When long Tianze left, Mo Qingyan was still in the pavilion. It seems to be thinking about when to do it.

Late autumn night has been very cold, a burst of fresh wind blowing over, Mo Qingyan can not help but fight a shiver. The back suddenly stuck into a hot embrace.

Mo Qingyan had already felt the familiar breath, smiling and leaning her whole body against his arms: "didn't you go to Anping County to investigate things? How did you get back to the capital? "

"How can I rest assured that you will face the wolves and tigers alone?" Lin Zifeng warm with a little bit of vinegar voice into the ears of Mo Qingyan.

Mo Qingyan "chuckled" two times, hiding from Lin Zifeng's breath in such a sensitive area as the earlobe: "you know that I'm playing on the spot, and I'm still so jealous?"

Lin Zifeng did not speak, just put his chin pad on Mo Qingyan's shoulder. Eyes with a little confused looking at Mo Qingyan: "Yan son, I miss you."

Mo Qingyan suddenly silent down, but careful observation, you can find that Mo Qingyan cheek flew two red clouds. After a long time, Lin Zifeng heard Mo Qingyan's delicate voice like a cat's bark:

"I, I miss you too." However, the two talents were separated soon! After a word Mo Qingyan did not say, because linzifeng has deepened this embrace.

It's hard for two people to enjoy the peace. But in the end, for fear of leakage, linzifeng soon left the capital.

He is really a little uneasy, Mo Qingyan, this just quickly rushed over. Now know Mo Qingyan can deal with these people, he is quite relieved.

Besides, things in Anping County are still waiting for him to deal with. He had to deal with these things clean, in order to be with Mo Qingyan as soon as possible.

Mo Qingyan stayed alone for a while and then returned to the hall. Looking at the trace of the coffin that was placed, it seemed that the trace had been moved. The irony in her eyes was not easy to detect.

However, she seemed not to see the general, just kneeling on the side of the coffin. Continue to burn paper money, a sad memorial to save the look.

For seven days, Mo Qingyan would not pay any attention to other things except daily wake. Every time long Tianze asked about the things she had promised to come down, Mo Qingyan pushed back after seven days.

But she has already collected all the evidence that should be collected. Long Sheng's crown prince was not long ago, and she was naturally happy. But she didn't want to see long Tianze happy.

So she is deliberately to disgust long Tianze these days repeatedly pushed off. Long Tianze guessed Mo Qingyan's mind, but there is no way to her. After all, I still need to take advantage of other people's power.

Winter and summer have long been the most beloved singers in the prince's mansion. Of course, because both of them are smart. In the prince's house of longxiwei, he can also protect his innocence.

When seeing the news that Mo Qingyan passed in, there were infinite tears in their eyes. Their family of dozens of people's revenge, now is finally able to revenge.

If they didn't know it was not the right time, they would have rushed out to kill long Xiwei. But they know their identity, naturally will not give Mo Qingyan add trouble.

Long Tianze managed to get through the seven days. On the eighth day, he couldn't wait to come to shangshufu. Mo Qingyan knew that he had come, but deliberately lingered for a long time to see him.

Stepping in from the door, you can see that he seems to have some iron green look. Mo Qingyan was much more comfortable, so she was not as inhumane as before when she faced him:

"I have been guarding the spirit Hall of the son of heaven for the past seven days. I'm really tired. Today, I got up a little late, which made the ninth Prince wait for a long time. "

As the saying goes, reach out and don't smile. Mo Qingyan has been good words to explain, long Tianze nature is not good to hold this excuse.

"Yan'er, I know you are tired. But after waiting for an hour or so, the prince will not mind with you. " When long Tianze said these words, he only felt that his teeth would be bitten off.

However, Mo Qingyan seemed not to recognize his gnashing teeth: "the ninth Prince is naturally considerate! But today, the ninth prince does not go to the early Dynasty. What can I do for you to come here? "

Looking at Mo Qingyan's knowingly asked appearance, long Tianze can hardly suppress his inner anger. Just think again and again, now want to overthrow longxiwei also need the help of Mo Qingyan, long Tianze this just reluctantly suppress the anger.

"Yan'er, what we have already said before. Now that you're procrastinating, seven days later, you don't want to keep your promise? "

Long Tianze looks gloomy. Mo Qingyan had better not be too much, otherwise, his hand is also holding the evidence against long Tianze!

"The ninth prince! What's the commitment between us? But it's just the engagement after a year. I said it at the beginning, and I will do it. "

"The ninth Prince has come to the door to make a crime?" Mo Qingyan looks at such impatient dragon Tianze with displeasure. She laid the teacup heavily on the table"The nine princes can't help but understand the truth that walls have ears? Now, they dare to question me in full view of the public. The ninth prince, why don't you tell us in person what commitment we have

Long Tianze heard Mo Qingyan's accusation, and then he realized that he was too anxious. Looking around the living room for a week, I saw that many servant girls had different faces.

"Yan'er! Before I married you, I was in a hurry. Now it's a matter of course. It's reasonable for the prince to be anxious, isn't it? "

Looking at the quiet of the sky, Mo's face is still and sad. For him to adjust his mood so quickly, Mo Qingyan is also some admiration.

"Don't worry. I am a princess now, and I have said that since I said it, I will do it now. "

"If the ninth Prince doesn't go to the early Dynasty today, it will make Longyan unhappy! After waiting for the early Dynasty, the ninth prince should go to the palace in person to plead with the emperor! "

Originally, Mo Qingyan had already planned. Even if it is to find out, it must not be through their own hands. At least he is a princess who was granted by Long Sheng.

If such a thing is done, it is not good to have a reputation.

Don't long Tianze want that seat? It would be the best for him to do it himself.

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