Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 59: Yao Xi exposed (3)

   Chapter 59 Yao Xi exposed (3)

   "This girl, have you ever seen a five- or six-year-old child? The blue brocade suit looks so tall." Grandma Tan encountered a pair of master and servant, stopped them, and asked with gestures.

  Chu Qianqian pointed back and said, "Behind the tree."

  Grandma Tan looked at the grapefruit tree, her gray eyebrows twisted, and then she hid? Still hiding? It's really not at all worrying!

   nodded slightly, thanked Chu Qianqian, and was about to walk forward.

  Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past, shaking the elegant orchid fragrance on the woman's body, Tan mama was startled, stopped, and inhaled hard, such a familiar smell!

   raised his eyes again and looked at the other party again, but only saw a completely unfamiliar face.

   Grandma Tan smiled self-deprecatingly, how could she still be alive after so many years of death? Even if he is alive, he should not be so young.

  Mama Tan is gone.

  Danju glanced at her and whispered, "Miss, why did she look at you like that just now?"

   seems to be looking at an acquaintance, but the familiar feeling didn't last long, and was replaced by a strangeness. It seems that she admits the wrong person, and after admitting her mistake, she is still a little disappointed.

  Chu Qianqian shook her head: "I don't know, maybe, mistake me for an old friend."

   Chu Qianqian, who didn't pay much attention to it, took Danju around the Chaoshou Corridor and went to the Chonghua Hall.

  Grandma Tan didn't take it too seriously, it's just a similar smell, after so many years, I can't help but remember it wrong!

   After thinking about it, he came to the back of the tree, but because he was too distracted, he didn't realize that the little master had slipped away again.

   "Fourth Highness! Fourth Highness! The ceremony is about to begin, where are you going?"

   Hey, my old bones are about to be broken by you!

  The fourth prince turned around and made a face at her: "I heard that Uncle Ye wants to take a concubine, I'll go see who it is! If she's not beautiful, I won't want her to be my aunt, hahahaha..."

   said that Yao Xi was originally going to the Chonghua Hall, but received a message halfway through, and Zhuge Ye asked her to meet in the small garden.

   Thinking that Zhuge Ye could take the initiative to ask her out, she was all excited. But she never expected that what Zhuge Ye told her would be like that!

   "I'm very grateful that you saved me. I'll try my best to satisfy you with whatever you want, including the fame and fortune your Yao family asks for, and I can give you all of it. There's only one thing, I can't marry you."


   "I can't marry you, and I can't be too stiff with the princess. The best way now is for you to leave by yourself."

   "Leave on your own?" Yao Xi almost thought she had heard it wrong. Isn't this a story that only appears in the market? A man can't want this woman, and he can't fight against the family, so he finds a woman and asks her to sacrifice herself. But that's a storybook! Standing in front of her is the omnipotent Shizi, why does he...why have to say cold words to her? "Prince! How can you treat me like this? I don't want anything else, even if you... don't help my father and brother, it doesn't matter. I just want to be by my side, even if... even if I can meet once in a while."

Occasionally? No, that's not it! She wants to occupy this man, from body to heart, she wants to occupy everything!

   When Zhuge Ye heard Yao Xi's "affectionate confession", not only was he not impressed, but he had goosebumps all over. In this world, people who are too good at talking are not very good at doing. If Chu Qianqian was standing here today, she probably wouldn't be able to say a word of sweetness, and she would even say "Okay, if you don't regret it, I don't regret it". But he felt that it was more real and more comfortable to get along with such a woman.

   "If your father knew that the daughter he sent to the capital after all the hard work put the family aside for the sake of his children, I wonder if...would he regret his decision?" He asked with a sneer.

   Yao Xi's heart skipped a beat, do you hear it a little weird? Did the prince find something? Do not! impossible! That thing was done so secretly, all those who knew it had been controlled, and no news would be leaked! The prince just asked casually!

After turning his mind, Yao Xi regained some confidence, wiped his tears, and choked up: "Now, the whole capital knows that I am the woman of the prince, if the prince doesn't want me, who would dare to want me in the future? If you don't want to marry me, do you want to watch me die alone?"

Zhuge Ye didn't want to be too heartless, but Yao Xi obviously didn't understand what he said. It's not that he didn't dare to fight with the princess, but the outcome of the fight might be unfavorable to Chu Qianqian, unless it was a last resort. , he didn't want to do that. As for Yao Xi, she made a mistake first. He didn't kill her or her entire family, which was already a kind of repayment to her, but she had to play dumb with him.

   "Yao Xi, what have you done, what your Yao family has done, you know very well, don't force me to make things too ugly."

   The words are so obvious that if Yao Xi still doesn't understand them, they can't make sense. Yao Xi's body swayed, and one unsteady bumped into a big tree, causing his eyes to stare at gold stars in pain.

Zhuge Ye put his hands behind his back, his cold eyes swept across her increasingly pale face, and he slowed down his tone a little: "Be obedient, you and the Yao family have inexhaustible glory and wealth, but marrying into the palace, Don't think about it!"

   Yao Xi didn't know how she got back to the pavilion. She knew that she was not in a good state, and going to the Chonghua Hall would only be shameful, so she planned to rest in the pavilion.

   But when she thought that the secret had been discovered by Zhuge Ye, she felt guilty and trembling all over. She used to see those eyes occasionally, but now, when she closed her eyes, the darkness in her mind was full of eyes! Dozens, hundreds of pairs... big eyes!

   The feeling of being watched by countless people at the same time made her almost collapse.

  Juqing handed over the handkerchief, wiped away the cold sweat that could never be wiped off for her, and said worriedly: "Miss, your face is so bad! Let's go back to the house first, don't wait for the crown ceremony."

   "No, I have to persevere to the end. The princess said that she will give me a title at the banquet. If I leave, I really won't be able to marry into the palace!"

   "But... the prince is..." Thinking of Zhuge Ye's threat, Ju Qing was frightened.

Yao Xi leaned on Ju Qing, rubbing her heart that was about to explode, and said, "Humph! With the princess protecting me, what should I be afraid of? As long as I am the savior of the prince, the princess will not depose me for a day! If she is a true and false daughter of pure yin, the princess will not be willing to cut off her son's life-saving straw!"

   (end of this chapter)

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