Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 400: Fanwai Ruoruo is here (1)

   Chapter 400 Fanwai Ruoruo is here (1)

  In the evening, the queen sent someone to investigate the matter. I don’t know if I met Qi Ma along the way. If we did, it would be interesting.

   came the most capable mother by the Queen's side, forty-eight years old, of medium height, with a slightly fat body and a dignified face.

  The moment I saw Madam Yu, I felt that the Queen really started to pay attention to this matter.

   Of course, the Queen's attention was not because of how much she felt sorry for His Highness. What she valued was that the sixth prince got into trouble.

  The son of a rival in love got into trouble, what a wonderful thing.

  Mammy Yu first visited His Highness the Seventh Highness, and then asked Miss Liu. From Mammy Yu’s mouth, I learned that the money for the medicine of the Seventh Highness was the hush money after being bullied by the Sixth Highness.

   Miss Liu burst into tears. She knew that the life of the mother and son was difficult, but she did not expect that in addition to being poor, her son also endured such humiliation.

After all, this matter is a big deal. Xiao Anzi can be tough in front of Zhuge Ye, but it is very difficult to serve the sixth prince in the face of eighteen kinds of torture, and even if he doesn't say it, the remaining four eunuchs are already scared. Broken guts.

When it was confirmed that the Sixth Prince had insulted His Highness the Seventh Highness more than once, the Empress was furious. When she was about to beat Xiao Anzi and others to death, she called the Concubine and the Sixth Prince to scold them, and finally made the Sixth Prince kneel in the Buddhist hall. Copy the book, do not sleep until you finish copying.

   The sixth prince said that he was not too big, and he said that he was not too young. At fourteen, he was at the age of tenderness and tenderness. Staying up late or something would definitely not kill him. But the imperial concubine couldn't help feeling uncomfortable and distressed. The imperial concubine knelt in Fengxi Palace and pleaded for mercy, saying that she did not discipline her well, and asked the queen to punish her.

  The queen said rudely, "A son is not a godfather, are you blaming the emperor or the emperor?"

  The imperial concubine was speechless.

  The queen said again: "Take ten thousand steps back and say, it's really a mother who doesn't discipline well, but it's not your turn to be punished. Ben Gong is his real mother."

   So, when the imperial concubine was stunned, the queen "crying" went to ask her Majesty to apologize.

   But what is the Queen guilty of?

  The child is raised in the imperial concubine's palace!

The Queen kept complaining that she didn't discipline the sixth prince. At the end, His Majesty was a little brainwashed. He really felt that his son's mistake was not because he was not well-behaved, but because he was not disciplined. After some thought, His Majesty slapped the palm of his hand. : "From now on, send the sixth prince to the Queen's Palace, and trouble the Queen to take care of him."

  The noble concubine, mother and son have the hearts of wanting to die.

  The imperial concubine fought with the queen for most of her life and went to the queen's palace. Isn't that a sheep into the tiger's mouth?

  The queen is old and fading, and has long lost her Majesty's favor. In order to protect her son's position as the prince, she has suffered a lot. The imperial concubine wants favors and favors, her sons have sons, and her parents’ power is not bad. If she wants to say that she has no intention of seizing the inheritance, I am afraid that a fool will not believe it.

   Over the years, the imperial concubine has gone more smoothly, especially the prince was "mistreated" by my master some time ago, and he is still half-dead. Once the prince is gone, the opportunity of the sixth prince will come.

   Who would have known that at this juncture, there would be a matter of the sixth prince oppressing his younger brother?

   The image of the sixth prince in His Majesty's mind was instantly ruined in half.

   Your Majesty may not be a wise monarch, but he is a monarch after all. He has a biased son, and it doesn't matter if he is less capable. We can find a few more useful ministers. At a young age, he did such shameful things behind His Majesty's back. It's no wonder His Majesty is not angry.

  Dear His Majesty, of course, will not remember. He is the one who annoys His Highness the most. Without his long-term indifference, his women and sons would not have been so miserable.

  Compared with the fall of the sixth prince, the eldest grandson of the emperor, who has always been unknown, gave His Majesty a high look.

   His Majesty began to ask the eldest grandson of the homework, and the eldest grandson answered very well, and His Majesty was very happy.

   His Majesty would occasionally play chess with the eldest grandson of the emperor. The eldest grandson took the opportunity to ask His Majesty for a chess game.

  The eldest grandson of the emperor said: "It's the seventh emperor's uncle."

   This year, His Majesty finally realized that he has a... maybe a smart little son.

   "Your Highness! Your Highness!"

  Su Rong and I were washing and drying plum blossom petals in the yard. Uncle Chang ran in with a brocade box. We got up and gave Uncle Chang a salute.

   Uncle Chang smiled mysteriously and ran into the room of His Highness the Seventh.

  In the distance, we heard Uncle Chang say, "This is a warm jade chessboard. It's not cold at all to play chess in winter... Your Majesty said..."

   was sent by His Majesty.

  Although His Majesty didn’t come to visit His Highness dearly, but it was a pleasant surprise for us to be able to send a little something compared to the years of indifference.

  It doesn't have to be expensive or practical, it's a gift from a father to his son.

As the New Year is approaching, Shangyang Palace and Liuchun Pavilion are busy making bacon, croquettes, and preparing spring couplets... In order to concentrate the labor force, Su Rong, Lian Rong and Bai Rong all came here. The Seventh Highness who has not seen for a long time.

  The full name of His Highness the Seventh is Zhuge Ming, Ming, which means dark, and can also refer to confusion or ignorance, such as being stubborn and ineffective, and some superstitious folks say that the place after death is called the underworld. All in all, it's really not a very suitable word for a name.

   can be used on him, I don't think it violates the slightest.

   He was wearing a black robe, and when he wasn't smiling, he was like a deadly **** of the underworld, and his eyes were cold.

   However, his cold and quiet state was completely turned into nothingness the moment Miss Liu appeared. He raised a clean and refreshing smile and leaned softly on Miss Liu's shoulder, no different from other children who were attached to their mothers.

   "Does it still hurt?" Miss Liu asked him lovingly.

   He shook his head and said with a smile, "It's gone, mother, what have you done? It smells so good."

   He smiles so beautifully, warmer than the sun, if I hadn't seen his bloodthirsty eyes, I would have thought I was blind.

   Miss Liu touched his temples: "Chicken soup, it's not ready yet. Get up, how old you are, and you're not afraid of other people's jokes!"

   He didn't do it. Instead, he put his arms around Miss Liu's waist and buried his head deeply into her neck: "What's wrong with me hugging you? You are my mother."

   "Don't forget who you are."

   "I didn't forget, I'm your son."

   Miss Liu snorted: "Knowing that I didn't say this... Well, forget it, you didn't listen to me once."

   Mother and son cuddled for a while in the sun.

   While drying the fish, I secretly glanced at them. It was cold in winter, but the picture was warm. I thought of my mother and my younger brother. I wonder if they can hug each other so happily now.

   (end of this chapter)

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