Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 83: Great work! (1)

   Chapter 83 Great service! (1)

  The night is deep and the wind is cold.

  Chu Qianqian was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

  Bizhu heard the movement and thought she thought the light was too dark, so she was busy and turned it up a bit.

   But Chu Qianqian still couldn't sleep.

   "Miss, are you hungry?" Bizhu asked.

  Chu Qianqian shook her head: "No."

   After saying that, he sat up and put on his clothes and shoes.

  Bizhu said in surprise, "Where are you going, miss?"

  Chu Qianqian opened the door, and a cold wind mixed with falling snow rushed towards him, blowing people like falling into an ice cellar. She walked back, took a cloak and put it on: "I'm walking around, you don't have to follow."

   Walking out of the meditation room, Chu Qianqian wandered aimlessly in the temple.

   When I came back to the temple, I mainly wanted to see what kind of moth Qin Yiniang wanted to play, but I ignored the scenery in the temple.

  The mountains, pines and cypresses, and plums and chrysanthemums reflect each other. It is not extremely beautiful, but it is simple and elegant.

   After walking for a while, he looked up and saw an old abbot sitting under the plum tree.

  The abbot also saw her, he didn't look surprised, he just smiled slightly: "Female benefactor, do you have something on your mind?"

  Chu Qianqian gave a salute: "Yes."

  The abbot pointed to the stool opposite: "Please sit down."

  Chu Qianqian sat down according to the words.

   On the stone table, there is a pot of tea and two tea cups.

  The abbot picked up the teapot, poured a cup of clear tea and handed it to Chu Qianqian: "Female benefactor, please use it."

   "Thank you, Master." Chu Qianqian held the cup in both hands and drank it carefully.

   After drinking, he refilled the cup for himself and the abbot, "Master, in life, if you don't accumulate virtue and do good deeds, won't you be able to cultivate into a righteous fruit? If you do a lot of evil, won't you have a good end?"

  The abbot's gentle gaze fell on her pale face, looked at her for a while, and asked, "The old man wants to ask the female benefactor, what is good? What is evil?"

  Chu Qianqian clenched the front of his clothes: "Tolerance, humility, and integrity are for good; mean, vicious, and despicable are for evil. Saving people is good, killing...killing is evil."

After listening to the abbot, he looked at her and smiled: "There are many things, you can't just look at the surface. Take this kindness as an example, it is divided into yang kindness and yin virtue. Everyone knows it's called yang kindness, which is like the 'forgiving, humble' in the mouth of the female benefactor. , integrity, saving people', these are all yang goodness. But in the world, there is also a kind of goodness called 'yin virtue'."

   "Yin Virtue?" Chu Qianqian murmured and looked at the abbot, "I often hear people say that Yin Virtue should be accumulated, but I don't know what Yin Virtue is."

"It's normal, it's normal!" The abbot smiled and nodded, "There is a saying that 'good people don't live long, and disasters leave a thousand years'. When the old man made devotion to the donors, he heard a lot of complaints, saying, 'This is obviously a Good man, why did he end up so miserable? Why did the bully still get rich for three generations?' The female benefactor thinks that these are really not open to the eyes of God?"

  Chu Qianqian bowed: "The little girl is stupid, please enlighten me."

   "Have the female benefactor ever heard of Mr. Fan's story?" the abbot asked.

  Chu Qianqian shook her head: "Never."

The abbot gave an "oh" and said slowly: "Old Na remembers a story about a prime minister who was relieved of his armour and returned to his homeland. It was that the prime minister returned to his hometown, and the villagers welcomed him and loved him very much, but there was a man who The drunk man bumped into him. After the collision, instead of apologizing, the man contradicted him arrogantly. The servant wanted to argue with the man, but the prime minister said, 'It doesn't matter.' Two years later, the prime minister met the man again. This time, the man was imprisoned for committing a serious crime. The prime minister regretted the consequences before asking the question, and thought that he should not have tolerated him two years ago. If you punish him a little but give him a big warning, he may not go further and further, and he may not even be able to turn back in the end."

After a pause, the abbot said again, "There is another story about a bully in the mouth of the common people. At that time, there was a famine, and the people's life was not easy. Some bold people rushed into the rich people's homes to steal or rob them. The government did not dare to restrain him. The man jumped out, caught a few thieves, hanged them from a tree and beat them hard. His torture greatly deterred those who wanted to continue stealing, thus preventing a burglary. The years of famine have saved the lives of countless people. If a small good indulges evil, it will be evil; if one evil is exchanged for a hundred good, it will be good. What Lao Na said does not understand the confusion in the heart of the female benefactor? "

  Chu Qianqian nodded slightly: "Daily empowerment."

  The abbot held the Buddha beads and smiled knowingly.

  Chu Qianqian raised his head, looked around, and asked, "Master is a person with a major cultivation level, why is the incense in the temple so deserted?"

When the abbot heard this, he sighed: "Since Kashiqing entered the customs, Buddhism and Taoism have been suppressed by the gods, the incense is not as good as the day, and there are not a few closed. Queen Duanmin's blessing."

   Speaking of Ouyang Qing, the abbot's face became obviously more respectful.

  Ouyang Qing was here to seek a son and successfully conceived Zhuge Yan. Later, Emperor Sejong built a pagoda for him.

   However, there are many people who visit Baoling Pagoda, and few who really pray to God and worship Buddha, so the incense is still not very strong.

   But even so, the abbot was very grateful to Ouyang Qing.

Chu Qianqian took out a small bag from her wide sleeve and handed it to the master: "To tell the truth, this is something I found in the yard, the master can see if it is the deceased? Or, if you have any information about the case no help?"

   Abbot opened the small bag and saw that it was a pure gold token and a sheepskin map.

  The abbot picked them up, looked closely at the moonlight, and was stunned for a moment: "This..."

   looked at Chu Qianqian, his eyes full of disbelief, "Female benefactor! They are..."

  Chu Qianqian stood up and gave a salute: "It doesn't matter what they are, what matters is that they can play the greatest role in the master's hands. The master accumulates virtue and does good deeds. This is the blessing that the master has cultivated, and it has nothing to do with me."

   The next day, a shocking news shocked Kyoto.

   A catastrophic murder occurred in a village at the foot of Putuo Temple. One fell to his death halfway up the mountain, two burned to death in the house, and the other fainted in the snow. After being identified by Zuzuo and the doctor, plus Bizhu's testimony, the government roughly restored the "truth" of the story. Four men entered Beijing with a mission, but were blocked by a blizzard on the way, and had no choice but to live in a nearby Zhuangzi. At that time, Zhuangzi's master and servant were out collecting medicine. Among the four, one was seriously injured, and the other knew medical skills, because the wounds of the wounded were obviously treated recently, and they were treated very beautifully. People who know medical skills go up the mountain to collect medicine, but because they are unfamiliar with the terrain and go the wrong way, they fall and die. The other two stayed in the wing to keep vigil for the wounded, and one of them accidentally knocked over the candlestick and lamp oil, and the fire started just like that. The funny thing is that the two healthy ones burned to death, but the injured one escaped.

   (end of this chapter)

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