Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 8: The sheriff is here

  Chapter 8 The princess is here

  The maid opened the curtain for them and said with a smile: "Miss, young master, please come to the fourth lady, the old lady and madam are already waiting."

  Chu Qianqian nodded slightly and led the two in without rushing.

Before Shen's mother and daughter had left the mansion, the maid served in Ning Xintang. In my memory, the eldest lady always looked timid and could not stand on the stage, but when I saw it now, I only felt that the eldest lady had been reborn, and she was faintly exuding. A kind of mistress's aura.

  Chu Qianqian didn't know that she was being judged, so she walked into the room and bowed to the person in the seat: "Grandma."

   The old lady looked at her granddaughter who was so beautiful and generous, and nodded with satisfaction: "The eighteenth change of the female college student, it's completely different from when I was a child!"

  Shen shi smiled happily.

  Chu Qianqian only politely blessed her body, and then pulled out Chu Mo and Chu Yan who were hiding behind her, "Greet grandma."

  Chu Mo and Chu Yan had never seen such a beautiful house before, they looked left and right as if they had entered a palace, where did they remember to be safe?

   After listening to Chu Qianqian's words, Chu Mo and Chu Yan said "Huh" at the same time, and then, Chu Mo tilted his head and looked around: "Where is grandmother?"

Where else could    be?

   There were only two elderly people in the room—the old lady sitting on the main seat, and Mama Wang standing by the side. Mama Wang and Chu Mo had already met.

  Shen shi was afraid that the old lady would get angry, so she quickly got up and took Chu Mo's hand, gesturing with her eyes.

  Chu Mo's eyes that were as bright as black gems opened wider: "But she is so young, how could she be whose grandmother?"

   "Haha..." The old lady didn't hold back and smiled crookedly.

  The old lady hugged Chu Mo into her arms, kissed his little cheek, and smiled: "Little darling, how many truths are in your mouth?"

  Chu Mo said solemnly: "Every sentence is the truth! Master said, you can't lie."

"Ha ha…"

   This time, the old lady couldn't wait to laugh.

   Everyone in the room also laughed. It was the first time they saw the old lady smile so happily since the old man passed away.

   After kissing Chu Mo, the old lady looked at Chu Yan, who was obviously shy and thinner, and waved to Chu Yan.

  Chu Yan raised her head and glanced at Chu Qianqian. Seeing that Chu Qianqian nodded her encouragement, she let go of her little hand and walked slowly to the old lady.

  The old lady hugged Chu Yan and liked it very much.

  Shen Shen let out a long sigh of relief. When she left the Chu family with Qianqian, she did not tell anyone that she was pregnant. She thought that the Chu family would not accept two children so easily, but she did not expect everything to go so smoothly. However, the old lady was a little unhappy about her hiding the child, and reprimanded a few words.

  Chu Mo quickly got acquainted with people, jumped on the kang and started to make trouble in the Tiangong.

  He felt that it was not fun by himself, so he called Chu Yan up again.

   "Sister, I'm sweating!"

   "Sister, I'm thirsty."

  The two little guys depended on Chu Qianqian very much, but Shen shi, the mother, was idle and had nothing to do, so she picked up the children's childhood fun and told the old lady.

At this time, Mother Wang came in through the curtain, first put the chestnut cake and sweet-scented osmanthus cake in her hands on the small coffee table on the kang head, and said, "Young Master, Fourth Young Lady eat something before playing", and then walked to the old lady's side and said : "The princess and Miss Ouyang are here."

  The old lady paused, nodded and said, "Let them come in."

   It was already past the hour of dawn and dusk, so he should have come to see a few of them. A side room does not meet the main room at the gate, nor does it wait here early in the morning. They have to stay for a long time before arriving late, which is clearly not taking the main room seriously. As soon as the news of tomorrow comes out, she will use up the prestige of Lin's mother, and it will be wiped out.

   Everyone will say, what about the wife? In this mansion, the highest status is still the county lord, whoever the county lord hates, we all have to hate.

   But will the truth really be as the county owner wishes?

  Chu Qianqian curved the corners of her lips and quietly glanced at the door.

  After a while, Ouyang Jin walked in with an unusually beautiful young woman. The young woman was wearing a goose-yellow short jacket with gold threads, an off-white pearl skirt, a shaving bun, and a gilt-gold peacock and green feather hairpin. Because of proper maintenance, she was obviously over 30, but she looked like a cardamom. The woman standing with Ouyang Jin, not like mother and daughter, but like sisters.

  Speaking of which, the experience of this county owner was really rough.

  An County Lord, surnamed An, given name Susu, the daughter of the governor of Xuzhou, married the eldest son of the Ouyang family fifteen years ago as his wife. Ouyang's family has an imperial concubine who favors the harem. When the imperial concubine gave birth, An Susu, who was pregnant with Liujia, entered the palace to accompany her. Unexpectedly, that night, Ouyang's family was killed by Jianghu killers. The imperial concubine learned the bad news just after giving birth to her child, and immediately died of blood collapse.

   I heard that that night, the entire imperial city was shrouded in snow. An Susu knelt in the snow holding the son of the imperial concubine, begging Sejong to avenge the Ouyang family.

   There are many opinions about the process of revenge. Some people say that Sejong bloodbath a cottage, and some people say that he slaughtered an island. But no matter how many lives were lost, the emperor's concubine's life could not be saved. Later, Sejong died in depression. Before his death, he made the imperial concubine Duanmin Empress, and named An Susu as the county lord.

Although    is expensive as the county lord, but after all, he was married and carried a small oil bottle, no wonder he went to the Chu family as a side room. But the side room is a flat wife anyway, and strictly speaking, it's not a grievance for a second-married woman.

   When Chu Qianqian and his party looked at An Susu, An Susu also looked at them. When she was still standing at the door, she heard the children's laughter. This was the first time in the old lady's yard in the past five years. No, the first time she heard such unbridled laughter in the Chu family. She thought that the old lady was happy, so she avoided the children from coming to greet her. When I saw it today, I realized that the old lady didn't like the fun, but she didn't like watching the children make trouble. Look at this pair of dragons and phoenixes who can't wait to lift the roof, doesn't the old lady still like it?

   After watching Chu Mo and Chu Yan, An Susu looked at Shen shi and Chu Qianqian again, Shen shi did not change, but Chu Qianqian was so beautiful that she almost couldn't recognize her. Not only beautiful, but also bold.

  An Susu smiled slightly and handed the food box in her hand to Mother Wang: "Jin'er, I've seen my grandmother, my wife, and three sisters and brothers soon."

   (end of this chapter)

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