Mo Wende did not speak, and the second aunt got more and more aggressive. What's more, Jiang Wan's forbearance has not been put at the bottom of my heart.

Looking at the second aunt's mouth shut is mo Wende and Jiang Wan and their own is not, Mo Qingyan did not even have a trace of emotion.

However, this does not mean that she can tolerate the second aunt to continue to splash here! So she very strong came to the second aunt in front of.

The cold light in the eyes flashed, Mo Qingyan raised his right hand and threw it down. "Pa" a sound, crisp clapping sound in the study is particularly harsh.

The second aunt, who was shouting at random, was beaten by this slap. Mo Qingyan did not retain strength, after the fight, palms were red and numb.

Other people did not expect Mo Qingyan even said to start. One after another, they looked at Mo Qingyan with astonishment, but only saw her face full of disgust and took out a handkerchief to wipe his hand.

But the second aunt's mouth actually overflowed a trace of light blood. When she turned her head, she just saw Mo Qingyan wiping her hands.

The eyes suddenly turned scarlet. This Mo Qingyan beat oneself not to say, unexpectedly still so blatantly dislike oneself?

Originally, the second aunt still retained a trace of intelligence. But now by Mo Qingyan repeatedly stimulation, has already disappeared completely.

"Mo Qingyan! What kind of thing do you dare to do with me? " After the reaction, the second aunt's action is swift and violent toward Mo Qingyan.

Looking at her ferocious posture, as if to dismantle Mo Qingyan in general. And the people on the field are still dizzy, did not think why suddenly the scene began to change so chaotic.

So many people can't cope with this change. Can only helplessly watch two aunt toward Mo Qingyan rushed in the past.

"Yan'er!" In the end, Mo Wende reacted and looked at the scene in front of him. But he was just a civil servant, and couldn't protect Mo Qingyan.

On the contrary, Mo Qingyan, the party concerned, seemed incomparably calm. Even when looking at the second aunt's body, the eyes still take disdain.

And in the second aunt rushed to meet Mo Qingyan that moment, a Nuo from Mo Qingyan's side of the hand. A Nuo kick in the body of the second aunt kicked open.

Now she felt how right she had made the decision to practice martial arts. At least in such a time, she does not have to watch the young lady hurt in front of her.

And the second aunt was also impatient to make such a move. Although Anuo didn't learn martial arts for a long time, his strength was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Now a Nuo kick on her stomach, abdomen came a sharp pain, even throat are gushing out a fishy sweet liquid.

"Wow" the body of the second aunt bumped into the wall, and unexpectedly smashed a human shaped pit on it. And the second aunt was kicked and vomited blood.

Looking at the second aunt look withered from the wall slide down to the ground, Mo Qingyan look very indifferent. But I feel very comfortable in my heart.

This second aunt has never been a good thing. Three times and four times of design to stir up the relationship between Mo Qingyan's parents, if not two people are really in love. At this time, I don't know how many times he left.

"Sister!" However, although they know that their sister did something wrong, Li Ji and Li Wen are still shocked to see her being kicked to fly.

"Princess, are you going too far?" Li Wen, who has suppressed his anger since he entered the door, can't bear it.

He looked at his dying sister lying in Li Jihuai's room, and felt heartache.

We should know that the Li family's daughters have always been relatively small, to their generation, there is only one daughter. This is a younger sister that they have held in their hearts since childhood.

At the beginning, she insisted on marrying Mo Wende as a concubine, which had already made two people very disapprove. I knew that my sister was worth the best in my eyes.

What's more, with the status and status of the Li family, who can't their sister marry?

However, the second aunt, she is one-sided recognition of Mo Wende. It is not that the Li family has not put pressure on Mo Wende, and they want their second aunt and Jiang Wan to be equal wives.

But although Mo Wende is very filial, he does not hesitate to do the right thing with his mother in this matter. Even more threatened not to marry, at that time the second aunt hung on Mo Wende.

Naturally, I was worried when I heard that. Also no longer remember in the end is a flat wife or concubine room, directly married over.

Because it was a concubine's room, there was not even a ceremony like this. A soft sedan chair was carried into shangshufu. This made them two brothers feel very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Mo Wende was able to get along with his second aunt, so they would not say anything more. But, where to think that now the second aunt should have suffered such a great humiliation in front of them.

Where can Li Wen bear to live. Even Li Ji, if it wasn't for his second aunt in his arms at the moment, he would have run away."The people of the Li family are unreasonable! If she didn't run into my princess like a mad dog, how could I do something to her? "

"Now her fate is nothing but self inflicted. If you do something to the Royal people, it will be a cheap end for her. "

Now you don't need Mo Qingyan to talk to others. A Nuo also learned a lot of Mo Qingyan's venomous tongue, so she stood in front of her young lady and looked at Li Wen with disgust on her face.

Li Ji and Li Wen have nothing to say when they hear this, and what they want to say is choked in their throat. Indeed, just two aunt is really in mind to hurt Mo Qingyan.

Looking at the two people have nothing to say, Mo Qingyan can't help but hook the lip corner. He gave her an appreciative look at Anuo.

"Mr. Li, I have a lot of them. I don't care about it with your sister. " Mo Qingyan finish this words, then raise the neck to wait in front of two people.

Li Ji and Li Wen where can not see, Mo Qingyan this is waiting for their two humanitarian thanks. Hurt his sister, but also let himself endure humiliation thanks, Li Ji and Li Wen choked a belly of internal injuries.

But had to thank, so two people with a smile more ugly than crying to Mo Qingyan thanks. Mo Qingyan at that time behaved very generously, accepted two people's thanks.

"It's just," Li two people thought it was ok, but Mo Qingyan suddenly changed her tone, but her face was still cold.

"What are you going to do about the second aunt's giving the princess's mother an elixir?"

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