of her robe, sat beside her.

   Dare to be so presumptuous in front of him, in the whole world, except for the prince, it is this little magic star.

   "Your face is so stinky, why, you lost?"

   This was a joking question, but looking at the boy's silence, he really lost!

   He is the little Zhuge of Kashiqing, and there is a day when he loses, which is too surprising!

   "Who did you lose to?" The princess looked at him and smiled slyly.

  The young man was furious when he saw it, he picked up the pot of freshly brewed milk tea, got up and said, "I heard that my cousin can eat, I'll go see him!"

   Wang Fei looked at his fleeing back, smiled meaningfully, and instructed the maid: "Go and find out, who won the county king, bring it to me to see."

   On the tree-lined path, two figures, one red and one white, looked around and walked forward.

"Sister, I... I can't hold it anymore, let's go faster, okay?" Ouyang Jin held Chu Qianqian's arm tightly, and leaned half of his weight on her, as if he was so weak that he was about to die Same.

  Chu Qianqian lightly supported her: "Do you usually do this too?"

Ouyang Jin's eyes flickered, he lowered his eyes, and choked with "uncomfortable" choking: "Yes... Yes, as long as I come to Sunflower Water, it will be painful to the death. My days are uncertain, and I don't know if I will come today. If you don't come to enjoy the plum banquet, you will almost make a fool of yourself!"

  Chu Qianqian didn't answer.

Ouyang Jinsheng was afraid that he would be ganged up, so he hurriedly whimpered again: "I know that I am bad-tempered, selfish, self-willed, and arrogant and unreasonable to you, but I didn't have a father since I was a child, and my mother was afraid that I would endure hardship, so she used to make me angry. I'm used to it! I actually know what's wrong. How can we say that we are both sisters in the same house. If we close the door and quarrel for a few words, can I really be angry with you? Take care of me."

   said as if she was lonely and pitiful. In fact, she is indeed lonely and pitiful today. It's just that Chu Qianqian shines in the small plum garden, strange tea, right? It's just a craft, and it won't take long to be forgotten. But why did she win so much money by defeating the Duke of Ming when she arrived at Dameiyuan? Now, the entire circle of elites in the capital knows her name, Chu Qianqian! I heard that even the princess is sending someone to summon her! And she, Ouyang Jin, has become a complete little transparent!

   "Sister, why don't you speak up?" She asked coquettishly, holding back her strong jealousy.

  Chu Qianqian curved the corners of her lips: "Aren't you going to go to Gong's room? I'm looking for it."

Ouyang Jin smiled coldly, pointed to the other side and said, "There. Sister, my clothes are dirty. Go to the wing and help me get a clean set. The wing is at the end of the road, the first yard on the right. , East Wing."

  Chu Qianqian glanced at her, wondering if it was because of her guilty conscience, but Ouyang Jin felt that this glance was sharper than a knife. But what Chu Qianqian said next made her heart fall back.

   "Okay, you are waiting for me in Gongfang, I'll get it."

   (end of this chapter)

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