Thinking of this, Mo Qingyan couldn't help but smile contemptuously. But all of a sudden, Mo Qingyan's look stopped. She seemed to understand a thing in an instant.

And Mei fang is blocked by Mo Qingyan's words and doesn't know what to say. There was no answer for a while and interrupted Mo Qingyan's thoughts.

Mo Qingyan didn't think about how long it took to recover. Looking at Mei fang who was still standing in front of her, she was hesitant and unwilling. She felt better.

"Meifang, since you've come to look for Princess Ben. The bottom of my heart should be clear. Even if you really cooperate with your second aunt, I'm afraid it won't cover up for long. "

"In this way, there is no question of cooperation between us. You have come to surrender to me today for the sake of your family and life. "

Mo Qingyan saw that Mei fang's appearance brought inspiration to her and decided to give her another chance.

"I'll give you a quarter of an hour to think about what you're going to do. After a quarter of an hour, you have no choice. "

Mo Qingyan looks at Mei fang. If she chooses to be her own person, she will certainly not treat her badly. But if she still can't carry it clearly, then Mo Qingyan doesn't mind letting her know the end of betrayal.

Mei fang didn't expect that Mo Qingyan would give herself such two choices. For a while, I was stunned, but I also knew that time was pressing.

She looked down at her feet in silence, as if thinking about what to do. However, such a decision has already had an outcome from the beginning.

"Miss, the maid is willing to do things for her. But I also hope that the young lady can keep the maidservant's family, and the maid will repay her as an ox and a horse. "

It has to be said that Mei fang's heart is very tangled. But she also knew that from the moment when she came and reported to Mo Qingyan, she and Mo Qingyan were tied in the same boat.

She is indeed greedy, but also wise. When her own temptation does not get a positive response, she will make the right choice.

"Well, you'll know later how wise you are today." Mo Qingyan nodded with satisfaction and made some changes to this person.

"You will continue to contact with the second aunt, but remember to leave physical evidence as much as possible in every transaction. Take whatever she gives you. "

"After a while, those things will belong to the shangshufu." Mo Qingyan implies that the son is extremely strong looking at Mei fang, and the latter is surprised by the news.

There are so many meanings in Mo Qingyan's sentence that she can't tell whether it is true or not.

"Well, you go back. I have other things to do. " Words have already said out, Mo Qingyan smile a little, wave to let Mei fang exit.

She's looking for evidence now. Thinking of the aura that just flashed in his mind, Mo Qingyan's face was filled with a smile of potential.

In the princess mansion, Anuo has already arranged everything. Just preparing to go back to shangshufu, I didn't expect to see Mo Qingyan again.

"Miss, what have you forgotten to tell me? Just send your servant to pass on a message. Why do you have to go there in person? " A Nuo looks at Mo Qingyan with some heartache.

Day by day, all the time was wasted on the way back and forth. Where still have time to let Mo Qingyan have a good rest?

"No problem, I just suddenly remember one thing. It doesn't matter if you come here in person. It's not far away from the princess mansion and the monk's office. "

"By the way, all the people I asked them to bring in this afternoon have been arranged?" Mo Qingyan this time came to think of how to pry open their mouths.

"Don't worry, miss. I have them all put into the dungeon. There are heavy guards in the dungeon, so they can't escape. "

Anuo also hated those people, and she respected Jiang Wan as her mother. How could she have spared Jiang Wan when these people had harmed him?

"That's very good. Let's go and have a look." Mo Qingyan thought of these people, cold accumulation of mouth. A Nuo nodded and followed Mo Qingyan behind.

"Oh, still refuse to say it?" The dark light of the torches made the dungeon gloomy, and the guards holding the whip were executing punishment to extort confessions.

"I'd like to see if it's your hard mouth or the iron brand in my hand is harder!" The bodyguard was sweating, but the man still clenched his teeth.

This made the guard feel very angry, so he gasped and threw the whip to the ground. He picked up the red iron brand in the iron carbon basin on the side.

He took up the iron brand into the water, "zizizi" a burst of thick white smoke. Just looking at it with your eyes is frightening.

Although the condemned man has a round waist, he still has a look of fear in his eyes when he looks at the punishment. The guard apparently noticed the man's eyes.

The corner of his mouth was stained with a scornful smile, and another iron brand was taken out from the iron charcoal basin. Then he went to the victim and made a few strokes on his chest with the iron brand.It's like thinking about where to start. As I wish, I saw the person in front of me with the light of fear in my eyes. The guard laughed and approached a few minutes.

This person's body has long been bloody and fleshy, but across such a close distance or feel the hot iron on the temperature. He tried to shrink his body, but there was nothing he could do.

"Have you thought about it now? If you still don't say it, the iron will fall on you The bodyguard looked at the man with a smile.

and the first mock exam of his eyes, and then close his eyes tightly. And the bodyguard was infuriated by his death like manner.

So, he made a hard effort. He stuck the iron in his hand to the man. The sound of "zilazla" flesh and blood was roasted continuously, but it was completely covered up by that scream.

Looking at a scream after the obvious pain fainted in the past man, other people here to watch the torture have shivered body dare not to see him.

And the implementation of the bodyguard just coldly removed the iron brand from his body and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood again. "See? This is the end of your resistance

The bodyguard doesn't care about the people who have fainted. He turns around and looks at the person who still insists on. And these people look very ugly.

"I, I said!" Some people are really unable to bear such pressure, even if it is betrayal, all do not care.

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