Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 6: back to the house (2)

  Chapter 6 Returning Home (2)

   But now, this person surnamed Lin, let alone being domineering in the mansion, and even stabbed her in such a basket at a critical moment!

   "How many of you! Deaf or stupid? I told you to tie her up, didn't you hear?"

   Wang's mother gave an order with a stern voice, and the maid who had been frightened by Lin's mother bravely rushed over!

  Mother Lin was caught, and her eyes were split with anger: "The surnamed Wang! You really dare to do something to me? The county master will not let you go!"

   County Lord County Lord, is it possible that this family does not have the surname Chu?

   Wang's mother's eyes widened: "Hit me! Hit me hard! Hit her until she can remember!"

   I don't know what to think, so I added, "Shut up her mouth!"

   There was a crackling sound outside the door.

  Shen shi squeezed the veil a little uneasily: "Qianqian, or... let them forget it. If this continues, it will make things worse."

  Chu Qianqian blinked indifferently, not afraid of making a big fuss, just afraid of a big one. Seeing that Mother Lin is so arrogant, she knows what county owner is used to. It doesn't matter if she goes back to the Chu family, but the identities of Chu Mo and Chu Yan have been exposed, and it is impossible if she wants to go back.

   And if you don't have a good reputation, you will be treated as a soft persimmon when you go back.

Collecting his thoughts, Chu Qianqian said: "Mother, don't talk about the servants in the side room, even if the county master comes in person, he has to respectfully call you Madam! When you enter the Chu family, it is the Chu family, you have to let it go. She knows that you are the mistress of the Chu family based on who she is!"

  Shen shi bit his lip: "But... your father finally made up his mind to accept you, so don't add right and wrong, lest..."

   "Let him chase me again, right?" Chu Qianqian smiled lightly. If there was such a day, I still don't know who chased whom.

   glanced at Shen shi, and Chu Qianqian said again: "Mother Wang is an old man in the house. Since she did this, she must have a reason to do it. Don't worry, she is measured."

   is... what does Mama Wang mean? But why did she think that it was because of her daughter that Mama Wang punished Mama Lin? But after thinking about it carefully, the daughter only said two angry words, and didn't say what to do with Lin's mother. All this seems to be really Wang's decision.

   Shen shi was bypassed by Chu Qianqian in such a confused way.

   The next day, it was a little bright, and Chen Shi, Chu Qianqian, Chu Mo, Chu Yan, and Bi Zhu, after changing their slick outfits, set foot on the carriage back to Beijing.

  The little guys knew that their father had sent someone to pick them up, and they fell asleep most of the night after being excited. Regardless of whether Shen shi and Chu Qianqian had any complaints against that man, they were always silent in front of their children.

  Chu Mo yawned.

  Chu Yan was infected and yawned.

  Chu Qianqian touched their little heads and hugged Shen shi each: "Go to sleep, I'll call you when we arrive."

  After the children fell asleep, Chu Qianqian lifted the curtain and ordered, "Go and have a cup of tea first."

   After a cup of tea, Chu Qianqian got off the carriage wearing a curtain, but was told that the shopkeeper Hu was not there.

   "Treasurer Hu has gone to the capital to do business, and he will be back in the next two days. If it is convenient for Miss Bizhu, please tell me, and I will relay it for you. If it is not convenient, you can write a letter and I will give it to him." The shop assistant said with a smile.

   is also the capital? Chu Qianqian's pupils moved: "Do you know where he went to the capital?"

  The second shopkeeper replied, "He didn't say that, but I saw that he brought a box of snacks. Maybe he's going to visit relatives and friends."

   "Can Mr. Accountant settle the payment?" Although it was originally four days before the settlement date, she is no longer in this county, and she will not be able to supply Yipinxiang in the future.

   The shopkeeper smiled embarrassedly: "The accountant must have the seal of the shopkeeper Hu before the account can be taken away."

  Chu Qianqian thought for a while, picked up a pen, and left a letter to Shopkeeper Hu.

  This little episode didn't take much time. Mother Wang just thought that Chu Qianqian was going to buy cakes and didn't take it seriously.

   At sunset, the carriage arrived at Chu's house.

   I don't know if it's because I've been away for too long. Looking at the mansion full of rare flowers, Chu Qianqian has some vague memories in her mind, but inexplicably breeds a new sense of strangeness.

  It seems that she has never been to this place.

   But weird isn't it? She has lived here for nine years.

   shook his head, Chu Qianqian crossed the threshold.

Because Wang's mother called someone to bring the news in advance, everyone in the house knew that the little disaster star who killed the old man had returned, and that his wife gave birth to a pair of twins for the old man, and even knew that Lin's mother annoyed the eldest young lady, and was killed by Wang. My mother beat me so badly.

   The servants who were waiting to see the joke were dumbfounded for a while.

   Especially these three people are so beautiful, completely refreshed their cognition of the Chu family blood.

   "Big sister! Look! What a big duck!" Chu Mo took Chu Qianqian's hand, pointed to the lotus pond, and cried excitedly.

  Chu Qianqian shook her head: "That's a swan."

  Chu Mo gave a "wow" and opened his watery eyes: "Can I go take a look?"

  Chu Qianqian looked ahead, Mama Wang had taken Shen Shi gradually away, but thinking that she remembered the way, she nodded: "Okay."

  Chu Mo released Chu Qianqian's hand, took his sister's hand, and ran towards the lotus pond.

   Although the two little guys grew up in the countryside, they had never seen such a beautiful "duck", so strange that they couldn't close their mouths.

   Just right, there is a small fish tank on the stone by the river, and there are a few small red fish swimming around.

  Chu Mo has raised ducks and knows that ducks eat small fish. This fish is bigger than those small fish, but this swan is also bigger than ducks.

  Chu Mo grabbed one and threw it into the water.

  I saw that the swan swam over after flapping its wings twice.

  Chu Mo laughed and lost another one.

  Chu Yan was happy to see it, and clapped her hands: "Brother is amazing."

  Chu Qianqian followed, and after taking a closer look, only to find that Chu Mo was feeding the white swan with a pair of 1,000 taels of sky-high Satsuma fish!

  Chu Qianqian sucked in a breath of cold air and tried to stop her, but Chu Mo had already turned the whole fish tank over.

   (end of this chapter)

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