Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 76: strangers (2)

  Chapter 76 Strange Visitors (2)

   His yard was never guarded, and no one was allowed to stay too much. He just didn’t want to accidentally make a little work beside him.

   I just didn't expect that the consequence of being unguarded would be Chu Qianqian and Yao Xi breaking in.

   The night is deep and the wind is cool.

  Bizhu was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

  Danju saw that she was awake, and hurriedly filled a bowl of millet porridge that had been warm on the stove, came to the bedside, and said softly, "Sister Bizhu, have some porridge."

  Bizhu didn't seem to hear her, didn't move, didn't open her mouth.

  Danju sighed, sat down beside the bed, looked at her and said, "Sister Bizhu, are you sad?"

  Bizhu held back her tears and nodded.

   Knowing this earlier, why bother?

"Don't be sad, for a man like that, it's not worth it. He has always been hypocritical and didn't take you to heart. No matter how sad you are, can he still have less meat?" Dan Ju didn't get along well with others, She doesn't know much about comforting people who have been traumatized. After she finished speaking, she didn't even know what she said.

   However, Bizhu choked up and shook her head: "I'm not sorry for myself, I'm self-inflicted, and I can't blame others. I'm stupid, I'm cheap, I'll run away with him if he says a word, I deserve it!"

   "Oh, Big Sister Bizhu, you...don't do this, you make me cry...I want to cry too." Dan Ju's eyes turned red.

  Bizhu covered her face and said sternly: "Retribution, it's all my retribution! I abandoned the eldest lady, and now, it's my turn to be abandoned by others!"

  Danju was so anxious that she didn't know what to do, she patted Bizhu, who was getting more and more excited, and said, "Are you blaming the young lady?"

Bizhu smiled coldly: "How dare I blame her? I'm sorry for her first! She should teach me a lesson! Anyway, I am a maid, she is the master, and my life is hers! She let me go Death, what can I say?"

   "Oh, this...this..." Why are you still complaining about the eldest lady? It's not that the eldest lady forced him to abandon you! In his heart, a gentle and virtuous fiancée is not as important as a scorpion-hearted sister. This is his problem, not the fault of the eldest lady! But Danju didn't dare to say such poignant words, so he scratched his head and said, " remember to eat porridge yourself, I'm going to make a late night snack."

   For several days, Bizhu locked herself in her room, neither coming out to eat nor work.

  Danju felt pity for her after all, afraid that Chu Qianqian would blame her and lied that she was not feeling well.

  Chu Qianqian didn't say anything.

   On this day, the snow was still falling, but there were not many ingredients in the village, so Danju decided to go into the city to buy.

   There was no one to drive the car, so Danju had to walk to the foot of the Putuo Temple. If you were lucky, you could hire a carriage from there.

  Unfortunately, she was not lucky today.

   After walking for nearly an hour, she finally got on a donkey cart in a village that provided cabbage to the city.

   "Hey, I have to go back very late today, I wonder if the eldest miss will be hungry?" She frowned as she looked at the darkening sky, underestimated.

   The old man smiled: "Little girl, don't be too late, you can go back today, it's Amitabha!"

  Danju's eyes widened: "Huh? Why?"

   The old man pointed at the dark sky with his horsewhip and said, "There is heavy snow!"

  The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the wind is blowing harder.

   The window was slammed open by the blizzard, and pieces of paper flew around the room.

  Chu Qianqian called out "Dan Ju", but when no one answered, she remembered that Dan Ju was not there and wanted to call "Bi Zhu", but after a pause, she held back, stood up by herself, stretched out her cold hand and closed the window tightly.

  No one cooks at noon.

  Chu Qianqian knocked on Bizhu's door: "I'm hungry."

  Bizhu didn't say a word, she's not afraid anymore, it's a big deal, it's the first one, it's better if the eldest miss kills her! It also saves her so much pain every day!

  Chu Qianqian knocked again: "Are you blaming me?"

  Bizhu turned over and turned her back to the door.

  Chu Qianqian blinked and said, "I still want to be with him after knowing the truth, right?"

Bizhu's nose was sour, and tears fell from the corners of her sore eyes: "Yes! I just want to be with him! I don't care if he likes me or not! As long as I like him, that's enough! In this world, which couple would you like? Isn't it like this? Does the lord love the lady? Does the lady not know? But if you try to break up the two of them, will the lady be willing?"

Saying that, the whole person curled up into a ball, "I have served you with all my heart for five years! It's just a small effort for you to save Yao Xi's life, and cure the grandfather's leg! Why do you even have a small Are you not willing to help?"

  Chu Qianqian left.

   In the afternoon, Bizhu also left, but yes, she walked out of Zhuangzi.

  Snow was still falling, and the entire road was blocked.

   The coachman shivered with his whip, and said with eyes that were almost unable to open from the wind and snow: "Girl, the snow has closed the mountain, and I can't walk!"

   "Ah? Can't go?" Danju looked at the two baskets of ingredients, and stomped her feet in a hurry, "But my lady is still waiting for me! Can you go further?"

   The wind and snow were so heavy that half of his voice was muted.

  The driver had to shout: "Come down and see for yourself! It's blocked!"

  Danju opened the curtain, and a gust of wind wrapped the snow, and rushed towards her. The snow fell into the collar, and the ice made her hair stand on end!

   "Is there any other way?" she asked in a trembling voice.

  The coachman said: "No, girl! This is the best way to go, this is blocked, and nothing else can pass! You should go back to Beijing and find an inn to stay, and talk about it when the snow stops!"

  Danju is like an arrow, but what should I do if I can't leave?

  Danju counts the ingredients in Zhuangzi. Vegetables and fruits can only be eaten for three to five days, but there is still a lot of dried bacon and vegetables left. After a day's delay, Miss and Bizhu should not be hungry.

   She lowered the curtain: "Well, let's go back to the city."

   "Can't go back! Blocked!"

   On the other side of the road, a strong man riding a horse pointed to the canyon in front of him that was blocked with no gaps, and said.

   (end of this chapter)

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