Su Sheng came out of Mo Qingyan's room and took a deep breath. He also escaped a robbery. The feeling of the rest of his life is really exciting.

Su Sheng patted himself on the chest. He looked quite shaken. Wait until a little slow, this began to carry out their own tasks.

Although the inspection was an excuse, Su Sheng was really worried about these people. He knew very well that the people around him must have lived in such tents for the first time.

At that time, he was not able to turn from southeast to northwest of the city, but he still had to go to the places where the crowd was relatively concentrated. If you don't look at it, he is really worried.

The night was full, and the whole sky was covered in darkness. Su Sheng was only able to see things around him vaguely.

"Meow!" The black cat, who came out of nowhere, had goose bumps all over his body with green eyes. Frowning tightly, Su Sheng was relieved to see the cat turn away.

However, there is always a strange feeling in my heart, which is also a place where people gather. After all, it will be more convenient to live near farmland and water wells.

But he had come to this place one day, but he had never seen any small animals on the road. The appearance of this cat is a little strange.

Su Sheng rubbed his eyebrows, but he didn't think about it. As long as it was an accident, he continued to walk between tents.

Less material, more suffering. Therefore, there are usually 5 to 10 people in a tent. In order to avoid any accidents, there are regular patrols between the tents.

But Su Sheng walked here for about two quarters of an hour, and did not see a wave of officers and soldiers on patrol. Originally did not care about things, at this moment seems to become some important.

Su Sheng's heart "cluttered" for a moment, and his right eyelid suddenly and violently jumped up. It's like something big is going to happen here. His eye color sank down, it seems that today, the least to disturb linzifeng again.

Having made up his mind, Su Sheng could not continue to wander here. While thinking about going to the government office, I still murmured in my heart:

it's not that I want to disturb you two. There's no way. It's OK to have a smooth and stable life here. If you can't pass it at that time.

Su Sheng's eyes slightly narrowed, thinking of the possibility that he had guessed in his heart before, he couldn't help feeling chilly. At the same time, the pace under the feet is also involuntarily accelerated.

"Who!" Suddenly, a dark figure floated across his eyes, and Su Sheng stood in his place. Although the bottom of my heart felt a little creepy, the surface was more calm like water.

"Ha ha ha ······" a beautiful female voice was heard from the dark place. Su Sheng looked at the woman who came out of the dark. She did not worry, but woke up more.

"It's not right for the girl to wander out at such a late hour. Not to mention the security issue, it is not good to frighten the timid people. "

Su Sheng pretended to be frightened and then relaxed. He even patted himself on the chest. Then he looked at the girl and said.

"Oh, fool." The woman emerged from the darkness, but her face was still in the dark, so that people could not see clearly, but the corner of her mouth overflowed with a sneer.

Then the woman left here lightly. But Su Sheng was shocked by a cold sweat. The moment the woman was hidden in the dark, Su Sheng was not even aware of it.

If she wanted her own life, it would be a piece of cake. Su Sheng felt that the night he came out today was really breathtaking.

However, Su Sheng is also thinking about a problem. Is this woman the figure I just saw? Su Sheng thought, and hurried back under his feet.

Back in the government office, the rest of the corner of the eye seems to see someone in a hurry to hide out. Su Sheng fixed his eyes and saw nothing.

If in the usual time, Su Sheng may feel that he is dazzled. But there were so many unusual things happening tonight that he couldn't be so indifferent.

The step is bigger. Just finally arrived at Mo Qingyan's yard, but found that the lights here have been extinguished. I think I've fallen asleep.

He went directly to the place where Lin Zifeng was and called him out of bed. Just fell asleep was woken up, Lin Zifeng's mood is very bad.

He looked at Su Sheng, his face was very gloomy: "Su Sheng, you'd better have something important to say!" A simple sentence, but full of threat.

Su Sheng returned to the government office, and his heart, which had been tense, finally relaxed. Lin Zifeng's attitude inspired him to be a scoundrel.

"Good! I'm going to die outside today. You're good. Wenxiang nephrite is in my arms. I don't care about me, do you? You are very cruelSu Sheng Du has a mouth and a face. When she looks like this, she can't distinguish between male and female. Lin Zifeng's mood was even worse. His face was gloomy as if he could drip water.

Su Sheng gave a cold shiver for no reason. Then he put away his own set of things and looked at Lin Zifeng, who pretended to be serious and said all the things he met.

"Is that true?" Lin Zifeng's purpose of arriving at Anping County this time is not simple. Things like this seem to confirm his conjecture.

What secret is hidden behind Anping County? Lin Zifeng thought, a pair of hands tightly clenched into a fist, the back of the hand above the blue veins burst.

That woman of mine is not a threat

"But the shadow that I feel at the gate of the mansion is absolutely malicious." Su Sheng went into the mansion at that time, but he always felt that there was a poisonous snake staring at him behind him. That feeling was really creepy.

"Well, I see. Since you have told me about this matter, don't mention it to other people. Go back to bed first

Lin Zifeng did not let Su Sheng go on, but waved his hand. Su Sheng hesitated to look at him, then turned back to his room.

Lin Zifeng sat at the side of the table, his eyes gradually highlighted the look of countless hatred. But it's just a moment, but it's all quiet.

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