Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 28: support her

   Chapter 28 Support her

  Zhuge Ye watched Shangguan Yule rush towards the woman, and for some reason, his breathing tightened slightly.

  The battle at Yihonglou ended the moment Mother Chun shouted for the official, everyone took the money and ran wildly.

  Chu Qianqian sat on the chair and waited quietly for the official to arrive.

  Suddenly, she felt two scorching gazes fall on her.

   She raised her head and looked over with an instinct.

   In the depths of the night, the candlelight flickered slightly, he wrapped a python pattern black cloak and stood in front of the window, staring at her for a moment.

   This was the first time that Chu Qianqian saw his face. It was too far away to actually see clearly, but Chu Qianqian still recognized it.

   Prince Regent, Zhuge Ye.

  Chu Qianqian bowed slightly, not sure if he recognized her.

   Then, he turned his face away and looked elsewhere.

   This seemingly inadvertent action made Zhuge Ye frown slightly.

   He was ignored, or by a woman!

   His eyes froze, and he turned and left the place.

  Chu Qianqian heard someone calling the eldest miss just now, thought it was calling her, turned her head and found out that it was not. When she looked at the tea shop again, there was no shadow of Zhuge Ye.

   "Chu Qianyan!"

   Shangguan Yu strode over.

  The youth's unique clear posture is wrapped under the red shirt, like the high sun in the clouds, noble and dazzling.

  Chu Qianqian gave a little salute calmly: "King Mingjun."

  Oh, he even recognized her when she was wearing a curtain, why wasn't she surprised at all?

  Shangguan Yu sighed in frustration, and said, "You are very brave to come here in the middle of the night, and you are not afraid of being caught and sent to jail?"

  Chu Qianqian shook his head: "If you are afraid, do it, if you are not afraid, do it, why should you be afraid?"

Shangguan Yu was most afraid of listening to these big truths, and after clearing his throat, he said, "Are you looking for someone? A maid, right? Well, I'll make a bet with you that before dawn, I'll help you find her back. If you find it, you will pay me back the money you won; if you can't find it, count me as a loss, and I will pay you another hundred thousand."

"It's not necessary to lose money." Chu Qianqian owed a debt and said, "For my status, money is like a limelight. Of course there are some things that are not a bad thing, but if you take all of them, it is definitely not a good thing. The prince is willing to help, The ministers and daughters are not very grateful. After finding Bizhu, the silver taels were returned in full, but the ministers and daughters only spent 1,000 taels, leaving only 199,000."

   "You don't have private money?"

   "Yes, I just sprinkled it."

  It doesn’t explain much if you can sprinkle light—

Oh shit! She is really a white wolf with empty gloves in the morning!

   How did she know that she would definitely win?

  She, she, she... She despised him at all!

   Shangguan Yu's whole person is not well: "You... I won't find it for you!"

  Danju looked at his retreating back, and stomped his feet: "It's still the prince! How can you go back on your word?"

  Chu Qianqian said, "You don't have to worry about your child's character."


   "It is our luck that he helps; it is common sense not to help."

  Danju nodded with an epiphany. Even the master and the old lady may not be willing to help, and a prince who met by chance, there is no need to take responsibility for a word.

   "Miss thinks clearly, and the slave has been taught. It's just... what is Big Sister Bizhu going to do?" Danju asked worriedly.

   "Miss! Miss!"

  A carriage stopped at the entrance of the alley, Bizhu jumped to the ground and ran over crying and laughing!

  She hugged Chu Qianqian's arm and kept crying: "Miss is worried..."

  Chu Qianqian handed her a handkerchief: "Is there any injury?"

   is still the indifferent tone of water.

   But Bizhu knows that in this world, smiling at you may not be good for you.

   "Not hurt! I'm fine! Miss, miss..." Still tears.

   "Who rescued you?" There was still no extra expression on Chu Qianqian's face.

  Bizhu quickly wiped away her tears, pointed to the carriage, and said excitedly, "Miss, it was the benefactor who saved me!"

   She was chased by someone, and when she met her benefactor, she didn't see what she looked like. She thought she was another bad person, so she fainted with fright. When I woke up, I just heard someone report the case, saying that a woman wearing a curtain was making trouble in the Yihong Courtyard because of a maid, and they rushed over. It was indeed a young lady!

  Chu Qianqian walked over, folded her hands in front of her forehead, and deeply blessed the man.

  Everyone, including the man, was shocked. He was just a palace guard, and she was the daughter of the official family, and she actually gave such a big gift just for a maid.

   She only gave a slight salute to the Ming County Master and Zhuge Ye just now.

   "Daughter Chu, thank you Engong for saving Bizhu."

  Little girl, she actually called herself "Little Girl"!

  The man froze completely, Bizhu was crying, but she wasn't excited at all, he thought she didn't really care about Bizhu. Who would have guessed that she would do this for Bizhu—

   "I can't... I can't, it's my duty, Miss Chu doesn't need to care." He said.

  Bizhu cried more and more, and took a long time to hold back: "Miss! It's the benefactor... it's the benefactor who saved the young master! Last time I was in the county... it was also the benefactor!"

  Chu Qianqian gave another big gift.

   There are no very pleasant words, no expressions that are too excited, just so light. But I can't tell why, looking at such a young lady, even Dan Ju burst into tears.

   But it didn't end there, on the contrary, it just started.

  Chu Qianqian didn't know that Bizhu was rescued, and reported the case in that way, Jingzhao Mansion was disturbed.

   Jing Zhaoyin rushed over with a group of cavalry.

  Mother Chun, who had been huddled in the corner, saw Jing Zhaoyin, as if she had seen a savior, and rushed over: "Sir! Lord, you have to decide for the grass people!"

Jing Zhaoyin has always coveted Manniang in Yihong Courtyard, but Manniang is a prostitute and not a prostitute, so she can't watch her. !

   (end of this chapter)

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