Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 374: come to you (2)

   Chapter 374 Come to the door (2)

   "Your Highness!"

   is the deputy commander.

The deputy commander walked in front of Zhuge Ye like an enclave, clasped his fists in a salute, and said, "Report to Your Highness Prince, after your Majesty is injured, the affairs of the army should be decided by the commander. The commander has an order, anyone, including I, including me, are not allowed to approach the arsenal, and I also ask His Royal Highness to forgive me.”

   Zhuge Ye recalled what he saw, and if he wasn't dazzled, it should have been three gun carts.

   Majesty was the one who entered the capital all the way. Before, he didn't even see the shadow of the gun truck—

   And overnight, there were three more gun wagons in the arsenal.

  Nian Siye's old department only submits to the Maharaja verbally, but there is no substantive communication, and these cannon carts can never be sent by them.

  The only possibility is that the iron cavalry carried the components of the gun carriage, which was completely assembled last night.

  The maharaja led the troops into the customs, was it really just to bring back Shangguan Ruo?

  Why does he have the feeling that if it is a guise to take over the official, attacking the capital is the purpose?

   If this is the case, then he who welcomes the Majesty into the capital will become a traitor!

  Zhuge Ye broke out in a cold sweat and decided to ask the majesty for clarification.

   Coincidentally, Chen Muqing was stunned by the folly of the maharaja, and at this time, it was indeed the maharaja online.

After listening to Zhuge Ye's words, Dajun frowned in surprise: "How could this happen?"

   Zhuge Ye blinked: "You don't know?"

  The maharaja shook his head like a rattle: "How could I bring a cannon into the customs?"

  The artillery cart is a dangerous thing that could no longer be dangerous. Bringing it into the customs is basically to declare war on Zhuge Ming. He wanted to return to Ruo'er, but Ye'er was the crown prince and the future emperor. Why would he disturb Ye'er's world?

  Zhuge Ye looked at the Majesty dubiously.

  The majesty sent a maid to call the commander, but the commander did not return, but the deputy commander who came to return was the one who stopped Zhuge Ye just now.

   "When will there be more artillery carts in the army?" The Majesty asked straight to the point without waiting for the deputy commander to salute.

  The deputy commander glanced at Zhuge Ye and said solemnly, "Yesterday."

  The maharaja held back his weakness, picked up a teacup and smashed it!

The    teacup hit the vice-commander's forehead, creating a **** hole with a bang.

   At the moment when the blood was shining, the words of the majesty as cold as ice also burst into the room.

   "When did I get the cannon car? Who did it?"

The    deputy commander, with blood on his head, looked at the majesty strangely: " ordered it. I...I heard what you said to the commander."

   omitted the word "accidentally".

   Such a confidential matter should not have been stabbed in his ears. Who told him to go to the toilet in the middle of the night and happened to meet the Maharaja and the commander in a secret conversation?

Mr.    was not impressed at all, he picked up another teacup and smashed it over: "Damn! ****... ****... thing... When did I... give this order? I... I... cough..."

  Your Majesty was so angry that the whole person shivered into a ball.

   Zhuge Ye watched all this calmly.

   Not long after, the commander came back.

As soon as the    commander entered the door, the first thing he did was to draw his sword and kill the deputy commander. Then he knelt down on the ground, his eyes were red and said: "Your Majesty atonement! It's only a few days when he was out on patrol, but his subordinates did such deceitful things! The subordinates have already asked! This fellow colluded for years The old department of the Fourth Master smuggled the gun cart into our camp, so that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would find it, and there would be a gap between our hearts!"

   said, he also took out from his arms the letter of the secret transaction between Nian Siye and the deputy commander.

   Zhuge Ye didn't recognize Nian Siye's characters, so he couldn't tell the authenticity from the fake.

   Could it be that... this deputy commander is really hiding the gun cart?

  Why...he thinks it's very unlikely?

   After the commander retired, Zhuge Ye was also ready to retire.

  The maharaja stopped him: "My wound is bleeding, you help me change the medicine. You guys, go out."

The last sentence    was addressed to the maids and attendants in the room.

   Several people withdrew respectfully.

   When only the grandparents and grandchildren were left in the house, the irritable mood of the Maharaja quickly calmed down.


   He waved to Zhuge Ye.

   Zhuge Ye understood and sat down beside him.

  The Maharaja spread out Zhuge Ye's palm and wrote a few words tremblingly: "I suspect that someone is impersonating me."

   Zhuge Ye frowned: "Grandpa!"

  The maharaja gestured him to calm down, and wrote: "Protect Ruo'er."

  If that person could impersonate him to give orders to the army, there is no guarantee that he would not impersonate him... Hurt Ruo'er...

   In his life, he can let go of everything, only Ruo'er, he is reluctant to let her suffer a little!

   Zhuge Ye nodded.

   When Zhuge Ye returned to Chu Qianqian's yurt, Chu Qianqian had already gone out.

  The herbs were gone, so she went back to the city to buy medicine, she wanted to say hello to Zhuge Ye, but she left first after hearing that he was accompanying the majesty to handle important military affairs.

  The emperor seems to be going to war with the majesty, the capital is in chaos, the streets that used to be prosperous are now withered like flowers, and occasionally three or two traffickers pass by, but they still clear the goods and plan to flee elsewhere.

  Chu Qianqian was walking on the dirty street when a thin black figure crashed into her arms like a hurricane. She took two steps back and saw the child on the opposite side.

  The child was very thin and small, with a blessed body, he apologized tremblingly, and then ran away anxiously.

  Chu Qianqian grabbed him with one hand and lifted him up: "Return the money bag to me!"

   The little boy was startled!

  Chu Qianqian stretched out his hand: "The money bag, give it back to me! You can't do anything right at a young age, learn from others to steal!"

  The little boy bit his lip, and tears flowed out, but he still returned the money bag to Chu Qianqian.

  Not long after Chu Qianqian left, the low sobbing sound of a little boy came from the alley.

  Chu Qianqian looked over and saw the little boy hugging a smelly corpse and crying bitterly.

   At this time, Chu Qianqian realized that the little boy only had one arm, and the other sleeve was empty.

   "She's dead."

   Chu Qianqian said softly.

   The little boy cried and did not speak.

  This child is about the same age as Xiaobao, Chu Qianqian looked at him and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart: "What about your family?"

   The little boy cried more and more.

  Chu Qianqian sighed and asked again, "Did they not want you and your mother?"

   The little boy nodded.

  A Yuan lost sight of it, fell from the roof, gave a salute and said, "A lot of people have fled recently. His family should not care about their mother and son."

  Chu Qianqian handed the purse to the little boy: "Take it and bury your mother."

   (end of this chapter)

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