"Well, you're lying to me, aren't you? I'm not that stupid. I have a prince's baby in my stomach. The prince will never do this to me

Mo Qingyu has been chaotic, but she forced herself to calm down. No, all this is mo Qingyan's estrangement, so she must not be caught in the trap.

Yes, I have children in my stomach. Mo Qingyan must not want to see her give birth to this child, so she said so.

Mo Qingyu tried to keep a stable mood, but his body still couldn't stop shaking. Especially when you see Mo Qingyan's face with seven points of compassion and three points of mockery.

"Is it true that what I said is already in your mind? Otherwise, why don't you think the father agrees with the prince's terms? "

Mo Qingyan looks at Mo Qingyu, but she is not so stupid. After all, her purpose is indeed the little guy in her stomach. When Mo Qingyan looks at Mo Qingyu's stomach again, she smiles slightly.

However, such a change is only a second, no one noticed Mo Qingyan's eyes.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Get out of here! Get out of here Mo Qingyu looks at Mo Qingyan's smiling face and is angry after all.

Her arm waved out and all the cakes and fruits of the table fell to the ground. His face turned pale.

A Nuo block in front of Mo Qingyan, so Mo Qingyan has not been affected. A Nuo gloomy looking at Mo Qingyu, let Mo Qingyu inexplicably hit a shiver.

But before he had time to say anything, Mo Qingyu couldn't help but cry out: "ah! Pain... My child, help my child, it hurts

Mo Qingyu touched his stomach with a hand, and his face was very pale. And her whole body pain out of a cold sweat, but the first time she still think of her own children.

Mo Qingyan see the situation quickly let the people outside to ask for a doctor, he is and a Nuo together will Mo Qingyu helped to bed to lie down.

Looking at the pain of Mo Qingyu, Mo Qingyan can't help but sigh. She had no intention to hurt the child in Mo Qingyu's stomach, but she had to use it.

After apologizing in her heart, Mo Qingyan also decided that as long as she could keep Mo Qingyu and her child, she would go all out.

Mo Qingyu did not hurt to the doctor, because she had passed out. When the doctor came, he saw the blood between Mo Qingyu's legs.

He quickly gave Mo Qingyu pulse diagnosis.

And Mo Qingyan after seeing this scene, can be regarded as a sigh of relief. In fact, she has a sense of propriety, knowing that the doctor came in time, Mo Qingyu and her son must be fine.

"Anuo, please send someone to invite your royal highness." Mo Qingyan squints his eyes and looks at the closed door with a silent sigh.

"Yes, miss." Since a Nuo has already known what idea Mo Qingyan is fighting, he will naturally invite his Highness the prince.

Mowende soon heard about what happened here. He couldn't make it in a hurry. After all, Mo Qingyu doesn't want to admit that this is the meat in his heart.

"Yan'er, how about Mo Qingyu?" Mo Wende is really hurt by Mo Qingyu's attitude this time, and his eyes are only a little nervous when he looks at the room.

"Father may rest assured, but sister, she is just in a state of agitation. I'm still to blame for this. If I hadn't talked too much, I'm afraid my sister would not have fallen red because of her emotional instability. "

Mo Qingyan looks at Mo Wende with great guilt, but the words in her mouth are prompting Mo Wende. And Mo Wende obviously did not understand the meaning of Mo Qingyan in the tension.

Mo Qingyan's eyes darkened and said anxiously, "what can I do now? If the prince knows, he must blame me! After all, this is his own flesh and blood. "

Mo Wende had been paying attention to the door, suddenly heard Mo Qingyan's words, his eyes were bright.

Yes, isn't the prince forcing himself to comply with the child in Mo Qingyu's belly? But it was his own child, and his first grandson.

Such a position meant that he was born to be noticed. Long Xiwei must be bluffing, not to mention he can also use the child.

"Come on! Go to the prince's house and invite his highness to come. Let's just say that Mo Qingyu's situation is very bad. "

Mo Wende figured out these things and called the bodyguard over with a big wave of his hand. And Mo Qingyan looked at her father now has relaxed the God son, this just was relieved.

"Father! Naturally, the daughter dare not hide such a big thing from his royal highness. So I sent someone to the prince's house early in the morning, hoping that the father would not blame his daughter for making up his mind. "

Knowing that longxiwei is about to come, Mo Qingyan quickly stops his father from sending for his behavior. Although Mo Wende thought that Mo Qingyan's performance was very strange, he didn't think much at the moment.

He only thought that his daughter felt that something was going to happen, and he was not willing to continue to hide it. Then he asked his royal highness to come over."What are you talking about? Something happened to that woman. " When long Xiwei received the news from a Nuo Tuo bodyguard, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"That's what the messenger said." The bodyguard saw that his master's face was very bad, and of course he did not dare to hide anything. He quickly passed on those words that Anuo said to longxiwei.

Longxiwei's eyes are full of evil, think of that Mo Qingyu's stomach, finally or helpless plan to go.

After all, the child had to be protected, which would be of great use to him in the future. "Prepare the horse, and we will visit the shangshufu immediately."

When long Xiwei and his party arrived at Mo's house, the doctor was still in Mo Qingyu's room to treat her and her child.

Long Xiwei's face is very ugly, oppressive eyes turn to Mo Wende's body. "Lord Mo, is that how you take care of our royal descendants?"

"Your Highness, I think, is misunderstood. My sister didn't talk to her father because she heard that the prince had come to the mansion. This is just a moment of impatience, moved the vital energy. "

Mo Qingyan won't let the so-called Prince blame Mo Wende, so he said it straightforwardly at the moment.

"Yan'er! Don't be rude. " Mo Wende looks at long Xiwei and yells at his daughter in a low voice.

"Your Highness, I am so rude. I will make amends to you for her! " Mo Wende first saluted long Xiwei. Then he sighed again.

"Your Highness, but my eldest daughter is really anxious because she knows about this matter. At present, I don't know how the fetus in my stomach is. I'm really worried

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