Mo Qingyan didn't think of what he said last night. He really didn't just talk about it. Hearing what Anuo said, Mo Qingyan knew that there would be no peace in the morning.

"Let him go! Speaking of all these years. I can only feel how strong his father's love is today Mo Qingyan shook her head helplessly.

A Nuo didn't stop his action, still with a smile: "the master also cared about Miss before. It's just that a lot of times, etiquette is too important, and some miss it. "

"Of course I know that. Of course, it won't make a rift with my father. " Mo Qingyan knows what a Nuo is telling herself. She smiles faintly.

"Miss, it's the best that you can understand." A Nuo also smile, immediately turned the topic, "Miss, this strength can also be used?"

"The morning is coming to an end. Do you have anything else to tell me? " Long Sheng sat on the Dragon chair on the high platform, looking at the civil and military officials below with a serious face.

"To the emperor, I have something to play." Without hesitation, mowende stepped out of the line of officials.

"Aiqing, please speak!" Long Sheng feels bad, but there is no way to stop it.

"My Lord, I have three daughters. The eldest daughter has been married into the prince's house, the third daughter is still young, and nothing has happened. The second daughter, because she is a legitimate daughter, is deeply valued by me. "

"Since I was a child, I have taught her to discuss everything with others. We should be kind to people everywhere, but yesterday I was wronged because of the daughter of the prime minister's family. "

"I heard from my second daughter that the emperor was present at that time. I don't know what the emperor thinks about it? " Instead of beating around the Bush, he asked directly.

The emperor's face sank, and he knew that it was a father who wanted justice for his daughter. "Ai Qing, I really know what you said."

"Your daughter is wronged. However, it has little to do with the daughter of the prime minister's family. The cause is something in the harem. "

The emperor pondered. He didn't like to see officials disagree. After a while, I began to ponder.

"Is it true, my lord?"

"The emperor's heart knows better than anyone how much injustice the old minister's daughter suffered in this matter, isn't it? Is this the way to let go of those who set up my daughter? "

Mo Wende looks at Long Sheng with righteous words. For his eccentric attitude, Mo Wende only feels extremely cold hearted. Therefore, his look also gradually hardened down.

Long Sheng didn't expect that the Minister of rites, who had always restrained himself and compound interests, could make such a question to the emperor. In the heart also understood, this is what Chu Rou did yesterday, stimulated Mo Wende.

Long Sheng sighed a little, and looked at Mo Wende with a helpless and warm smile on her face: "Ai Qing said it was very true, but this matter yesterday Yi Fei said that she would take all the responsibility with her own strength."

"I can't blame anyone else. How about I give Yan'er more compensation? "

Long Sheng knew that if he didn't bleed much this time, he couldn't do it well.

"Emperor, the old minister is not standing in front of the Emperor today to ask for compensation from the emperor. I just feel that Yan'er has been framed again and again. This time, I didn't succeed. I don't know when I will make a comeback next time. "

"If this continues, Yan'er will lose her life because of that man's calculation sooner or later. The old minister is really too worried about Yan'er. The old minister and his wife only gave birth to such a daughter. "

"Don't say it's me and my wife. The emperor can ask general Jiang. Yan'er is also the only girl in the Jiang family, and she has been spoiled all the time. "

Mo Wende's words have the flavor of putting pressure on the emperor again. Long Sheng's face is not very good-looking, but also helpless. He knows what movind said.

Don't mention the Mo family and the Jiang family. Yesterday, the eldest princess entered the palace late at night. In front of him, the long princess, who had always been calm and self-sustaining, almost pulled out her sword and killed the prime minister's mansion.

This also makes Long Sheng deeply realize how much influence Mo Qingyan has. Knowing that he was being threatened, he had to do the same.

"Shangshu is really joking Long Sheng laughed and turned his eyes to the prime minister's face. To tell the truth, even Prime Minister Chu did not expect Mo Wende to do such a thing.

So he was beating unprepared. However, he could not understand yesterday's affairs, and knew that Chu Rou could not be relied on in any case.

I can't help but blame Yi Fei. This stupid woman, even if she has paid for herself, she has to pull her daughter to fall down together. What a hateful thing!

"Brother Mo, you see, these two children were intimate friends in the boudoir before. How can such a thing happen now? I asked rouer yesterday, and I knew that she was provoked by others

"Brother Mo, I can't afford it. The prime minister should call me Shangshu. I don't care whether Chu Rou was provoked or not, there must be an explanation for the injustice my daughter has suffered. ""Mo Aiqing, how about this. I give Yan'er a gold medal to avoid death. No matter what happens or makes mistakes in the end, she can be exempted from three death penalty and punishment! What do you think? "

Long Sheng could not have watched his prime minister and monk's book quarrel over the early Dynasty. So he thought twice and finally decided to give the gold medal.

"Emperor, Yan'er is polite under my guidance. No big mistakes will be made in the future. I'm afraid the gold medal is useless

Mo Wende shook his head, his eyes clear. You know, this gold medal can only save one person. If you really commit a death penalty in the future, you have to implicate the whole family.

What's the use of this gold medal? It's just adding to your troubles. Mo Shengde didn't think that Wen Shengde would twitch.

"I don't know what kind of advice Ai Qing has?" Long Sheng looks at Mo Wende. He has always been the one who hates insatiable greed. But this time, maybe it's because of a guilty heart, and there's no other emotion.

"The emperor, according to the old minister's opinion, if the emperor takes Yan'er as an adopted daughter, how about raising her under the peach princess's knee?" Mo Wende pondered.

He has always been very aware of Long Sheng's covetous Mo Qingyan. Although we can't take this opportunity to break the engagement between Mo Qingyan and long Tianze, it's also a good opportunity to get rid of the trouble.

In the future, even if Mo Qingyan thinks of a way to terminate the engagement with long Tianze, I'm afraid Long Sheng can't take her daughter for herself.

Mo Wende's move is not too high!

Long Sheng because of a guilty heart, coupled with the peach princess, also did not think about it and agreed.

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