"That is, rose, how strange is the princess? It's better to call Yan'er like me. " He Lan Yi was not willing to make friends with other officials.

In the heart of He Lan Yi, in addition to Mo Qingyan, the other official ladies are carrying unbearable bad habits.

But in the prime minister's house, she saw Wenqiang fighting against Chu Rou in order to protect Mo Qingyan. She also accepted Wenqiang as a friend in her heart.

"If you want to appear close, I'm afraid Yan'er will have to call me aunt!" Looking at Mo Qingyan and He Lan Yi's sincere eyes, Wenqiang suddenly smiles.

"What?" He Lan Yi didn't think of it. He widened his eyes and looked at Wen rose with great surprise. And Mo Qingyan did not expect that Wenqiang would say so, but her mouth twitched.

"Yan'er is now nominally the daughter of imperial concubine Tao in the palace, and I and princess taoguifei are the sisters who worship each other." Speaking of the peach princess, Wen Rose's eyes inside a touch of sadness flash away.

"In this way, Yan'er is really going to call you aunt." He Lan Yi's brain turned and then he laughed.

"What are you happy about? You and Yan'er are good sisters of a generation. Naturally, you will call me aunt with Yan'er. " Wenqiang looked at Helan Yi smiling and turned back, hooked her lips and deliberately opened her mouth to strike.

The smile on Helan Yi's face was frozen in an instant. Then she looked at Mo Qingyan bitterly and complained:

"isn't it? You are also a princess. How come I don't follow you, but my seniority has declined? "

Mo Qingyan was also amused by He Lan Yi. She spread out her hands and looked at He Lan Yi helplessly: "I can't help it. Who let others be my adoptive mother's sister in name!"

He Lan Yi couldn't help but skim his mouth. But the three were just joking, and none of us would mind.

"Princess, the father of both of them is not easy to offend." Wenqiang or can't help worrying about Mo Qingyan, but Mo Qingyan just lightly smiles.

"Rose, do you think I will be a bully? This time, I must make them pay the price. "

Mo Qingyan said, the eyes inside the sharp color across. She ignored these two people again and again, but let them become rampant.

"Yan'er, in any case, you must be careful." Wenqiang zhengse said, Mo Qingyan is not a person who does not listen to advice. She had put these words into her heart for a long time.

"Don't worry, rose. I know that. But now you and LAN Yi are leaving. " Mo Qingyan smiles and calculates the time. I'm afraid that the prime minister and fengjiang officials will come.

"Yan'er, we will leave first." Although two people want to face with Mo Qingyan, their identity is not allowed at present.

Two people are also very clear, if they help Mo Qingyan stand here, I'm afraid those people will have to chew their tongue. So for whatever reason, neither of them can stay here.

"Yes, Nuo. Go and send out the girls. By the way, is my father here? " Mo Qingyan calls Anuo in.

"Don't worry, miss. I told the master early in the morning that he is already in his study. Just waiting for someone else to come. "

Mo Qingyan deliberately asked this question in front of two people in order to make them feel at ease. Tell them they're not alone.

Wait until two people send out, Mo Qingyan this just stands up. It's also time to see the two men.

Mo Qingyan first to Chu Rou's room, servants see Mo Qingyan come to salute. Mo Qingyan waved at will:

"how is she? Is it still quiet? "

"Miss Chu didn't want to be treated by our doctor. I ordered her hole, and now she is lying in bed. "

"Well done. You are very clever. Go and tell the steward where you are. You will be with me in two days

Mo Qingyan some surprised looking at the gatekeeper two people, the face suddenly brought out a smile. These two people are somewhat flattered to look at Mo Qingyan, as if can't believe this is true.

"Why, you don't want to?" Mo Qingyan looked at them with a light smile. "No, no, no! We will, we will! We are willing to follow the princess

Because this is the princess's house, plus there are outsiders in, so the people of Yefeng are called Princess moqingyan.

"Well, don't be so excited. It's a good thing that I don't want to live or die. " Mo Qingyan looks at these two people to be excited not to smile.

"It was the princess who gave us a second life. My subordinates are willing to follow and protect the princess." Mo Qingyan laughed, but did not expect to meet such two people.

"What are your two names? I'll go back and talk to Anuo

"Subordinate a DA (A-2)" Mo Qingyan's mouth twitched twice, looking at two people as if they were still very satisfied with the name, which did not say anything.

"I'll go and see her first. You two are good to watch. Don't let anyone in except me and Anuo And simply had to explain two words, Mo Qingyan this just walked in.Because Chu Rou was punctured, she could only lie quietly on the bed. She was so angry that no one came to feed her. Now she even felt like she was going to collapse.

"Chu Rou, how are you staying here?" Mo Qingyan smiles at Chu Rou, the latter is extremely angry at Mo Qingyan. Mo Qingyan chuckled.

"Now you don't even pretend to be in front of me. But it's good to save me the trouble of piercing your disguise

When Chu Rou heard these words, the anger in her eyes became more obvious. But she was still just using her eyes to express. Mo Qingyan looked at her and said: "I forgot that you were touched. At this moment, you can't speak, you can't do it! " Mo Qingyan's obvious ridicule made Chu Rou's eyes even worse.

"Come on! Please give Miss Chu an explanation of this acupoint. " Mo Qingyan called out. The servants ordered Chu Rou because she didn't want to be treated by the doctor.

Now Mo Qingyan eyes at her forehead above the blood bag has already faded, but a little dark red traces still remain, that is nothing.

A Da soon came in and untied the acupoint, but told Mo Qingyan to be careful. Mo Qingyan smile, said that he was ok, then let her back down.

"You have a lot of good dogs." Chu Yan's voice from the bed.

"Chu Rou, you are not willing to comfort me all the time." Mo Qingyan curled her lips and slowly sat on the chair.

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