The result of this kind of son Mo Qing Yan can say already thought of, therefore also won't feel what. As for the Long Sheng family, Mo Qingyan thinks that she knows more about herself than herself.

In Chu Rou's present status, Long Sheng can be scrupulous about the treatment given to her like this by taoguifei, which is quite good.

But Chu Rou's look was not good. But she also knew that she had lost the contest. Now that we have taken advantage of it, we can't continue to hold on to this matter.

So she can only do so, Xie en returned to her seat. Perhaps it was because she had a bad face this time, and Chu Rou became more and more comfortable.

But after this time, some people feel very disappointed with her. On the contrary, she appreciated Mo Qingyan a little more.

But it's a pity that Chu Rou is the "Huang Nu". Mo Qingyan has only those names that are very nice to hear. How can they compare with Chu Rou's status?

Many of those present who had abnormal thoughts about Chu Rou's identity could not help feeling sorry. After the end of this palace banquet, Mo Qingyan is on fire again.

It's just that she got angry because she was regretted. Many people privately said that Chu Rou was not worthy of his name.

We are almost all in regret, Mo Qingyan is so good how the woman is not "Huang Nu"? Clearly, Mo Qingyan is more like a phoenix girl.

Chu Rou was clear about all these. So she was frantically smashing things in her room, almost everything that could make a sound fell to the ground.

The people outside the room were all trembling. Jin bud is low eyebrows and smooth eyes standing on the side of the door, eyes inside the cover a little irony.

Chu Rou's temperament can't stand stimulation. But it's not bad. She has already got Chu Rou's trust. After a while, she will be able to avenge herself.

Jin bud thinks only, feel inside oneself heart unusual excited. But she was clever enough not to show any.

When the sound inside the room completely disappeared, Jin bud raised her head. Looking at the yard inside one by one afraid of standing servant girls hook lips.

"You didn't hear today's voice, did you? I don't know where the thief came from. It's really infuriating to smash all the porcelains in the lady's boudoir. "

"If you run away, you can run away. Miss is kind-hearted and doesn't care about him. You'd better get rid of these pieces of China, lest you hurt miss

Jin bud a few words on this matter whole bolt in the past, and then opened the door. She knew Chu Rou could hear herself in the door.

Sure enough, as soon as she pushed the door in, Chu Rou's face lit up with a smile. Although there is still a bit ugly, but than before that iron green look has been much better.

"All right, you'd better clean up. I followed the lady around the house Jin bud quickly stepped forward, Chu Rou is also to face.

Two people left one after another, and those servant girls looked up enviously at Jin bud. "Miss Jinya is really lucky. She is so kind to her."

"What do you envy? Miss is just taking advantage of her intelligence Some people disdain to answer the mouth, its solid inside is also incomparably envious.

"So what? At least miss will not easily take Jinya girl out of anger! We are not the same in these people, Miss thought ··· "

before this person finished his words, another person covered his mouth. She looked around quickly with a sharp look in her eyes:

"what do you say? Miss is also very nice to us There was too much warning in this man's eyes. Where does that servant girl still have what do not understand.

Realizing that he had just said something wrong, the servant girl turned pale. He even lowered his head to do his own work, but he didn't dare to talk more.

After Chu Rou, Jin Ya comes to the pavilion in the center of the Garden Lake. Chu Rou throws a lot of vent in the house. In fact, she is more comfortable.

"Jinya, what should I do about this Chu Rou felt that she was almost mad with jealousy. Why, clearly Huang Nu is her own. Why is everybody's eye actually is again Mo Qingyan's body?

Jin bud looked at Chu Rou's ferocious face, and gently lifted the corner of her mouth, but she quickly put it down. Looking at Chu Rou, she felt a little helpless.

"Miss, it's all her fault. Miss, you are Huang Nu, but she steals you everywhere. It's too hateful. "

Jin bud's voice sounds as if with a very angry, but the look under the eyes is incomparably dark. Even the people who see it will feel extremely shocked.

Chu Rou's heart was comforted when she heard that her servant girl was disheartened by her enemies. But Jin bud said those words, really let her can not continue calm.

This is exactly the same as her idea. Clearly oneself is the Huang female, but Mo Qingyan is everywhere wants to press oneself one head, this lets oneself how possibly not be angry?"Jin Ya, do you have any good idea?" Chu Rou Mou son turns, look again to Jin bud when the eyes are bright.

You know, a lot of time Jin bud this servant girl is really too clever. She and the envoys of the vassal state were both Jin bud's ideas.

"Young lady, why don't we do something about what she cares about the most?" Jin bud's mouth corner with Sen Leng's smile, if let a person see, can only feel oneself whole body's back is hair cold.

"What cares most?" Chu Rou frowned slightly and suddenly looked at Jin bud with astonishment. This little girl is so cruel that she let herself use this method.

Mingming Jin bud's smile has deliberately looked a little warm, Chu Rou in that moment or the heart of countless fear.

Slightly lower their eyelids, with a trace of ruthlessness inside. She knew that after her success, Jin Ya, the servant girl, could no longer be kept.

When lifting eyes, the corners of the mouth are smiling. Chu Rou took Jin bud's hand, as if very grateful: "Jin bud, thanks to you, and then this kind of time, everywhere with my advice."

"If there were no you, I would not have known what I should do now." Chu Rou's look with countless gratitude, Jin bud just slightly shook his head.

"It's Jin Ya's duty to give advice to miss. You don't have to." Jin Ya knew Chu Rou, so she knew what she was thinking. She just couldn't say it.

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