In Anping County, a large-scale search for "Bulian" under the action, the city is also surging. In Mo Qingyan and Lin Zifeng are not in this period of time, Long Sheng's body fell ill.

It is said that "the disease comes like a mountain, and goes away like a thread". Long Sheng was ill for several months. All the things above the court were discussed by Prince longxiwei and jiuhuangzi longtianze.

But it is because of this that, after a long time, the taste of chaotang is not good. People who support the crown prince and the ninth Prince gradually appear and are divided into two groups.

However, Mo's and Jiang's are very wise to maintain a neutral attitude. No matter which side tries to win over, Mo's and Jiang's are always ambiguous.

In this way, although there is no offence on either side, there is no good in either side. In particular, Mo's house had a eldest daughter who was carried into the prince's house to be a concubine.

This makes the prince very dissatisfied with Mo's house, but he also makes Mo Qingyu return to Mo's house to win over the relationship, and even elevates Mo Qingyu's position.

However, the Mo family seems a little indifferent. However, what is even worse than these neutral sects are the forces that the crown prince and the ninth Prince secretly planted.

Take the prime minister as an example. He obviously turned to the crown prince. But secretly, he communicated with the ninth Prince secretly. It can be said that he has to deal with two waves of loyalty tests.

But fortunately, his only daughter and long Tianze are in love, which also makes the ninth Prince less suspicious of him. But that was enough to keep him busy.

After all, when you do anything, you have to consider both sides. The backers on the surface can't fall down, and the things behind the scenes can't be poked out.

However, to this situation, Mo Qingyan is also happy to see its success. If she were still in the capital, she would have to do something for the prime minister herself.

Just after the earthquake in Anping County, there was such a fierce plague. Long Sheng is ill again. On the surface, long Xiwei and long Tianze seem to get along harmoniously, but actually they are fighting for power.

Therefore, the capital city is also a bad mood. Tonight's moon is covered by dark clouds, only a few rays of light shine down.

A dark shadow passed quickly from the gate of the city and came to the house that he was familiar with. He stopped at the door of a study and knocked on the door. The people inside seemed to be painting. He stopped writing when he heard the sound.

Some of them took a look at the beauty on the painting paper, and then rolled up the scroll carefully. He returned to his cool look:

"come on in!"

With his consent, the man outside opened the door and walked in. Kneeling on the ground and saluting, he just glanced at it lightly, sitting on the chair, and didn't care at all:

"what's going on over there?"

"Lord, they seem to have discovered the difference in Anping County. Even more wantonly looking for the medicinal material named "Bulian."

"My subordinates suspect that they are trying to find out the secret behind Anping County. Therefore, they searched wantonly in Anping County in the name of seeking medicine. "

and his subordinates return in the eye liner of Anping County Government, saying that the two of them have found clues to this plague.

"Is it? It took such a short time, but it was better than you. " The man looked at the people below in surprise, but the tone of disdain made the people below blush.

"What the Lord taught me is!" Even if he was unconvinced, he knew that they had indeed made great efforts to get the news.

"Well, have you done what I asked you to do? Now that they are aware of it, you can help them. Why do you come to Beijing to repay me

The man waved his hand impatiently. For him, except for the woman on the picture that could be plotted by him, other things were irrelevant.

"Lord, this is about the royal family's secret. There is also about the life experience of the Lord. Why is the Lord so indifferent? If it is really vindicated... "

"Presumptuous!" The man's expression was sinister, and the man continued to speak. His sharp eyes were left on the man's body, as if countless swords were hurling him.

"Don't forget your own identity. What I want to do can't be directed by a servant. Leave the affairs of Anping County to other people. You can get the punishment yourself. "

The dark guard looked at the man incredulously, and his face turned pale. But in the end know where they are wrong, this dark Wei also has no face to plead for their own.

So thank you and leave here. The man looked at the stuffy being closed and walked back to his desk. Unfold that picture scroll, look at the beautiful woman above, can't help but smile.

In Anping County, too many things happened during this period. In order not to let the people feel panic again, Lin Zifeng and Mo Qingyan decided to hide this is not a plague, but poisoning.So they told the doctors what they were interested in, and then they hid it with them. Doctors are secretly analyzing the toxicity of the poison and cultivating the antidote.

Mo Qingyan is a little worried about the safety of the people who have not yet been poisoned. Lin Zifeng can think that the poison is under the water in Anping County, Mo Qingyan can also guess.

Only two people sent out bodyguards to bring back the water quality of various water sources for testing, but the doctors found nothing. This makes two people feel more anxious.

On this day, the two men discussed the Countermeasures in the court as usual. But did not expect that suddenly a bodyguard came in flustered, and his face was a little frightened.

"What happened? Why you look so flustered. " He even came in before he could knock on the door. Lin Zifeng's face was not very good-looking. Seeing his look, he knew something had happened, so he didn't care.

"Prince, the princess is not good! The bodies the doctors used for their research were taken away and burned After all, no one died these days.

So those corpses used for research can't be put on top. It was his turn to patrol last night. Who could have thought that such a thing would happen?

When Mo Qingyan and Lin Zifeng heard such news, they were stunned for a moment, and then they laughed at each other's ridicule: "these people really can't sit still! It seems that finding out the truth is just around the corner. "

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