From the old lady there, the sun can shine on the people slightly warm. A Nuo with a paper umbrella for Mo Qingyan sunshade left, Mo Qinglan but suddenly difficult.

"Second sister, my grandmother didn't like you. But you don't have to use the bad things I did as a child to spoil my image in my grandmother's mind

When Mo Qinglan spoke, her face looked aggrieved. As if Mo Qingyan really how she general.

Mo Qingyan looks at Mo Qinglan helplessly, and her face looks as if she is looking at her own child:

"three sisters, how can you think like this? Who was not naughty when I was young, how could my grandmother blame you for that. I don't mean to. I just feel that my grandmother has always been close to you, and I want my grandmother to know more about you

Mo Qingyan a pair of sincere for Mo Qinglan good appearance. The bottom of my heart but can't stop sneering, play to see? Hehe, let's see who can pretend better.

"Second sister, what you meant before was to laugh at me." Mo Qinglan heart some anxious, do not understand why Mo Qingyan is not set.

From time to time she glanced at the door of the old lady's yard. The second aunt had already found out that every time Mo Wende was in court, he would come to see the old lady well.

She was ordered by the second aunt today, specially picked such an hour to come, in order to be able to Mo Qingyan army.

But now looking at how Mo Qingyan do not set, Mo Qinglan anxious. She even forgot what her second aunt told her and said in a hurry:

"second sister, I know you always don't like me. Over the years, my grandmother has been favoring me and my big sister. You should be unbalanced. "

"I really am not good at embroidery. When I study these embroidery skills, I look stupid, and my master is very angry. But you can't ruin my reputation just to please my grandmother

When Mo Qinglan said these words, she deliberately amplified her voice a lot, so that Mo Wende, who was entering the door, could hear clearly.

Mo Wende could not help frowning and looked at the two sisters who seemed to be in dispute.

Mo Qingyan early noticed Mo Qinglan that anxious look, the corner of the mouth slightly cocked up. She can even guess what Mo Qinglan is going to do.

"Three sisters, how can you think of me like this? I've never had a fight with you. My grandmother is really nice to me these days. I just feel flattered. How can I ruin your reputation? "

"When I said these words in the room, my grandmother just kind smile. Which family's children are not playful? What's more, grandma always loves you. "

"My grandmother knew all these things. I'm just trying to make my grandmother happy, not to mention that you and Grandma had a few words in the room

Mo Qingyan bit his lower lip slightly, looking at Mo Qinglan with some embarrassment. "Since you think I embarrassed you, the third sister apologized to you."

Mo Qingyan a pair of eyes, even vaguely emerged in the mist. Mo Wende stood at the door and listened for a while, which was also the future dragon to understand.

"Mo Qinglan! Your second sister is a legitimate daughter, how can you even say two words? How dare you, a common girl, accept your second sister's apology? "

Perhaps before for his two commoner daughter Mo Wende or some heartache in it, but Mo Qingyu's things will still emerge from time to time in the bottom of my heart.

Coupled with the fact that he had been very dissatisfied with their manners over the years, he was now completely disappointed with both of them.

"Father Mo Qinglan can not believe looking up at Mo Wende, he has always been a pity on himself. I never used to suppress myself with identity, but why have they changed now?

"Father, don't say that. Maybe this is my fault. I didn't consider the mood of my third sister. That's my apology. "

Mo Qinglan's unbelievable eyes hurt Mo Wende's heart. After all, they are all their own daughters. How can Mo Wende not cherish them?

However, Mo Qingyan spent a lot of effort to turn this situation around. Now how can you let Mo Wende ignore everything because of Mo Qinglan's eyes.

Sure enough, after Mo Qingyan finished these words, the trace of pity just appeared in Mo Wende's eyes immediately disappeared. He looked at Mo Qinglan coldly:

"your mother didn't teach you anything good. Full of only thinking about how to frame others, this is your sister, how dare you listen to other people's slander

Mowende believed in his own children. At the bottom of his heart, since Mo Qingyu and Mo Qinglan are their own daughters like Mo Qingyan, their nature is certainly not bad.

The two of them became what they are now because the aunt who raised them was not in the right mind.

Today's event, as long as Mo Wende thinks about it carefully, he can guess that it must be aimed at Mo Qingyan's reputation. Just want to let oneself punish Mo Qingyan.

Mo Qinglan's nature is not bad, must have been abetted by the two aunts will make such a thing. The pity for the two concubines had been worn away over the years, and now there is no more left."If you dare to do such a thing again, don't blame your father for driving you to the temple to eat fast and chant Buddha!"

Mo Wende scolded rudely. Suddenly, he thought of his aunt who instigated his daughter to do evil. He added: "from today on, you will never see the second aunt again. Take your biological mother as dead. "

Mo Qingyu has no remedy. After all, her third daughter is still young. If she is good at teaching for a few years, she should not make any big mistakes.

After Ji Ji's age, I asked Jiang Wan to choose a good marriage for her, which is also a good father's responsibility.

"Father! My aunt only wants to survive for you. Is that how you repay my aunt? In my aunt's capacity, I was a real wife to any family I didn't marry you at the beginning. "

"Even if you are in trouble, you will be a fair wife, but my aunt likes you with all her heart. Otherwise, I would not be so unpopular with my father because of my status as a commoner daughter. "

Mo Qinglan is a bear child who was taught bad by her second aunt. She looks at Mo Wende with her neck sticking, and the anger in her eyes seems to be reprimanding Mo Wende's ruthlessness.

The woman forced herself to marry her, but she taught his children in this way. That's a good one.

"If it was not for your aunt's coercion and inducement, how could I have accepted her? If you are not willing to be a commoner girl, I will send you to my relatives in the countryside. It happens that your cousin has no children and no daughter. "

Mo Wende's face was very cold, and his affection for the daughter became very weak.

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