Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 393: The show is so spineless (1)

  Chapter 393 Extraordinary is so spineless (1)

   "This...this is..." I opened my mouth embarrassedly, "Those...I want to sell it here with Uncle Sheng, this...this is for you."

   After finishing speaking, I handed a finely made tablecloth to Uncle Sheng.

My embroidery skills are not very good. It took the efforts of Su Rong and Lian Rong Bai Rong to embroider a finished product. It was originally intended to be given to my mother, but it is a bit far-fetched to give it to Uncle Sheng. a piece of mind-

   I looked at Uncle Sheng's face. Uncle Sheng didn't show the kind of embarrassing loss that made me. After being stunned for a while, he smiled heartily: "It really is an apprentice taught by your master!"

   These words... is it a compliment or a derogation?

Uncle Sheng asked me about my situation in the palace, and he was relieved to learn that I had only suffered a little implication and was banished to the palace: "Alas, I have persuaded your master long ago that the palace is not a place for people to stay, he is biased. Don't listen, it's alright, I'll take my life in!"

   I don't know how to answer.

   Uncle Sheng said again: "Ming Lan, your master... what did he do wrong?"

  I pursed my lips, a little hesitant.

   Uncle Sheng said, "From what I know about your master, your master is not the kind of person who would be disrespectful to the imperial court."

  The cause of Master's death, the official statement is that Master lost his honor in front of the royal family and collided with His Majesty.

this is not the truth.

   It’s just that the master told me before he died, don’t publicize this matter, even to the closest parents.

   Uncle Sheng is a good man, I don't want to get him involved.

   After sorting out my emotions, I said, "Speaking of which, it's also my fault. I had some disputes with Master that day because of my medical skills. Master was sullen and drank a little wine before I collided with the Holy Chariot."

   I try to make myself look guilty, although I don't know if my expression is actually acting guilty.

   Uncle Sheng glanced at me, patted my shoulder, and stopped talking.

   The slump brought about by this short episode only lasted for a while. Uncle Sheng was really good, and he immediately ordered someone to serve a table of good dishes.

   Looking at the fragrant roast duck, steamed pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, and my favorite white-cut chicken, I was a little reluctant to put down my chopsticks.

   The ration for each meal of the Seventh Highness is two meat, one vegetable and one soup. In fact, there is absolutely no meat and vegetables, and it is good to use a few drops of lard occasionally.

  Liu's ration is also two meat and one vegetable, no soup, just like the meal of the Seventh Highness, there is no meat foam all year round.

   Not to mention the meals of our four maids, the old guys in the kitchen can't wait to not even give rotten vegetables and leaves.

  I think when I was in the palace, even though I was a doctor girl, I was able to have a good meal with Master every meal—

  The days of the palace are too poor.

   I was so poor that I felt guilty for eating an extra piece of meat.

   Uncle Sheng probably guessed my situation, even though I told him Miss Liu treated me well. Uncle Sheng smiled and said, "Open your stomach and eat! What do you like to eat, I will prepare a new one for you to take back!"

   Eat and take, this is not acceptable!

   "Uncle Sheng, I'm not hungry, I left the palace after eating."

   Well, I'm being hypocritical, and my stomach is about to growl.

  But...I'm really sorry!

  If Uncle Chang is like this, that's fine. Anyway, I can serve me close by, wash clothes, boil water, cook, and tidy up the room. I can't afford the money, so I can do coolies? Uncle Sheng is here... Who knows if there will be a chance to come next time?

   I underestimated the eyesight of a businessman.

   Uncle Sheng laughed: "Okay, alright! Don't go out with me! Only Chang Chang is allowed to be nice to you, and Uncle Sheng is not allowed to be nice to you?"

   "Huh?" I blinked and looked at him in confusion, "You know Uncle Chang too?"

   Uncle Sheng gave a small smile: "He's a big drinker! Who doesn't know him in a winery in the capital? I, your master, and him, the three of us, even had a drink together! At that time, you hadn't even entered the palace..."

   In Uncle Sheng's emotional "memories", the cramps in my heart dissipated little by little.

   Uncle Sheng opened a winery, but in recent years, the business of the winery has not been very good, so he simply changed it into a restaurant, that is, the wine for the guests is all brewed by himself.

  I am honored that my plum wine and Miss Liu's cakes were sold under such circumstances.

   But the result of the sale made me stunned!

   "Plum wine sold for five taels of silver," said Uncle Sheng.


I’m so happy, the cost of plum wine is low (all plum blossoms and plums are ready-made in the palace), it only takes some time (off work during working hours), and I will sue my father and my grandmother if I sell it for a few hundred bucks. Sold for five taels of silver!

  What can you do with five taels of silver?

If you lower the consumption level a bit, you can buy two sets of clothes for His Highness from head to toe... and you can buy ten catties of beef (The Seventh Highness does not like pork. Seventh Highness, he didn't eat a single bite), plus the money given by Uncle Chang and the three sisters Su Rong, we can still buy some New Year's goods!

   As for more, it is still not enough.

   But it doesn't matter, I will try to brew some more wine to sell a few years ago. If we collect enough 50 taels, we will be able to live a year without starvation and freezing!

   Uncle Sheng handed me a plate of silver, and I counted: "Huh? How come there are twenty-five taels? Didn't they only sell five taels?"

   Uncle Sheng said with a smile: "The cakes you make are delicious. They are all rushing to ask for them. I said that the higher price will get it, and some people will give twenty taels." master's secret recipe...was it killed by Miss Liu?

   Who is so rich?

   Twenty taels for a few pieces of cake!

  I carefully put away the share that belonged to me, and handed the other one to Uncle Sheng: "Uncle Sheng, please allow me to come again next time."

   Using other people's sites and channels, it is appropriate to give them a share.

   Uncle Sheng did not refuse.

   I breathed a sigh of relief, if he declined, I would be embarrassed to come over next time.

  I thought I had something to buy, so I got up and said goodbye.

   Uncle Sheng wanted to use his carriage for me. Considering that the more money I bought, the more things I bought, I accepted Uncle Sheng's kindness with a smile.

  The coachman is a very young guy, maybe because of his similar age, he also helps me make up my mind when I buy things.

For example, he would tell me that the most expensive cloth is in Baiyunzhuang, which is where the powerful and powerful go; the cheapest cloth is in Qinghefang, where sewers are being built. Have to keep the price down, the quality is remarkable, it depends on whether you know the goods or not. If you know the goods, the store has no way to fool you with poor products.

  I am very researched on how to cut and eat white-cut chicken, but I don’t know anything about chicken feathers, and the same goes for the fabric.

   (end of this chapter)

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