Since I don't understand, I have to wait here. After all, people have arrived. Naturally, we can only wait for others to come forward.

However, Mo Qingyan hopes that Chu Rou and Yi Fei can be more skillful this time. After all, those low-level means are not interesting to deal with.

Mo Qingyan thought, but with a smile on her face, she went to taoguifei with Wenqiang. "Princess and lady!" Mo Qingyan is very clever to shout a, eyes dye with smile.

"It's a girl of Mo's family. But if you think about it, how can such a party be so rare as you ladies? "

Taoguifei was smiling. To tell the truth, if she hadn't known in advance that Yi Fei had invited Mo Qingyan, she would have been too lazy to get involved in the party.

"The lady laughs. Who has received the invitation letter with Phoenix seal Mo Qingyan replies, but the tone is completely dissatisfied with Yi Fei.

Even Wenqiang couldn't help but pinch a sweat for her friend. Yi Fei also heard of course, her face sank down and glared at Mo Qingyan fiercely.

However, Mo Qingyan did not directly say that Yi Fei's wrong, let her even if it is how to hold the fire in her heart, also dare not attack on the spot.

Chu Rou, who has been standing behind Yi Fei, didn't expect that Mo Qingyan should dare to say these words in front of her. She couldn't help laughing.

Mo Qingyan is really stupid, but it's OK. What she wants to do is more convenient. Chu Rou thought, and there was a strange light in her eyes.

"Yi Fei Niang, Yan'er's younger sister is not sensible. If there is anything that offends you, I hope you can take more time. " Chu Rou holds Yi Fei with a smile.

The gentle voice made many people give her extra points in their hearts, but when they thought of the things Chu Rou had made before, the people present could not help shaking their heads.

You know, Chu Rou's performance is still very good on the whole. Just in looking for a man in this respect, but made a mistake, no matter what, the ninth Prince is a person with engagement.

Although it is said that he has not officially married, Chu Rou's intimacy with the ninth prince in public is wrong.

"Miss Chu, our relationship has never been very good. After all, it's the Revenge of robbing my husband. I can't forgive you easily. Besides, although I have a sister, I'm not miss Chu, am I? "

Mo Qingyan also looked at Chu Rou with a smile, but the words in her mouth were merciless. Joke, what else does she need to be gentle and kind to Chu Rou?

"Miss Mo, why do you care so much? At the beginning, I did something wrong, but I have already returned the ninth prince to you. I never wanted to occupy the ninth prince. "

Chu Rou had long expected that Mo Qingyan would make himself unable to stand down in front of the public. But even so, she had to send her face to be beaten.

"Miss Chu! No one will believe you. You see, the ninth Prince's mother is behind you. The intimacy of the two of you can be seen by anyone with eyes. "

Mo Qingyan didn't care about Chu rou. However, she also knew that, rather than let the enemy calculate themselves in the dark, it was better to find out directly.

This banquet from the peach princess into that moment, Mo Qingyan heart inside already clear. This is for oneself! She couldn't hide even if she wanted to.

"Miss Mo, don't get me wrong! I'm really on the same boat with Lady Yi. Our friendship has nothing to do with the ninth prince

Although Chu Rou said so, the flustered tone was clearly hiding something.

"All right! Rou'er, you are the daughter of the prime minister. Why do you need to explain this to her daughter, a minister of letters? You and Zell, even if there's something wrong? "

"Since ancient times, it is normal for men to have three wives and four concubines. If she becomes a concubine of the ninth prince in the future, you have to take a concubine for her husband

Yi Fei's words have been directly aimed at Mo Qingyan. Mo Qingyan can be lazy and this woman have what argument, but that also can't let others bully themselves, isn't it?

"Lady Yi is not right. I am not only the daughter of Shangshu, but also the princess who is personally granted by the emperor. Speaking of it, even if it's empress Yi, I can stand it if you worship me. "

Mo Qingyan looks at Yi Fei with a smile on her face, but there is no smile in her eyebrows. Yi Fei's heart bottom one Leng, can't help but secretly gnash teeth. Damn it, how could she forget that Mo Qingyan is a princess now?

"But it's better to avoid this worship. After all, there are still emperor's children in the mother's stomach. I can't stand the worship of the prince and princess. "

Mo Qingyan pretended to be very generous, but let Yi Fei and Chu Rou become very angry. But they also know that Mo Qingyan makes a appearance to come out, they also have to drill in.

"I really want to thank Princess Wenzhao for her tolerance." Yi Fei didn't have a good breath to say, and quickly turned around and left here with the help of Chu rou.

It's a bit of a wild escape. Taoguifei did not say a few words from the beginning to the end, but looked at Mo Qingyan with great interest."Lady, are you comfortable here?" Mo Qingyan did the peach princess by the side, not angry looking at the peach princess.

"Comfortable! Your combat effectiveness is not built. " Taoguifei seems to have not heard the dissatisfaction in Mo Qingyan's tone. She looks at Mo Qingyan with a smile.

Mo Qingyan couldn't help rolling a white eye, but also lazy to pay attention to the peach princess. It is Wen Qiang, looking at the two people get along with some scared.

"Yan'er, how do you treat peach Princess like this?" She was relieved to see that there was nothing ugly about the face of Princess Tao.

However, she immediately pulled Mo Qingyan's sleeve and pulled him closer to himself, which just whispered.

Mo Qingyan Leng for a moment, she and peach princess as early as in the beginning of that matter has been very familiar twist. So it's a habit to joke with each other in such a tone.

But she has forgotten that this is the palace, the body side of the Wenqiang has been afraid of the identity of peach princess.

Thinking of these in mind, Mo Qingyan quickly whispered to Wenqiang and explained:

"rose, you don't have to worry about these. They never put on airs Mo Qingyan said so, but Wenqiang was only half convinced.

Peach Princess of course heard those whispers between the two people, but she just took a puff and ignored it. Joking, she dare to show off in front of Mo Qingyan?

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