Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 362: kill! (2)

   Chapter 362 Kill! (2)

   Sun's Servant put the secret guard on the table: "Your Highness, Nalanyan also went to Liangzhou, but it seems that she fell into the sea. I don't know if she drowned."

   Zhuge Ye didn't care about Nalanyan's life or death, but Nalanyan also appeared in Liangzhou, which made Zhuge Ye think of the man wearing the hat.

  If he guessed correctly, the Dou Li Nan is the mastermind behind Na Lanyan and Nian Si Ye. If she also went to Liangzhou, then the secret of Liangzhou might not have anything to do with Dou Li Nan.

  My father never allowed him to check the Fourth Master Nian. He probably knew that Fourth Master Nian was just a minion, and investigating him would alert the mastermind behind the scenes.

   Father Emperor should have had a confrontation with the mastermind behind the scenes, so he has a certain understanding of him. I am afraid that it is the "love affair" between the father and the concubine Shu, which is also done for each other to see. It is a pity that the mother's plan to paralyze the other party had to be terminated early.

   At this moment, Zhuge Ye had a little regret. If he had listened to his father's advice, he might not have been so early.

   Zhuge Ye's fingers tapped on the table a few times.

   Who is that man in the hat?

  When he appeared, was there a second eyewitness?


  Master Chu, who was huddled in the small Buddha hall, begging God to worship Buddha, sneezed.

   "Your Highness, Your Highness?" When Sun Nei saw Zhuge Ye pondered, he reminded gently, "You haven't seen Ouyang Cairen for a long time. Tonight... do you want to..."

  Zhuge Ye squeezed his brows, and a trace of complexity flashed across his eyes. He didn't immediately answer Sun's inner servant's question, but said, "Have you found the person you asked you to check?"

   Sun's Servant bowed his head in embarrassment: "Not yet."

  The woman in the painting looks at most sixteen or seventeen years old. He searched all the women from thirteen to twenty, but he couldn't find anyone who was even a little bit similar.

   Sun's Servant peeked at Zhuge Ye while he was distressed, thinking to himself, Master has been lukewarm to Ouyang Cairen these days, and he is still restless from time to time. Could it be that he has moved his mind towards the woman in the painting?

  To say that this woman is really beautiful, it is indescribable, the queen is beautiful, but compared with the woman in the painting, it still lacks a bit of color.

  This is just a painting, I can't imagine what His Highness would look like if she stood in front of her in real life?

   During the conversation, there was a commotion in the street.

   Two burly men blocked the way of a woman in red. The woman was alone, and the skirt and the edge of the curtain fence were stained with dust along the way. Anyone with a little vision could see that the woman was new to the scene.

   She had no luggage on her body, only a golden bow in her hand and a quiver on her back.

   The two strong men immediately concluded that she was a foreigner who made a living by performing arts.

   To deal with this kind of woman, they have a way.

   But the woman's aura was too compelling, walking in the crowd, like a flame that could erupt at any time, one meter around her body, and everyone spontaneously gave way.

   Her whole body was shrouded in the veil of the curtain fence, even the hand holding the bow and arrow was wearing thin silk gloves.

   Dazhou Women's Festival has the same name, but it is very rare to even wrap up the hands.

   Seeing that the woman was about to leave, the two finally made up their minds.

   The strong man with the national character face gave a wicked smile, blocking the woman's way: "Girl, are you looking for someone or an errand?"

"Step aside."

   The voice of the woman so indifferent that there was no trace of warmth came from under the curtain.

   The two strong men were stunned for a while, and they felt a chill in their hearts for no reason, but they didn't really take it to heart.

Still a strong man with a face with a national character stepped forward: "Girl, there are a lot of liars in the capital. You are so beautiful, it will be bad if you meet a bad guy! Why don't you go to Cuiyue Building with my brother? You are there, you can definitely Find a good job!"

  There were already many people onlookers. When they heard that the other party was going to deceive the woman into the Cuiyue Building, many people showed regret and anger.

What is   Cuiyue Building? It is a newly opened fireworks place after Yihong Courtyard and Menghonglou, commonly known as Broth.

   But the opening time of Cuiyue Building is not long, and the outsiders generally don’t know what it does. Just by the name, it is no different from ordinary restaurants.

  Everyone gave the two strong men a displeased look, but no one dared to come forward to stop them.

  Zhuge Ye's eyes turned cold, brothels are legal, but it is illegal to abduct people. It would be too much for these two to deceive foreigners into prostitutes with such frivolous tricks.

   He stared, and was about to instruct Sun's maid, but the woman in red spoke first.

   "You, are you from Cuiyuelou?"

   The woman asked lightly, her abrupt tone, word by word, not smooth.

The    Chinese character face smiled and nodded: "To be honest, the two of us are the deputy shopkeepers in Cuiyue Building. If the girl is recommended by the two of me, she will definitely be highly regarded by my mother in the future... Cough, no, she will be highly regarded by the shopkeeper!"

   The woman said again, "Where is the Cuiyue Building?"

   The fat-headed and big-eared man pointed to his side: "Girl, look! That's it! It's not far!"

   "Well, it saves a lot of trouble." The woman said calmly, took a few steps, took out an arrow from the quiver behind her and put it on the bow, and shot it out with a smirk!


   With a loud bang, the signboard of Cuiyue Building was shot down, just on the head of Chun's mother who was seeing off the guest.

  Mother Chun let out a whimper and fell down the steps.

   "Ge...Ge Laozi's, only opened for a few days...and was smashed again?"

After    finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and fainted!

   When the strong man saw this, he was immediately furious, and wanted to capture the woman alive to vent his anger.

The    woman fired two arrows in succession, and the two of them were pinned to the door panel with tremendous force without even touching a corner of their clothes.

  The crowd, silent for a few seconds, then dispersed with a hula!

   "Kill...killed! Ah-killed!"

   "Express officer! Murder—"

  The people ran wildly, looking at the woman's eyes, no longer the original surprise, only fear, as if looking at a female devil.

  The woman walked forward without anyone else.

   Zhuge Ye frowned, this woman is so vicious! Although the two had ulterior motives, they hadn't hurt her yet, but she didn't care. She shot down the signboard with one arrow, and the signboard also knocked out the prostitute. Then, she killed two people in a row.

   After killing, there is no fear at all.

   Under the feet of the emperor, how can such a person who ignores the law and discipline be tolerated?

   Zhuge Ye snapped his fingers and motioned for Sun Nei to go down and get someone.

  The woman seemed to be suddenly alert, turned around, and drew the bow and arrow!

  Her arrows will either not fire or see blood.

   And the direction she aimed at was between Zhuge Ye's eyebrows.

   Zhuge Ye didn't expect the opponent's vigilance to be so high, and he didn't expect the opponent's heart to be so cruel.

   killed one after another, and now, in order not to be caught, he actually aimed at another.

   But he, not those two stupid men, can't dodge an arrow!

   Unexpectedly, Zhuge Ye underestimated the opponent's ruthlessness and speed.

   He thought she had just aimed at the target, but in fact she had already shot the arrow.

   An archer who does not need to deliberately aim at the target, no, it should be called a sharp archer, in the military camp, I am afraid that there is no better than her.

   That bow and arrow is also unusual, its speed is more than three times faster than that of the same kind.

   Zhuge Ye pinched his hands and quickly waved a hidden weapon!

   To his surprise, after the woman shot the first arrow, she immediately shot the second arrow, and the second arrow hit the tail of the first arrow and went to the side window together with it!


   is saving him?

   She obviously wanted to kill him, why did she make another shot to save him?

   Zhuge Ye's hidden weapon was originally intended to deal with her first arrow, but now that the arrow is gone, the hidden weapon is shot at the woman's chest without any obstruction!

   She could dodge, but she seemed to have forgotten to dodge, and just stared straight at Zhuge Ye until the hidden weapon was completely submerged in her chest.


  The pain exploded in the chest cavity, Chu Qianqian rolled and fell off the bed.

   Hearing the movement, Shen shi hurried in and took her daughter into her arms: "Qianqian! Qianqian! What's wrong with you, Qianqian?"

   "I was shot with an arrow, it hurts." Chu Qianqian covered the position of her chest, sweating profusely.

  Shen shi peeled off Chu Qianqian's clothes, looked at it, and hugged Chu Qianqian tighter: "You're having a nightmare, you're not hurt, you're fine."


   But that's so real that it doesn't feel like a dream.

  Chu Qianqian trembled with her hands, and touched her chest, which was smooth without any scars or bloodstains. Besides, the Maharaja didn't know about her hiding in the Chu family. Even if he knew about it, there was still A Yuan guarding outside. Who could easily hurt her?

  Shen shi wiped the sweat from her daughter's forehead distressedly: "You miss His Royal Highness so much, I will enter the palace and ask His Highness to come and see you."

   This time, Chu Qianqian did not refuse!


  In the cabin, if Shangguan was facing the spittoon, he vomited in a mess!

   After vomiting, he rinsed his mouth, twisted his neck again, and fell asleep in Zhuge Ming's arms.

  Zhuge Ming hugged Shangguan Ruo, who seemed to have lost a whole circle in more than ten days. He felt so distressed that he couldn't breathe easily: "Drive slowly."

  The boatman said: "Master, this is already the slowest speed. If it is slower, today's Dragon Boat Festival, when we arrive in the capital, it should be the Mid-Autumn Festival."

  Zhuge Ming hit him with a cold gaze!

  The boatman was so frightened he said, "Yes, yes! Slow! It's a little slow!"

   Slow fart! I'm off! Just stop on the river and consume you!

   Zhuge Ming twisted the veil to wipe Shangguan Ruo's body.

  Shangguan Ruo has not even opened his eyes after eating and taking a bath, except for vomiting and drowsiness.

  The doctor said that in addition to her own special circumstances, she was also a little frightened, which is why she became like this. After returning to a familiar living environment, her condition should be improved.


   In her mouth, she mumbled something.

  Zhuge Ming only thought she was dreaming, and didn't take it to heart.

It wasn't until Shangguan Ruo seemed to be in a nightmare that he started to cry, and he was very scared to get into his arms, then he approached her ear temples and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, I'm here. "

   "Ghosts...there are ghosts..."

  Zhuge Ming put down his veil and took her into his arms in the most comfortable position: "What the hell?"

   Shangguan Ruo closed his eyes tightly: "Ou...Ouyang..."

   (end of this chapter)

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