Mo Wende has things hidden in his heart, and he has not been very stable these days. But he also knew that Mo Qingyan hurt the second aunt.

The people who are now living in Li's family are sure to hate them. If you choose such a time, you can't tell what will happen.

Mo Wende still decided to be able to let the Li family delay for a few days, and then come to the door to talk about the suspension. Of course, he also asked about Mo Qingyan's thoughts.

Mo Qingyan but just a faint smile: "I just need the Li family to do the things I ask for. As for the matter between you and your second aunt, it is inconvenient for my daughter to interfere. "

In this regard, Mo Wende is also able to understand. But he was afraid that Mo Qingyan had any thoughts on his second aunt, and it was not good to say it in front of him.

This just takes this matter to test Mo Qingyan's idea. Looking at his daughter's indifferent face, Mo Wende knows that this little girl is really no longer concerned about those things.

Mo Wende does not know, Mo Qingyan at the moment does not care about just because the Li family will indeed bleed. I'm afraid that after this time, I can't get over it for a while.

Why do you want to compare with them? When they come back, it's uncertain that they will change their owners. At that time, Mo Qingyan did not succeed, then Chengren, where did you have time to pay attention to the Li family?

Mo Qingyan is right to guess, this time the Li family is really a big injury. The holy hand of giving a son originally has resentment to Mo Qingyan in the bottom of my heart, but can't spread this anger on Mo Qingyan's body.

Therefore, when Mo Qingyan sent people to the door and let the holy hand of delivering children speak freely, he was just about to spread those anger on the Li family.

But he's not brainless. After Li Yanfeng and his treasure house, how do you want to see his property.

He has always had a wink, and easily detected the bottom line of the Li family in the circle with the people of the Li family. The bottom line is that Li's family has made a lot of money.

Mo Qingyan was very satisfied with his performance when he knew about it. Therefore, he also took out a lot of things from it and gave them to him.

In addition to the reward given by the Mo family, Mo Qingyan did not expect that she would give many things to herself, so she changed her attitude towards Mo Qingyan.

Mo Qingyan that is to strike while the iron is hot, asked about the matter of helping women. The gift giver is no longer secretive, saying that he is indeed studying, and there are two pregnant women about to give birth.

Mo Qingyan asked the time, but there is still a time to know the result. So she did not worry, ready to wait until the time when the two pregnant women gave birth to see the results.

Without waiting for three or five days, Mo Wende couldn't wait. He went to Li's house with his letter of divorce. All the people in Li's house didn't have a good face.

But when he saw the guards who followed him, he did not dare to act out of line. Mo Wende's trip was smooth.

However, since the second aunt has woken up, she is not willing to leave with Mo Wende. But now that Mo Wende has made up his mind, the second aunt can't recover it.

Finally, the two men also reached a contract, Mo Qinglan can live with the second Aunt Li Fu. But Mo Zhenji is going to live in shangshufu.

Although the second aunt cried and did not want to, but looking at Mo Wende's hard hearted face, she still had to agree.

However, after he left, the second aunt's anger and hatred were shocking.

At this point, the matter is also a conclusion. Shangshufu also began to slowly step into the right track, Jiang Wan naturally began to take medicine.

Only Mo Qingyan is not sure about the servants in the mansion. Even if it is some people who know the truth, Mo Qingyan is not willing to continue like this.

So Mo Qingyan specially picked a person who knew pharmacology from wild peak to serve Jiang Wan in Shangshu mansion. Make her pay attention to the ingredients in every meal.

Although Jiang Wan felt that it was unnecessary to do so, it was not good to brush her daughter's kindness. In the end, she was left to her daughter.

"Miss, there has been a rumor in Beijing recently." This day, a Nuo came in from the outside to wash Mo Qingyan, and suddenly remembered that one thing had not been reported.

"Well? What's the rumor? " Mo Qingyan is busy with shangshufu and Yefeng these days, which can be said to be too busy to touch the ground. Naturally, there is no time to pay attention to the so-called rumors.

"Some people predict that there is a phoenix girl in the capital. This life style is too precious to be said. Those who have it will be the mother of the world. In other words, it is popular to say that those who get this woman will win the world. "

Anuo was speechless, and did not understand why the people in the capital should be so superstitious. And the rumor spread all over the capital in less than a day.

All the so-called "women" are looking for their life. The capital is not peaceful for a long time.

Mo Qingyan can't help but frown after listening to it. There was no such rumor in the last life. With my rebirth, many things have changed.Although there is little change in the main details, there is a big change in the details. She can't predict good or bad luck at all. What she fears most is that these things will affect the main details.

"Do you know where this rumor came from?" Mo Qingyan has to care about every unusual thing that appears at present. Anuo really shook his head:

"I sent Yefeng's people to check, but I don't know where it came from."

Mo Qingyan intuitively told her that this matter is likely to be aimed at themselves. And it will probably break the peace in the capital city.

"Well, you ask our men to speed up the search. We must find out the source of this rumor as soon as possible. I feel very bad. I'm afraid this time it's not for me, but for the people around me. "

Mo Qingyan's life, the most hope is to be able to protect their own people. If the plot is against her, she will not be afraid.

But if for the people around her, Mo Qingyan has to weigh their own ability. And a Nuo looked at Mo Qingyan's serious face, and knew that this matter was not trivial.

"Don't worry, miss. Anuo will send a message to the people of Yefeng." With a Nuo this sentence, Mo Qingyan is also slightly relieved. But as long as the person can not find, Mo Qingyan will worry.

Mo Qingyan thought about that sentence, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth. What kind of Phoenix girl's life style is beyond words. It's just a bunch of hoax.

She doesn't feel like she can sit on the world if she owns a woman.

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