Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 382: war, finally started (1)

   Chapter 382 The war finally started (1)

The    war finally started, after the "Great Monarch" announced the death of Zhuge Ming.

  Although Chen Muqing didn't find Zhuge Ming's body, but the other party didn't either. Zhuge Ming seemed to have evaporated out of thin air. If he didn't return, he couldn't solve the emperor's death sentence.

   In addition, Zhuge Ye was dragged by waves of dark guards by Chen Muqing on his way to the camp. For a time, the group of dragons was headless, the army was distracted, and the government was in chaos!

After   Ouyang Jue settled Chu Qianqian, he immediately rushed to the city tower, where the Imperial Guard had already started a war with the majesty's army of 100,000.

  Your Majesty's artillery cart blew the Guards apart like ants. As soon as Ouyang Jue arrived at the city gate, he was shocked three meters away by the aftermath of the artillery fire.

  Ouyang Jue was half dead with anger.

   When Ouyang Jue was tired of dealing with Chen Muqing's army, something happened to the palace.

  Some old officials who were bribed by Chen Muqing, represented by the imperial censor, forced them to go to the Golden Palace, asking the prince to hand over to the emperor.

   To say that the prince is to hand over the emperor is to say that the prince murdered the emperor.

Since ancient times, it is not uncommon for the prince to murder his biological father in order to ascend the throne early. In addition, Zhuge Ye and Zhuge Ming had a big fight that was seen by many palace people. Everyone speculated that Zhuge Ming was going to kill Shangguan Ruo and the emperor. In order to protect the biological mother and grandfather, the prince decided to kill the biological father.

   "Hey, hey, hey! Be quiet! Be quiet! How could the prince do such a cruel thing? Go back first, and when the prince returns, I will give you an explanation!"

   It was Zhang He who spoke.

  Zhang He is an imperialist, whoever is the emperor will be loyal to him.

   Mr. Zhang, who once hated his son's loyalty to Mingzong, was suddenly a little fortunate at this moment. It is fortunate that his son is a master who only recognizes the throne and does not recognize people.

   Unprecedented unity of the fronts of Mr. Zhang and his son!

   "The old man said that too, no one is allowed to trespass into the harem without the order of the emperor or the prince!"

   They knew that Zhuge Ming and Zhuge Ye were not there, but they still insisted on staying in the Golden Palace to force the palace, didn't they just want to force Xi'er and Xiaobao out?

   And once the Second Highness and the eldest grandson of the emperor fall into the hands of these scumbags, the emperor may not win if he wants to win.

   Mr. Zhang was the former imperial teacher, and many civil servants had been instructed and promoted by him. As soon as he opened his mouth, many of the officials who originally helped the monarch became neutral.

  But despite being neutral, it was not an easy task to get them to retreat from the Golden Throne Hall.

   Soon, Xier and Xiaobao also got the news.

  Xiaobao blinked his big watery eyes, his delicate and soft red lips pursed gently, and said aggrieved: "There are so many people... what should I do with so many people? Why don't Father and Mother come to pick us up?"

  Xi'er stretched out her white and thin hand and wiped Xiaobao's tears: "Second uncle, take you away."

  Xiaobao sniffed: "Second uncle, you lied, you are a child"


   Speaking of this, Xiaobao was stunned, "Second Uncle! Did you just talk?"

  Xi'er took out the handkerchief to wipe Xiaobao's nose, and touched his round head, with a coldness and calmness that did not belong to this age in his eyes: "Second uncle, take you away."

   At that moment, Xiaobao felt a very powerful aura from his second uncle!

   The next second, Little Treasure jumped up with joy: "Second uncle, you can talk! Second uncle is great! Second uncle is great!"

The maid on the side of    is full of black lines, the eldest grandson of the emperor, can you be more unreliable? The people outside are about to come in, can you wait to escape before complimenting the Second Highness?

   Xi'er looked out the window: "Someone."

   The voice is not too small, but it has the majesty of a superior.

   A dozen black shadows flew in and half-kneeled in front of Xi'er: "Second Highness!"

Half of these people were left by Zhuge Ming, and the other half were arranged by Zhuge Ye. Their task was to protect the safety of the two young masters, but one of the two His Royal Highnesses could not speak, and the other was the eldest grandson of the emperor...not very sensible, yes So, they didn't expect any additional instructions. Right now Xi'er said "come here", they shouldn't have reacted, but the pressure of the superiors forced them out from the beams of the house.

  Xiaobao opened his black eyes, looked at the dark guard, and then looked at the second uncle: "Second uncle, you are so powerful, you can spread beans and become soldiers!"

   When he was four years old, he learned a total of two idioms, one is famous, and the other is to spread beans to become soldiers.

Xi'er was very useful to Xiaobao's adoring eyes, she gave a faint "um", and said with one hand behind her back: "You guys, send the eldest grandson of the emperor to the prince's mansion, and hand it over to the little prince in person! "

   On the one hand, everyone was amazed that the Second Highness could speak and speak so well. On the other hand, they were very surprised that the Second Highness sent the eldest grandson to Zhuge Yan? You know, Zhuge Yan and the emperor's eldest grandson don't seem to move much, right?

   One of the thoughtful leaders, the secret guard, said: "Second Highness, among the old ministries for breakfast this time, half of them are the confidants of His Majesty Sejong."

The implication of    is that Zhuge Yan is the son of Sejong, and there is no guarantee that he will not murder Xiaobao in order to compete for the throne.

  Xi'er gave Xiaobao a deep look: "Little prince...will protect the eldest grandson of the emperor."

  My brother, I will take care of my younger brother.

When   Xiaobao heard that he was going to see his brother, he was naturally overjoyed, so he hugged Xi'er's arm and said, "Second uncle, eldest brother is very nice, I asked him to take care of you too!"

   After Xiaobao came, Xi'er's appetite gradually increased. She used to be half a head shorter than Xiaobao, but now she has taken a small part of Xiaobao. He patted Xiaobao's hand and coaxed softly, "Okay, then go and say hello to your elder brother. He agrees, and I'll go over there."

  Xiaobao immediately thought this idea was too good!

   The leading dark guard frowned and said, "Second Highness, you..."

  Xi'er hit her with a cold gaze!

   The leading dark guard flinched in fright.

   He is battle-hardened, and he never expected to be frightened by a five-year-old one day.

   That kind of Shura-like eyes are exactly the same as those of the emperor and the prince!

   "Subordinates... follow orders!"

   The leading dark guard left with Xiaobao in his arms, but for safety reasons, two dark guards were still left to protect Xi'er.

  Xi'er didn't want any of them, but they said, if you don't want to kill herself on the spot, Xi'er thought about it and accepted it.

After Xiaobao and his party mingled with the imperial army and left, Xi'er asked the palace maid to wrap the little white wolf into the shape of a child. The little white wolf has grown a lot and is about the same length as the child. He was trained to walk upright holding hands, although he could only walk a few steps, but it was enough to fool those old guys.

   (end of this chapter)

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