"I'm not wrong!" Mo Qingyu raised his head to look at the old lady, that pair of eyes that used to be bright were now filled with reluctance and anger.

"Evil barrier!" The old lady didn't know how to repent when she came to this situation. She was so angry that she stabbed her crutches on the ground.

"You don't know how to repent even now Although the old lady was angry just now, she was only angry that her daughter didn't know how to cherish her body.

I think it must have been tricked by the man beside me, but now I look at her like this. There are several in mind, or deliberately.

At the thought of such a possibility, the old lady was even more angry. It can be said that the performance of Mo Qingyu today wiped out the last trace of pity on the granddaughter in the old lady's heart.

"I was right! I plan for myself. What's wrong? You people only care about Mo Qingyan, the legitimate daughter. When did you plan for us

Mo Qingyu really made up her mind this time. Now that she has this dependence in her stomach, she doesn't need to see the faces of these people any longer.

Mo Qingyu touched his stomach, some complacent thinking. Can she understand the thoughts of these people? It's just that one or two people are afraid of losing their own pieces.

Eyes light in swept in his side kneeling three aunt's time, also delimited a fierce look. Don't think she doesn't know. This third aunt is always cowardly.

But I had some ideas for myself. This is to marry herself to the man she likes, so as to pave the way for her son.

Now the status in her belly is very noble. Of course, this woman has to block it for herself. Otherwise, how to let the future step up their own look after her son?

"Evil! Look at your daughter? What is that saying? Am I not good enough for her? Everywhere for her and sunny LAN consideration, but also ignored Yan'er, the legitimate legitimate daughter

"But look! Look at your daughter with black heart. What do you think? I'm afraid you are not a good father in her heart

The old lady is very unhappy at the moment. Although she also understood that her kindness to the two granddaughters was only forced by the situation. But she did neglect her daughter-in-law and her legitimate granddaughter.

If the concubine's mother and daughter know how to be grateful, can you see what people have said recently?

She is ignorant of conscience to favor this commoner girl, on the contrary, she points to the nose to scold?

Now the old lady can't even breathe. She just feels flustered.

Even if the old lady was not comfortable, he was not satisfied with his daughter. Unlike the old lady, he doesn't know what's going on here.

At the beginning, he had warned his eldest daughter. Just looking at her appearance, he clearly did not put his warning in his heart. Even feel that this is blocking her way!

Looking at such a stubborn and unrepentant eldest daughter, Mo Wende said in his heart that it was impossible without a little emotional fluctuation.

After all, even if his efforts from childhood were put on the body of his legitimate daughter, he had never treated the two concubines unfairly. If you have the opportunity, you should teach carefully.

Although knowing the origin of the two daughters has decided that they can not marry a wealthy family in the future. It's more than enough to find a more ordinary family for the two daughters to live a happy life.

But he did not think that the bottom of the woman's heart was like this to think of her own father. If not for his excellent psychological quality, I'm afraid that this moment will be like his mother's shaking with anger.

"No rain! You can tell me, I am a father, where did not plan for you? I'll teach you three virtues and manners as soon as I have the chance. Don't I hope you can marry a good family in the future

"Do you think it's so easy to get into that house? Yes, there is no serious mistress in the family, but you don't think about it with your head. "

"With your identity, even if you can get into the mansion, you will be a concubine! By the way, do you still think that mother is more expensive than son? "

At the moment, Mo Wende is teaching his eldest daughter not to leave any affection. He also saw clearly that they had raised a white eyed wolf.

"You've been with Ji for more than a year now. If people wanted to marry you, they would have married you. Where can I do such a thing with you? "

"It's clear that it's just for your own pleasure, and you don't care about your life and wealth. It's a pity that you are still complacent with your child. You don't want to think about it. Now it's a great favor for someone to marry you. "

"Don't you still want to make trouble in the family with this child?"

Mo Wende sneers and analyzes all these advantages and disadvantages. He did wrong in the past. He really felt guilty about these two common girls.

In teaching, she was never as strict as Mo Qingyan. But if you know the final result, he might as well have killed this unfilial daughter with a teaching stick in the early morning!Mo Qingyu heard Mo Wende's words, and his mood instantly became very excited. She looked at Mo with a gloomy face:

"you lied to me, didn't you? The prince said that he would come to marry me. You are lying to me

Although Mo Qingyu said so, the bottom of my heart is still a little bit of care. At present, such a situation, she can not help flustered God son, three or two sentences will be the father of the child to account.

Even the third aunt was stunned for a moment. When she saw her daughter's protruding belly, she was really flustered and angry.

But listen to their own daughter said that the father of the child is the prince of the day, and like his daughter, beating the mother, with the idea that the son is expensive, he was relieved.

Can hear Mo Wende's analysis, this woman is regret. She is just a servant girl's origin, naturally did not think so many.

However, with Mo Wende's encouragement, and the fact that the prince has never come to his house to talk about this matter these days, she knows that things are not going well.

My daughter, I'm afraid I was cheated by others. Even if pregnant with a child, support dead is also a side imperial concubine of the family. This is still the prince. It depends on mowende's face.

But if Mo Wende gives up, I'm afraid even your concubine will not fall on Mo Qingyu's hand.

Want to understand the inside of the winding around, three aunt's face immediately become very ugly. However, she did have a bit of maternal affection against Mo Qingyu.

When it comes to the present situation, I also know that the first thing is to please Mo Wende.

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