When she comes out of the house of long Tianze, Mo Qingyan is still a side door, but she can't see two servant girls around her. Anuo and the coachman are waiting here.

The sound of the opening of the side door startled them and quickly stepped down from the carriage. "Miss, you have come out!" Anu stepped forward quickly.

To Mo Qingyan's ability, she still believes very much. Just in spite of this, but also can not stop her worry about Mo Qingyan.

"Well, let's go back to shangshufu first." Mo Qingyan knows that even if it is to express the sincerity of cooperation with herself, long Tianze will certainly do the thing she ordered beautifully.

Therefore, it can be regarded as a major event that has been removed from my mind. When I got into the carriage, the smile on my face was full of sincerity.

"Miss, just when you were in the mansion, I saw a figure shaking around the corner. But by the time the servants passed by, the man had already left. "

Speaking of this matter, Anuo also felt a little creepy. She always felt that the man was just monitoring herself, just to inquire about Mo Qingyan's whereabouts.

"Are you sure?" Mo Qingyan slightly wrung eyebrows, she also can't guess what that person is intended for. Before a Nuo reply, the carriage suddenly stopped.

"What's going on?" Mo Qingyan's expression is condensed. With Anuo's current level of martial arts, she can naturally feel the aura outside.

"Miss, don't go down in the carriage. Give me those people out there A Nuo instructs Mo Qingyan, Mo Qingyan nods slightly.

"Remember to leave two alive!" In fact, even if Mo Qingyan didn't order Anuo to do so. When a Nuo got off the carriage, Mo Qingyan's cold eyes flashed by.

She took out a special signal bomb for Yefeng from her pocket and intended to release it from the small window on the carriage.

She is not stupid, since the other party is prepared to come, then the number is certainly not small.

In addition, Anuo just told her that Mo Qingyan knew that even if Anuo could win, she would have to pay a very heavy price. She couldn't bear that Anuo was hurt so badly.

However, the signal bomb in her hand has not been released. Suddenly, there are more uniform steps outside the carriage. Mo Qingyan raises the curtain and sees a team of people join the battle.

Looking at these people are to help a Nuo, Mo Qingyan mouth is a clear smile. A familiar smell soon came into the carriage.

The battle outside has come to an end. "Have you ever sent someone to protect me?" Mo Qingyan raised eyebrows and looked at Lin Zifeng.

"Didn't you know that for a long time?" Lin Zifeng learned Mo Qingyan to smile, Mo Qingyan curled his mouth. The secret is that this man is really boring.

"Did you see long Tianze alone tonight?" Lin Zifeng is full of jealousy around Mo Qingyan's shoulder, a hand gently picked up Mo Qingyan's chin.

Mo Qingyan pursed her lips and laughed very happily: "how, is this the son of heaven jealous?" Lin Zifeng did not reply, just tightened his arm around Mo Qingyan.

Extremely dangerous smile: "Yan son, you say?" Mo Qingyan also felt the oppression brought about by him, and could not help touching his nose.

"Of course not! Didn't your people see it? When I went in before, I was still accompanied by two servant girls. "

Perhaps because of a guilty heart, Mo Qingyan took the initiative to embrace Lin Zifeng's neck. In fact, she is shy. Her ears are pink.

It was just that she had a hard time reviving her life, and after talking to Lin Zifeng, she didn't want to suppress herself any more.

As long as the other side is Lin Zifeng, then even if it is regardless of etiquette and how? Lin Zifeng didn't expect Mo Qingyan to be so active, but he had to say that he was very helpful to Mo Qingyan's action.

"Miss!" At the critical moment, Anuo's voice began to ring outside. The charming atmosphere in the carriage disappeared in a moment.

Lin Zifeng originally thought to be able to kiss down the mouth suddenly stopped in Mo Qingyan's lips. The mood inside Mou son suddenly dissipates.

"Yan'er, it's time for you, a servant girl, to be well trained." Lin Zifeng's voice with the taste of forbearance, Mo Qingyan "Puff Chi" a laugh out.

But looking at Lin Zifeng's dark look, he quickly restrained his smile, and then had to give the man in front of him Shun Mao.

"Well, you know. Anuo is worried about me. OK, you can leave first. " Mo Qingyan patted the back of linzifeng.

"If it wasn't for her sake that she did it for you..." Lin Zifeng of course knew that if he didn't know that Anuo was really for Mo Qingyan, I'm afraid he would have solved Anuo long ago.

Mo Qingyan looks at him this appearance, can't help but smile more happy off. Lin Zifeng sighed, and finally left without touching Mo Qingyan's lips.

"Anu, help me down." Mo Qingyan opened the curtain, and then went out with the help of a Nuo. A Nuo already knew who was helping him.

"Miss, there is nothing in these people to prove their identity. And they are all dead men. If you can't keep alive, please punish me. "A Nuo looks at Mo Qingyan with some shame. This is the task that Mo Qingyan gave her, but she didn't finish it excellently.

"I know it's not your fault." Mo Qingyan shook her head and squatted down in front of a man in black. After observing for a while, Mo Qingyan knew that these people were really dead men.

"Princess, our master asked us to tell you. These people are all the dead men in the prime minister's mansion! " Come to Mo Qingyan in front of, and Mo Qingyan said such a word, and then directly lifted the lightness skill to leave here.

Mo Qingyan Leng for a moment, and then look at those disappeared figure helpless. But she also knew that these people would not cheat themselves.

"Young lady, are these people the sons of the world?" Although Anuo has already known the identity of these people, he still can't believe it.

Mo Qingyan did not speak, which is a default. "That's what they said. Nuo, you go and get someone to clean up here. "

"We have to send them back where they came from. Otherwise, I'm sorry for the gift that others sent us

Mo Qingyan looks indifferent, but in her eyes is a strange and treacherous light. Chu Rou, you can be distracted to deal with me. It seems that there are not enough things.

In this case, I had planned to stop this period of time and let you have a better time. It seems that you don't need it either.

Mo Qingyan got up and got into the carriage in this bloody alley. The coachman quickly drove away from here, while Anuo turned around and leaped over the wall to the direction of Yefeng.

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