This edict came out of the palace, and it was doomed that the prince's plan would fail. Mo Qingyan is very happy to add this block to his royal highness.

After all, at the beginning, it was because of the prince that he fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Of course, there are also places that make Mo Qingyan unhappy. After all, after the edict came down, the people's evaluation of the ninth prince was higher.

Everyone is praising the ninth Prince for his high demeanor and integrity. He clearly wants to hold the beauty home early, but he is very considerate of the feelings of the beauty and his parents.

This makes many women in the folk regard the ninth prince as the standard to find their husband. When Mo Qingyan heard these words, the corner of her mouth just overflowed with a sneer.

Of course, the emperor's words are beneficial to the emperor. From the beginning, long Tianze has almost calculated everything.

Mo Qingyan certainly disdains to care about these things with long Tianze. But Lin Zifeng didn't want to. Of course, he knew that these must be the meaning of long Tianze.

But he can not bear to care with long Tianze when he is like this. It's just that he takes the affection with Mo Qingyan. How can he bear to be praised because of this?

So when he secretly ran to meet Mo Qingyan, he hugged Mo Qingyan and acted coquettish on her side.

Mo Qingyan in the know why he is jealous of the time, but in the heart feel some crying and laughing. After all, in her opinion, this little thing is nothing at all.

But Lin Zifeng is not willing to think so, he is holding Mo Qingyan is not willing to give up. Must let Mo Qingyan say that she and long Tianze two people in the end who is better.

Mo Qingyan is simply made to cry and laugh by him, but also know that if he does not say, I'm afraid he can't escape today. So she tried to hold back the smile in her heart.

"You are better, of course! How can long Tianze compare with you? Do you think so? " When Mo Qingyan said this sentence again, it was obvious that she was flattering.

Lin Zifeng doesn't care whether Mo Qingyan is under his own coercion and inducement to say that he is good. He squints his eyes happily, just like a child who has stolen the fishy food and laughs very happily.

When Lin Zifeng is coaxed away, Mo Qingyan can't help sighing. She helplessly looked at the back of Lin Zifeng's rapid departure, with a helpless smile on her face.

"Miss, the prince's house has come to meet him." A Nuo is a bit pinched in, she guessed that Lin Zifeng must have left at this time, otherwise she would not have come in to disturb.

When it comes to Liangyan, it's obvious that there's something clear in it. She didn't think the prince's house would take Mo Qingyu so easily.

You should know that the prince was using Mo Qingyan. He didn't get his own purpose at the moment. The prince would not give up.

But in any case, this matter has nothing to do with myself. Even if long Xiwei is not funny, he knows that he can't find his own trouble now.

"We were sisters at all costs. In any case, I'm going to see my sister off. " Mo Qingyan smiles and looks at a Nuo. She won't let a person who is calculating himself leave like this.

"Miss, let's get there quickly. Otherwise, I won't be able to send the eldest lady back to the house. " A Nuo also smiles knowingly.

She and Mo Qingyan is the same idea, absolutely will not let people bully his miss. What's more, what Mo Qingyu has done is really disgusting.

"I'm the side princess! I should be a concubine. " Mo Qingyu hysterical call, looking to pick up their own people almost crazy.

You know, they only brought a soft sedan. No one came to see her off. How could she, a young lady who always regarded herself highly, bear it?

Mo Qingyu even felt that she was going to be crazy. She was the eldest lady of shangshufu, and she was the side concubine that the prince personally promised! How did you get to where you are now?

"Ha ha, I really caught up with a good play." Mo Qingyan with a banter smile came in, looking at Mo Qingyu crazy look contemptuous smile.

"Sister, you are now a concubine of the prince's family. You can't be so ungracious. I knew that he was the one who served the prince. How could he be so ignorant of etiquette? "

Mo Qingyan said, then let a Nuo after him take out a few bags, and then according to the head of the division.

"You all go out and wait. I have something to say to my sister." Mo Qingyan looked at these people after taking the purse to smile, disgusted at the bottom of the heart.

Sure enough, there will be slaves who follow the master. These people are all open to money, but Mo Qingyan also knows that it is no wonder they.

"Miss Di, you can say something, but don't miss the auspicious time." The matchmaker, who followed the crowd, looked at Mo Qingyan with a smile. It was just an ordinary order.

"Please don't worry, Mammy. I know it in my mind." Mo Qingyan responded to her. Mo Qingyu, however, seemed to be out of his mind"How can you people listen to her? I have nothing to say to her! You all come back and carry me away

At this time, Mo Qingyu didn't even care, his identity was just an expensive concubine. She knew that she had calculated Mo Qingyan and that she hated her.

She is still pregnant with a baby, and the baby in her belly is her only trump. She must not let Mo Qingyan hurt her children.

"Sister, what do you think you have to do? If you are obedient, my father and I can also find a seat for you. But you've been born and tossed to your concubine. "

Mo Qingyan looked at Mo Qingyu with compassion on her face. She came to see Mo Qingyu today and said to a Nuo that she had come to return the humiliation she had brought to her, but in her heart she understood that she had come to send Mo Qingyu.

In any case, today can be regarded as the day of Mo Qing's wedding. If shangshufu does not come alone, how will Mo Qingyu live in the prince's mansion?

Perhaps knowing that his cry will not be responded to, Mo Qingyu calmed down at this time. She looked at Mo Qingyan incomparably sad smile out.

"I always hope to compare with you, I hope I can surpass you everywhere, but I didn't expect to get married and only you came to see me off."

Mo Qing rain sad smile, she also don't understand how to fall into such a situation.

Auspicious time can't be delayed, so Mo Qingyan didn't say much, just watched Mo Qingyu be carried away under the urging of people outside the door.

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