Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 398: Extraordinary powerful mother (1)

  Chapter 398 The Powerful Mother (1)

   No matter how weak a woman is, she can become a strong mother.

   "Brother Ye, why are you here?" Ouyang Qing was so excited that he couldn't see his eyes from the smile.

Zhuge Ye held her soft little body in one hand, and squeezed her watery tofu-like face with the other: "Little greedy cat, I said that I would bring you rose gravy today, so I ran to find it early in the morning without even sleeping in. You, it turned out to be empty."

  Ouyang Qing rolled his eyes, rubbing his forehead against his temples and said, "That...that I accidentally forgot..."

   Zhuge Ye was here, and Xiao Anzi couldn't hide it.

It doesn't matter how tightly Xiao Anzi and the other two eunuchs hid, but now Zhuge Ye knows the servant who dared to hug Ouyang Qing. Something obvious?

  Zhuge Ye took out Xiao Anzi from the room of the Seventh Highness logically.

  The story of His Highness being bullied all the year round has also been exposed.

  Xiao Anzi wanted to be tight-lipped, but in the face of the pressure of the powerful royal bloodline, he hesitated for a moment and his whole body trembled.

   But he couldn't completely drag the sixth prince into the water, and he insisted that he did it himself. As for the old wounds on the seventh prince's body, he could push them away, and if he couldn't, he carried them.

  Zhuge Ye was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and immediately asked Eunuch Yu to tie Xiao Anzi and the four eunuchs: "Send it to the queen!"

The queen is his grandmother. She had only two children, the prince and the eldest princess, and the eldest princess died of smallpox when she was ten years old. It was not even better than the Queen's. It took more than ten years to give birth to a child of Zhuge Ye. The concubine had a concubine, but that didn't have the blood of their Nangong family.

   In short, Zhuge Ye is the queen's eyeball, whoever bullies him, the queen will cast into eighteen layers of hell. It's just that the Queen's health is not very good. Under normal circumstances, the Crown Princess does not allow him to disturb the Queen with troubles.

  Zhuge Ye was so ruthless this time that he tied people directly to the Queen's Palace. You must know that behind Xiao Anzi is the sixth prince, and the sixth prince's biological mother is Concubine Yun Gui, which shows that they don't give them both face.

   The development of things was far beyond my control. I originally wanted to invite Ouyang Qing to come over and temporarily relieve the siege of His Highness the Seventh Highness. I never expected that the moment Ouyang Qing stepped into the palace, he would invite the eldest grandson of the emperor. With the intervention of the emperor's eldest grandson, things must be difficult to do.

   I was happy that with the help of the eldest grandson of the emperor, I might be able to get rid of the claws of the sixth prince from now on; at the same time, I was worried that the sixth prince would anger the sixth prince, but it would attract more and more crazy revenge from the sixth prince.

  But things have already happened, and they are developing in a direction that I do not control. It is useless for me to worry.

   Zhuge Ye came out of His Highness's room, his face was not very good, but the expression of this ice-dead man changed completely after Ouyang Qing called out "Brother Ye".

   As the dark clouds disperse, the sun opens, and the whole sky is blue.

   He smiled and hugged the dirty Ouyang Qing: "Qing'er likes it?"

Ouyang Qing was still holding the hen in her hand. In order not to soil the little master's clothes, Su Rong washed and washed the hen, wiped and wiped, but she couldn't stand the animal shedding hair and pooping indiscriminately. There was a lump on the tipped shoe.

   Zhuge Ye clearly saw it, but he didn't dislike it at all.

  Ouyang Qing raised his hand full of chicken feathers and smeared Zhuge Ye's face: "I like it, I like it! Can Qing'er also raise a hen?"

   I bowed my head, a little thankful that I didn’t raise a pig in the backyard.

   Miss Liu's chestnut cake was ready, Ouyang Qing led Zhuge Ye to eat it together. Her child's family didn't know much about these taboos, but Zhuge Ye should have understood that it was inappropriate for him to come.

  I looked at Zhuge Ye, who had a hint of hesitation on his face, and said, "Does His Highness the eldest grandson want to play chess with His Highness the Seventh Highness? Well, Miss Liu also has chestnut cakes to bring to His Highness Seventh Highness."

  Zhuge Ye finally gave me a serious look: "Your name is..."

   "Ming Lan." I reported my name for the second time.

  Zhuge Ye looked at me for a long time, his eyes fell on me, with a hint of anxiety, just when I was almost unable to support it, he suddenly said: "Are you the doctor's daughter next to Imperial Physician Xun?"

   Physician Xun is my master.

  I gave a salute, lowered my eyes and said, "If you go back to His Highness the eldest grandson, it will be my servant."

   "Oh." He said suddenly, "I just said why you disappeared."

   "His Royal Highness... have you ever found a servant?" I dared to raise my eyes and glanced at him, but avoided it for the moment when my eyes crossed.

   Zhuge Ye said frankly: "After the accident, Imperial Physician Xun, I went to the Ministry of Punishment to find you, and they said that you have been sent to another place. Imperial Physician Xun is also unlucky this time... Alas! In short, you... you mourn."

   There was a hint of sigh in his words.

  The prince fell off the horse and injured his leg. My master gave the prince a diagnosis and treatment. At first, the effect was quite obvious, but one night, it suddenly deteriorated. The prince had a high fever for three days and almost lost half of his life. My master was executed on the charge of improper treatment.

  Regardless of whether there is any inside story or not, as the doctor's daughter whom Master regarded most highly during his lifetime, it is absolutely impossible for me to have any good relationship with the people in the East Palace.

   Zhuge Ye was able to say these words, but it made me... stunned.

When everyone blamed my master for killing the crown prince, the eldest grandson told me that my master was unlucky. At this moment, if it wasn't because of Ouyang Qing's presence, or because of the presence of His Highness the Seventh Prince, I really wanted to Ask him, do you know anything? Can you give my master a sanity?

   But I ended up asking nothing.

Zhuge Ye didn't stay to play chess with the Seventh Highness. He took Ouyang Qing around the palace. He was only nine years old. Even though he had learned some kung fu, Ouyang Qing was spoiled. He was sweating profusely, but he didn't want to let Ouyang go down and take a step.

   After Miss Liu's chestnut cake was ready, Zhuge Ye took the chestnut cake and left with Ouyang Qing. Before leaving, he said to me, "Haosheng takes care of His Highness the Seventh. If you have anything to do, find someone to pass me the news."

  I thought to myself, even if I find someone to deliver the news, you may not hear it. The palace, the east palace, which gate can one enter casually?

   However, it is quite rare for the eldest grandson to have such thoughts. After all, the eldest grandson is probably the only one in the royal family looking at His Highness the seventh.

   I said "Yes."

  The eldest grandson of the emperor called Uncle Chang and scolded him again, saying that there was not even red charcoal in the room of the Seventh Highness, and there were not enough snacks and fruits. Where is the treatment of the prince? The den of minions is better than this.

   (end of this chapter)

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