Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 384: nickname (1)

   Chapter 384 Nickname (1)

  In the cold cellar, Chu Qianqian woke up from a coma, and when he woke up, he saw a pair of dark eyes staring at him like a devil!

  Chu Qianqian's scalp tingled with fright: "Ah—who are you?"

   The other party was also taken aback, took three steps back, stared at her and said, "Who are you?"

  Chu Qianqian rubbed her sullen eyes, and only then did she see the other party's appearance clearly, and a chill rose immediately: "Bastard! What did you do to me?"

After breaking her ban, she seemed to have lost control. She clearly heard him say in her ear, "Kill Zhuge Ye", "Kill Zhuge Ye", her mind was awake, but her hands began to move inexplicably. hacked up...

   That feeling is terrible!

  The Maharaja blinked, pointed to his own eyes and said, "I should ask you this, what have you done to me? Look, my hands are rotten, and my eyes are also blind!"

   The hand that Ouyang Qing had wounded with his virgin blood was blurred, but Maharaja did not remember how he was injured. When he woke up, he found himself lying with a female doll, which frightened him! He thought he was too attractive to be raped!

  Although this girl is not bad-looking and has a good figure, but he is not such a casual man, and the one-night stand is the most annoying!

After scolding Chu Qianqian thousands of times in his heart, he suddenly found that his right hand and right eye were injured, especially his right eye, even his eyeballs were gone, because this is a cellar, the temperature is low, and he was so frozen that he lost consciousness. I didn't notice it right away...

  It doesn't matter what the pain is, what matters is who the **** did it?

  Chu Qianqian squeezed her fingers and slowly stepped back: "How could I possibly do anything to you? Well, stop pretending!"

   "Pretend?" Your Majesty wondered, "What are you talking about, little doll?"

Little Doll?

  Chu Qianqian touched her cheek.

  The human skin mask is gone.

   is neither a maid nor Ouyang Nuo.

  But... But if the Maharaja is a man in a hat, it is impossible not to recognize Chu Qianqian's face, he clearly knows that Chu Qianqian is the reincarnation of Ouyang Qing!

  Chu Qianqian looked at the majesty and looked at it very seriously. The majesty's eyes were clear and clear, and there was no sign of lying. If he said something, he was confused and angry.


   Could it be... Ouyang Qing and the emperor made a mistake?

   The man in the hat is not your majesty?

No wonder Chu Qianqian was so suspicious, but Chu Qianqian only listened to Ouyang Qing talking about such a thing, but never saw the man in the hat taking off his hat. He was just confronting the man with the hat on the back of the horse, and he was also the man in the hat. Where did she see each other's face when she was in the back?

   And the majesty, he has seen Ouyang Nuo and the little maid, but he has never seen Chu Qianqian's true face.

   "Girl, what are you doing looking at me like that?" The Maharaja looked into Chu Qianqian's eyes and asked very unconvinced!

   There are too few people who dare to stare at him so directly, even with lanterns!

  Chu Qianqian came back to her senses: "I've seen a ghost, I've seen a ghost..."

  Expression, temperament, feeling...It's completely different from the man in the hat.

  The maharaja tapped her head: "What the hell? Lao Tzu is a human! A living human being!"

  Chu Qianqian swallowed her saliva: "You...are you really the Maharaja?"

   Maharaja frowned: "Oh, you really know me! Ha! You know me and you don't salute me? You know me and you stare at me?"

  Chu Qianqian: "…"

The lord    grabbed Chu Qianqian's wrist and said, "Come on! Did you cause the injury on my body?"

  Chu Qianqian shook her head: "It's not me."

   Maharaja said again: "Who is that?"

  Chu Qianqian shook her head again: "I don't know. Your Majesty, you...are you really not the Lord?"

   Lord? It seems to be a very high name.

   Maharaja raised his eyebrows: "Who gave me the nickname?"

  Chu Qianqian remembered what Dou Li Nan said to her when the ban was lifted: "Shangguanruo and Zhuge Ming are both dead, how long do you think Zhuge Ye can last alone? But don't worry, I don't want Zhuge Ye's life for the time being..."

   If Shangguan was still alive and kicking when she went out, he would be dead in one day. If she is not that close to Shangguan, there is really no need for Dou Li Nan to lie to her—

   "The queen is your biological daughter, why did you kill her?"

   This sentence is almost a roar.

  Chu Qianqian tried to make herself look angry, in fact, she really had to be angry. Shangguan Ruo's temperament is a little arrogant, but she has a good heart and treats Xiaobao so well. She doesn't want Shangguan Ruo to have any trouble.

The maharaja was confused, and more and more couldn't understand what Chu Qianqian was saying: "Hey, girl! Are you a wicked person or have you identified the wrong person? You said that I killed the queen, which queen? Queen Da Zhou? Yes, who are you? And my eyes, did you do it?"

   Maharaja doesn't believe that he will kill Shangguan Ruo!

  Chu Qianqian took a deep look at the Maharaja, his expression didn't seem to be lying—

   Suddenly, Chu Qianqian thought of the puppet technique that Dou Li Nan had performed on her, would it be possible... There is such a possibility that the maharaja and Dou Li Nan are indeed the same person, but who is Dou Li Nan in a puppet state controlled by?

  The maharaja said that he is often in a coma. When he is in a coma, is it when the puppet technique is working?

After turning her mind around, Chu Qianqian stopped going around with the majesty: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that both Ouyang Qing and the emperor have recognized that you are the lord of Nalanyan and Nian Siye! Besides, you Deliberately fought with the emperor, and deliberately defeated, let Zhuge Ye see you being stabbed by the emperor..."

"Wait!" Your Majesty interrupted Chu Qianqian's words, "You said that I was defeated on purpose and let the Prince see me being stabbed by the Emperor? No! I was in a coma that time! It was Zhuge Ming, the **** who took advantage of it. The danger of human beings has hurt me! Otherwise, do you think I will use such submissive means to provoke their father-son relationship?"


   Another coma!

   The last time she came out of the Prince's Mansion, the maharaja was also unconscious, and soon, she was caught by the man in the hat.

  Chu Qianqian's guess in his heart became firmer again: "Your Majesty, you really... don't remember? When Zhuge Ye was three years old, you pushed him down from Taiye Pond..."

   "Bullshit!" The Monarch jumped violently.

Chu Qianqian continued: "Not only did you try to kill Zhuge Ye, but you also killed the emperor and the queen. Right at Zifengya, you beat the queen down with your own hands, and the emperor jumped down to save the queen. You are dead, you are all killed!"

   In fact, the man in the bucket hat didn't tell Chu Qianqian that Chu Qianqian and Zhuge Ye couldn't find their bodies at the bottom of the cliff, but... Chu Qianqian already felt that the two of them were more fierce than good.

   (end of this chapter)

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