"My son, I always feel something is wrong." Mo Qingyan's look was a little gloomy. During such a period of time, the officers and soldiers did not know how many people's riots had been solved.

"Yan'er, what do you mean?" In fact, Lin Zifeng's heart is also suspicious, but he can't tell where is wrong.

Mo Qingyan looks at Lin Zifeng. She can't say that she didn't have this plague in her last life? And she has been helping long Tianze plan in her last life.

Vaguely, it seems to have heard long Tianze say that the plague 20 years ago was not a plague, but a man-made one.

It's just a pity that she didn't find the news valuable at that time. Therefore, she had long forgotten that the plague was not a natural disaster.

"My son, I think the most suspicious thing is the young doctor. News like this is usually told to the government by the common people. "

"The first time he leaked such information, it can be said that he was inexperienced, but what happened later? While I was pacifying the people, he repeatedly demolished my platform. He's really suspicious

Mo Qingyan has no other evidence at present. Although she sent Yefeng's people out to investigate the news, there is no good news so far.

Lin Zifeng looked at Mo Qingyan's look and understood the reason for her anxiety. He smiles. "It's better to have a suspect than nothing, isn't it?"

Mo Qingyan also laughed at Lin Zifeng. Now, let alone that doctor is suspected, even if there is no suspicion, these people do not care whether they are cruel or not.

Lin Zifeng gave orders to his men, and then went to visit around like Mo Qingyan. After all, there is too much instability among the people at present.

The two men were divided into two groups. Mo Qingyan with a Nuo and several officers and soldiers toward the East, the way is also safe.

However, after passing through the place where the people lived, it was a desolate forest. Mo Qingyan originally planned to take people away, but did not expect to smell a stink.

The smell is very strong. Mo Qingyan, who is used to the decay of corpses, immediately realized that someone's corpse has rotted in this forest.

Originally, at this time, the common people died a lot, which is not worth exploring. But Mo Qingyan felt that maybe she could find some evidence this time.

"Let's go and have a look." Mo Qingyan said to the people behind him, and took the lead in the past. The officer and soldier looked at Mo Qingyan hesitantly.

"The princesses are dead these days. I'm not sure that this is a mass grave. We'd better not go there? "

The hesitation of the officers and soldiers displeased Mo Qingyan. She turned back and pointed her sharp eyes at the officers and soldiers who spoke: "how should we deal with the people who are dead? Do you still need this princess to teach you? "

During this period of time, people were panic stricken. In order to prevent the spread of the plague, the sick people were isolated and cremated after they died.

The officers and soldiers could not help but lower their heads and saw that these people were no longer talking. Mo Qingyan cold hum, this just continues to go to the front.

Following the source of the odor, the party found a body not far from the woods. The body has begun to rot, but the knife marks on his body can still be seen.

Mo Qingyan frowned, always feel that the scene here is unspeakable strange. But she stood there and looked at it for a long time, and even went to check the body.

Mo Qingyan felt that the person in front of her did not die of the plague, but died by the knife. Under the balance, she asked the officers and soldiers behind her to carry the body back to the government.

After Lin Zifeng returned to the government, the first thing he did was to meet Mo Qingyan. To Mo Qingyan room, but found that Mo Qingyan is sitting in front of the table in a daze.

Mo Qingyan eyebrows tightened, a hand on the table kept gently tapping. Even when Lin Zifeng came in, he didn't find it.

"Yan'er, what are you thinking?" Lin Zifeng sat beside Mo Qingyan. He gently touched Mo Qingyan and woke her up from her thoughts.

"Son of God, are you back?" Mo Qingyan also some at a loss, waiting for a while to gradually recover. After hearing Lin Zifeng's question, he told his own affairs in the afternoon.

"That Yan Er after all is to feel how not strength son?" Lin Zifeng didn't feel strange, but Mo Qingyan frowned.

"I don't know, but I just think that scene is too weird. But I can't tell you what's weird about it

"Don't think about it. I'll go with you later, isn't it?" Lin Zifeng comforts Mo Qingyan. Mo Qingyan smiles faintly. It is true that she has no other way for this moment and a half.

"What happened to that? Have you done it yet? " Mo Qingyan suddenly thought of it, so she asked Lin Zifeng. Lin Zifeng nodded:

"I come to see you for this matter. My men have taken him to the place, and now let's go and have a look"Good." Mo Qingyan got up and went out with Lin Zifeng. Two people came to the basement of the government, which did not collapse in the earthquake.

The young doctor was suspended in the basement, surrounded by officers and soldiers, as if in interrogation. Mo Qingyan and Lin Zifeng stood and watched for a while, and then appeared.

"Why, still refuse to say?" Looking at the doctor who is already scarred, Mo Qingyan can't help but pick her eyebrows. He is a man of backbone.

"The princess has a hard mouth. His subordinates have used all the instruments of torture, but he still refuses to say anything. "

The officer and soldier in charge of the interrogation was angry and ashamed. After all, at the beginning, he thought that it was useless for him to interrogate such a doctor.

"No problem, you all go down first. There are two people here, I and the son of the world. " Mo Qingyan smile, let these people retreat.

Lin Zifeng has been paying close attention to Mo Qingyan. Seeing her in such a bloody scene still looks the same, the mood under the eyes is very complex.

Yan'er, how many things have you concealed from me? A delicate officer's daughter, looking at this as if the hell of the general penalty room, did not have a bit of maladjustment?

Mo Qingyan does not feel that Lin Zifeng looks at his eyes, but she deliberately ignored it. She didn't know what to say.

Do you want to tell Lin Zifeng that you are reborn? She doesn't have the courage, and what's more, does Linzi summit believe it?

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