Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 30: Beat Ouyang Jin (1)

   Chapter 30 Beating Ouyang Jin (1)

  At the door of Yihong Building, the man saw that the matter had been resolved. Although he was a little surprised that Zhuge Ye was so holy that he had frightened Jing Zhaoyin like that, he didn't ask, and only said goodbye to Chu Qianqian.

  Chu Qianqian bowed and said, "I owe you two favors."

The    man smiled and wanted to say nothing, but she was so persistent, he couldn't bear to brush her good intentions, so he agreed, anyway, he wouldn't really have a day to find her back.

  Bizhu sent him to the carriage.

   Thinking that the guards don't have a high salary, this car must be hired, so I have to pay him money, but it took a long time to find out that I didn't bring any money, so I just laughed embarrassingly.

  The carriage drove into the alley, turned right, and after walking for a while, turned into a quaint and atmospheric mansion.

   On the other side, Chu Qianqian and others also planned to leave.

   Chu Qianqian has been tossing around for a whole day from the plum viewing banquet to the Yihong Mansion, and now she is really tired.

   She is not the only one tired.

   Zhuge Ye had been ill for a long time, and it was a taboo to go out of the house, and he ran outside and the cold wind was blowing for so long, even his lips were white.

   But he didn't want to go, he had a doubt. From the first time she saw him, he knew that she recognized him. But in the impression, they seem to have never met. And his yard has never allowed female guests to enter. The only accident was Yao Xi, but she was Chu Qianqian, wasn't she?

   Of course, a person as proud as him would never ask with a calm face, "Have we met? Why do you remember me, but I don't remember you?"

   really insults the IQ of his son-in-law.

   But just because he doesn't ask doesn't mean he can't figure it out.

   But before that, he had another thing to do.

  Chu Qianqian was about to get in the car when suddenly a hand reached over and lifted her veil.

   "Yeah! What are you doing? Let go of my lady!" Bizhu watched the man leave, turned and returned to Chu Qianqian, but suddenly saw the man in a black cloak talking to the frivolous young lady!

  Chu Qianqian is very calm: "Is it beautiful?"

   This face is more than beautiful? It's perfect to the extreme, but those eyes, obviously beautiful, but revealing the desert-like desolation, people can't see through her heart, and can't see a single bit.

   Zhuge Ye's eyes darkened: "Pretty."

  Chu Qianqian smiled: "You too."

   That smile was so beautiful and charming that it made his heart itch, so much so that he didn't realize what she said for a long time. When he got into the carriage and was about to arrive at the palace, he suddenly realized the three words: you, also, yes!

is it beautiful?


You too.

   Damn! His big man was molested by a woman!

  Chu Qianqian got on the carriage, Bizhu and Danju laughed and leaned forward and backward. Thinking that the eldest lady said that the man was also beautiful, but the man looked at the eldest lady insane, not only forgot to refute, but also seemed to get into the car happily, and they couldn't help it at all.

  Chu Qianqian shook his head, ask yourself for more blessings, children, you are laughing at the prince of the regent's palace.

  The coachman raised his horse whip and asked, "Miss, shall we go back to the manor?" He was the first person to smash the market. He won one hundred taels of silver, and he couldn't be more happy. Since then, she has decided to follow suit for the eldest lady.

  Chu Qianqian gave a "hmm": "Go back to the house."

"Girl! Please stay!" A purple-clothed maid walked over with small steps, handed the money bag to the window, and said, "My lady respects the girl as a human being and said that she can't accept the girl's money, so let me return the money. to the girl."

   When Chu Qianqian entered the Yihong Building, she grabbed a beautiful woman and asked for directions. The woman reminded her that Chun's mother was in a bad mood, which showed that her heart was not bad.

  Chu Qianqian said through the curtain, "No need."

  The little maid returned to the Yihong Courtyard holding the purse: "Manniang, she doesn't want it."

   Manniang smiled bitterly: "If you don't want it, don't stop it, you can buy it and eat it."

   On the way back to the mansion, Chu Qianqian kept wondering, how could Bizhu be hit by such a vicious hand if she never had a confrontation with anyone. After inquiring, I found out that Ouyang Jin had dug into Bizhu's corner last night, but Bizhu sternly refused. Bizhu wanted to tell Chu Qianqian, but Chu Qianqian fell asleep. This morning, Bizhu forgot again. If it was said, Chu Qianqian would definitely take precautions in advance.

  Bizhu was also very guilty. It was her carelessness that caused the young lady to lose so much money in vain. The money was enough to buy a hundred maids.

   "You are lucky, you have met a good person, it may not be the next time. If there is anything in the future, wake me up." Chu Qianqian said softly.

  Bizhu guiltily responded: "Yes."

  Chu Qianqian closed her eyes, suddenly thought of something, and opened it again: "Has the owner of the golden pen come to redeem the pen?"

  Bizhu said "Yeah": "I forgot! I forgot! That pen belonged to Engong! I also said that I found you, so I took him back to Chu's house to get the pen..."

   She is such a pig head, why can't she remember things?

   After making such a fuss, not only her but also the man forgot about the golden pen.

   That golden pen doesn't look like something a bodyguard can have, or rather, it doesn't look like something you can buy on the market. The Chu family is rich, but even in the old lady's house, there is nothing more valuable than it—

  Chu Qianqian's heart flashed doubts, but he didn't say anything, only said: "If he comes to get it, give it to him, if he doesn't come, you can choose a time to send it to him."

  Bizhu smiled happily: "Okay."

  Chu Qianqian was probably really tired. After taking a shower, she fell asleep next to the pillow.

   She slept soundly, but someone was not so lucky.

   Zhuge slept until midnight when he suddenly developed a high fever. After the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, he insisted that he was blowing too much cold wind and caused the old disease. As a result, the matter of sneaking out of the house could not be concealed.

   Wang Fei was so angry that her eyes flashed gold stars, and she beat all the servants of Liujing Pavilion 30 big boards, and then she took Shangguan Yu out of the bed and gave him a severe training!

   Shangguan Yu died of grievance, the car was warm, the tea shop was warm, God knows where he was blowing the cold wind? Could it be that he came back from the roof of the car?

   Zhuge Ye gave the entourage an order to seal the password, and they naturally did not dare to reveal a word. Even on Jing Zhaoyin's side, Zhuge Ye also sent someone to deliver the news, and if he dared to publicize what happened tonight, he told him to get out of the capital.

   (end of this chapter)

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